Help- How do I start a Devels Roar Athenas?

  • I keep going to the Ghost Pirate King...guy.

    He's just got the regular quests. What's the deal? Where they at?

  • 14
  • @j1m-1sland sometimes he has 3 DR-voyages, sometimes 3 normal ones, sometimes mixed...if he just has normal ones wait for next day 6am ingame, maybe you got luckier then

  • I have to wait?

  • @j1m-1sland if he has no voyage for DR, yes...or you switch server
    But normaly he always has at least one, if you don't have it was when I visited him

  • Have you tried aquiring an Athena map at Morrow's Peak, Sir...Since that island is situated in the Devil's Roar Region you may have a better chance of aquiring one...i said better chance, i didn't guaranteed you , so don't shoot me if you can't find one over there too, please.

  • When i wanted to buy a DR athena i made sure i was holding a normal Athena. Cant confirm this works but i thought well if im holding a normal one maybe chances are bigger he sells me DR athena's.

    Like i said cant confirm because i also ran into the 3 normal athena's from time to time. Restart server it is.

  • Sometimes its interchangeable. Meaning lets say the last time he had 3 DR Athena quests. You bought all 3. Next time around he might have 3 Regular Athena quests. Anytime you buy 1 Regular a DR takes its place next time and visa versa.

    Best way to get him to switch them sometimes is just to buy the regular ones so that the DR's will load in next time around. What he has isn't the same for everyone. I've had DR's quests available while my crew mate did not. So yeah.

    What I do is if I have 3 spots open and he only has 1 DR and 2 Regular, I buy all 3. Next time I stop by he'll usually have 1 R and 2 DR.

  • @clumsy-george sagte in Help- How do I start a Devels Roar Athenas?:

    Have you tried aquiring an Athena map at Morrow's Peak, Sir...Since that island is situated in the Devil's Roar Region you may have a better chance of aquiring one...i said better chance, i didn't guaranteed you , so don't shoot me if you can't find one over there too, please.

    You know, that it doesn't matter where you enter the hideout, you always get to the same place, there is only one legendary hideout...

  • @clumsy-george pretty sure it's the same Pirate Legend Hideout in each server. i.e. you jump in at Sanctuary, it's the same one as you would find at Morrow's or Galleon's Grave.

    It is time based as others have said I believe, though he has only ever graced me with normal Athena quests in the short time I've worn the legends badge...

  • if you only see 3,can you push to the right and see more quests?

  • @j1m-1sland mate the answer to the question is go to the devils roar.

  • @clumsy-george why did you say don't shoot me?

  • @closinghare208
    Because i wasn't sure and geuss what? i was wrong...

  • @clumsy-george ok

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