Clearing the air

  • Now that the Kraken's back, it seems the common misconceptions surrounding it have returned as well So I'm here to debunk them, as well as other falsehoods that keep popping up.

    • Nothing will increase the spawn rate of Krakens. Not Athena's chests, not fort loot and/or keys, not "deep stacks", nothing.
    • Personally, I haven't heard claims of this working on Megs or Roamers yet, but I'm throwing them in here, too. Just in case.
    • Red flashes on skull/ship clouds is nothing more than a lighting effect from the sun coming up, or about to set. There is no indication of progress to be gleaned from the clouds.
    • Music doesn't stop the Chest of Sorrows from crying.
    • Grog doesn't help you steer better in a storm.
    • Low health, broken legs, and/or bells do not increase the spawn rate of sharks.
    • None of the tool & weapon skins offer any benefits over the others whatsoever. X compass doesn't work better in a storm. Y bucket doesn't hold more water. Z spyglass doesn't see farther.
    • There is no such thing as a "headshot" in this game. Technically, you CAN shoot someone in the head, it just doesn't do any extra damage, or indicate that you've done so in any way.

    Most of these are Raindances. The only reason people believe in Raindances, is because they dance until it rains (or because they just happen to start dancing when it was about to rain anyways).

  • 19
  • @just-dpack First I've seen of a lot of these, rather entertaining!

    Also, grog makes everything better!

  • since the update i have fore sure 35 hrs playtime ,and crossed never the kraken (solo sloop) i want that kraken capstan....idk is it completly rng?i mean there must be a deadline after 4 hrs kraken should spawn for 100%

  • @weedstar-deluxe

    It would appear so. Every ship seems to have some percent chance of encountering the kraken out in the open water. One thing that may "increase" your chance is being around other ships while out sailing in that deep water simply because each vessel has that chance. It doesn't multiply your personal chance of encountering it, just puts more tickets in the lottery if that makes sense.

    Thank you for doing the Pirate Lord's work. I frequently explain these same points to people I meet in open and closed crews. Reminds me of the misinformation surrounding Destiny's "Spirit Bloom chest" from the Vault of Glass raid. For anyone not familiar, a rumor spread that if you opened this materials chest it would remove the entire raid team's chance of receiving super rare "exotic" weapons from a chest just down the path. No matter how many times this was disproven people still believed it, and still do, 4+ years later.

  • You can shoot a skellie in the head and make him drop his barrel... so there's that.

  • @golgari-hexmage said in Clearing the air:

    Reminds me of the misinformation surrounding Destiny's "Spirit Bloom chest" from the Vault of Glass raid. For anyone not familiar, a rumor spread that if you opened this materials chest it would remove the entire raid team's chance of receiving super rare "exotic" weapons from a chest just down the path. No matter how many times this was disproven people still believed it, and still do, 4+ years later.

    I fell for it every time

  • @golgari-hexmage make sense seen the kraken many times attacking other ships

  • @marsmayflower said in Clearing the air:

    You can shoot a skellie in the head and make him drop his barrel... so there's that.

    This is a fair point, but I think OP was referring to bonus headshot damage. Depending on voyage level or the skeleton's current HP, instances where this happens can understandably be misleading at first. Repeat encounters over time and using different tiers of voyages soon make it clear that it's more of an exception than a rule though.

    @marsmayflower said

    I fell for it every time

    Yeah, that was a weird rumor, and the secrecy around the raid only fueled its power. At least we can look back and laugh now though.

  • Ah but my piratey garb and moustache goatee thing does increase my charisma on the seas while not wearing a shirt and flying the Athena flag! Lol

  • @just-dpack said in Clearing the air:

    Now that the Kraken's back, it seems the common misconceptions surrounding it have returned as well So I'm here to debunk them, as well as other falsehoods that keep popping up.

    • Nothing will increase the spawn rate of Krakens. Not Athena's chests, not fort loot and/or keys, not "deep stacks", nothing.
    • Personally, I haven't heard claims of this working on Megs or Roamers yet, but I'm throwing them in here, too. Just in case.
    • Red flashes on skull/ship clouds is nothing more than a lighting effect from the sun coming up, or about to set. There is no indication of progress to be gleaned from the clouds.
    • Music doesn't stop the Chest of Sorrows from crying.
    • Grog doesn't help you steer better in a storm.
    • Low health, broken legs, and/or bells do not increase the spawn rate of sharks.
    • None of the tool & weapon skins offer any benefits over the others whatsoever. X compass doesn't work better in a storm. Y bucket doesn't hold more water. Z spyglass doesn't see farther.
    • There is no such thing as a "headshot" in this game. Technically, you CAN shoot someone in the head, it just doesn't do any extra damage, or indicate that you've done so in any way.

