Cooked Masts Beacon

  • Does anyone have any tips for lining up the shot to cannon up to the beacon on the Crooked Masts? I've been at it for a solid 20 minutes and no matter how close I get and readjust, I just bounce off the rock and fly away.

    Honestly, I love achievement hunting in games but this one is incredibly stupid. One of the least fun experiences I've had so far.

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  • @lt-victoryy I had good luck getting on there by a high arc shot. Find the right distance the boat needs to be and aim the cannon ALMOST all the way up. The high arc well help with the ricochet off the rock.

  • I read of someone able to light a lantern as they were flying past it. I'm guessing that would be harder to time than positioning the boat for a good shot, but if you're feeling lucky...

  • @nightowltrucker Ha. Kind of seems like its luck either way. I ended up getting it using Bruiser's arc shot idea but for the other one maybe I'll try this.

    Now I'm trying to die to the volcano. If I'm on my ship its auto target but in the water it's impossible to get hit haha.

  • Do it in a galleon or brig if possible, much more stable to aim. When I got it my cannon was very nearly vertical and I was pretty close to the rock face

  • Thanks everyone. I ended up getting it. Still wasn't a fun experience but since it's the only part of the achievement like it (the other cannon one was WAAAAAY easier) I guess it's not that bad. Must be the sea air, got me all salty ;)

  • @lt-victoryy have you made the skeleton thrones? They were hard...this one is easy, everytime i get to crooked masts I light this fire, never had to do more than 3 tries
    Best way: stop your ship on the north-side from the island, maybe 30-40 meters away and aim the cannons all the way up, and watch the movement of the ship

  • @nightowltrucker said in Cooked Masts Beacon:

    I read of someone able to light a lantern as they were flying past it. I'm guessing that would be harder to time than positioning the boat for a good shot, but if you're feeling lucky...

    Even the legend Three Sheets Neat mentioned this in a dev update.

  • @lt-victoryy Take the same position as a basket throw in basketball: frontal in front of the rock. Shoot as high as possible, in an arc, use the rock as an impact board, then you'll drip down.

  • I did it from a little ways out and hit the rock behind just as I was starting to drop. Seemed to not bounce me away so much by doing it when my velocity started to decline. Saying that I could of just got lucky cause I did it on my 4th attempt

  • Unfortunately it really is a case or trial and error. Try to take note of the rise and fall of the waves and what position of the wave you're at when you fire, that really can make all the difference when adjusting for the next try. I got up there within a few shots, mostly by being very lucky with my first try and only having to make small adjustments after that.

    Keep at it matey! It is perfectly doable.

  • Anyone else read Cooked Masts Bacon?

    And it should be cRooked masts beacon. With an R in it.
    not that it matters but my eye noticed it.

  • @lt-victoryy
    Hello Sir, your Pirate's body weighs more than a cannonball so you have to ain the barrel of the cannon higher than if you should shoot a cannonball...You also need some luck since there is no crosshair ,wich i absolutely adore...uhm, i mean i adore the absence of a Crosshair...It takes a bit practise , maybe adjust your ship a bit closer or further if you bounce off ....Have patience and keep trying ...It works , even i did it and i ain't a sharpshooter ( * Hahahahaaa, george , you're the only pirate that can't hit an elephants behind even if you push the blunderbuss barrel against it...moron)

  • If the beacon is a pain, try landing in that throne on marauders arch. Now that was a challenge

  • @ant-heuser-kush today I followed your instructions to the letter and got it on the second try, thanks!!

  • @lt-victoryy said in Cooked Masts Beacon:

    Does anyone have any tips for lining up the shot to cannon up to the beacon on the Crooked Masts? I've been at it for a solid 20 minutes and no matter how close I get and readjust, I just bounce off the rock and fly away.

    Honestly, I love achievement hunting in games but this one is incredibly stupid. One of the least fun experiences I've had so far.

    Got it on my frist try. A couple of tips for Ye.

    1. Parrel park your boat 1 to 2 ship length away so when you fire your self up your landing from the down part of the arc and not while your still moving up.

    2. Don't aim directly at the beacon instead aim for the peak behind the beacon that way if you over shoot the rock will stop you and you can slide down into position.

    Hope those tips help Matey.

  • @weakdexx That might have been where I heard about it then.

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