    Most of these are Raindances. The only reason people believe in Raindances, is because they dance until it rains (or because they just happen to start dancing when it was about to rain anyways).

    Yeah..... And you look funny. So there's me raining on your parade!

  • @sprungnickel427 Bruh, I can't even tell what part of that quote you're replying to, or where that response would even make sense.

  • @just-dpack Sarcasm..... you rain on everyone's superstitions, and I call you out sarcastically as looking funny..... It's a joke son, pragmatic as you are, you missed that part.

  • @just-dpack The only one I am not so sure about would be the cloud. I have always believed, and seem to confirm that the red flashing simply means there is a boat sailing in the area of the cloud. Not even in the "zone", just close enough for the ships to start flashing red. Same as with a skull fort. I have played with this some and found that the range of this flashing is much farther out than it takes to start hearing the music. The skelly ship flags seem to have an even greater range than the skull forts.

    Or maybe I am wrong, but I have seen the red flashes during the day, night, sunset and sunrise. And the only constant that I have found, is someone is either sailing towards, or within range of the ships/skull fort. You are correct, it is not an indicator of progression, as you don't even need to be sailing at the cloud, simply passing through to your next island, but still trip the red light.

    The next one I am not so sure on, and that is the white flashing lights. The lights flash rapidly white, I believe this happens when you start to hear the music and are in the zone. Though I need more testing to prove this. As for the red lights, the distance is quite far, several islands away. I could of course be wrong about this. But with some limited testing it seems to be true.

  • @nofears-fun there is no "red light", there is no "white light", it's all just lighting effects. Remember that whole white/blue dress fiasco that "broke the internet" a while back? Same concept. The eyes aren't red, they just LOOK red.

    The color means nothing. The frequency means nothing. And this "limited testing" is partially to blame for these rumors spreading so fast. "The few times I've noticed it in passing line up with my assumptions, that's all the proof I need." Nah dude. Next time a skull fort pops up, head to a neighboring island, sit there, watch the cloud, and watch for other ships approaching. I guarantee that come sunset/sunrise, those eyes will turn red, regardless of how close another ship is, every single time.

    @SprungNickel427 Can you blame me? It wasn't a very obvious joke. You just burst in, & said I look funny. There's no such thing as "tone of text", so your sarcasm didn't convey at all. I sincerely mistook you for just another troll making rude comments.

    It really doesn't make any sense, either. Until I read your explanation just now, I had no idea where my looks, or parades even factored into it. You gotta set up your punchlines before you deliver them, man. If you just pull them out of thin air like that, you're going to find them going over a LOT of people's heads. Jokes aren't funny when you have to explain them. That's like... rule #1.

  • @golgari-hexmage said in Clearing the air:

    @marsmayflower said in Clearing the air:

    You can shoot a skellie in the head and make him drop his barrel... so there's that.

    This is a fair point, but I think OP was referring to bonus headshot damage. Depending on voyage level or the skeleton's current HP, instances where this happens can understandably be misleading at first. Repeat encounters over time and using different tiers of voyages soon make it clear that it's more of an exception than a rule though.

    They also drop the barrels if you shoot them in the foot, or even the back. That's at least been my experience the few times I haven't missed and hit the barrel and blown up half my crew #notasniper

  • Q: Does drinking a sip of grog make you more accurate when aiming with an eye of reach?

    I ask this question because someone mentioned it the other day - I tried it, and it doesn't appear to be true, because my aim with an EoR is deadly steady on dry land, and drinking it seems to make my aim momentarily worse. However, upon further tests, it does seem to steady my aim against a stationary target momentarily while standing on a rocking boat (the swaying of the rifle with the swaying of the boat makes everything look steady).

    Please let me know if you think there is any truth to this, because I'm not absolutely certain for myself.

  • @SprungNickel427 Can you blame me? It wasn't a very obvious joke. You just burst in, & said I look funny. There's no such thing as "tone of text", so your sarcasm didn't convey at all. I sincerely mistook you for just another troll making rude comments.

    It really doesn't make any sense, either. Until I read your explanation just now, I had no idea where my looks, or parades even factored into it. You gotta set up your punchlines before you deliver them, man. If you just pull them out of thin air like that, you're going to find them going over a LOT of people's heads. Jokes aren't funny when you have to explain them. That's like... rule #1.

    It's a joke son, but I guess you're too Short and it went right over your head!

  • @weedstar-deluxe ah just join my crew. I get attacked by kraken in my solo sloop every time I leave an island with cargo requests

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