Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave) Updated 11/21

  • From the begining this game concept had a question that was never fully adressed and has persisted to this day. I now would like to bring this topic to the Forefront and with your help create the a community based ideal update. That can give an answer to the PvEvP problem without the need for seperate Modes.

    The Problem:

    The loot served a single purposes and that purpose was to serve as a Shared Goal between PvE and PvP where loot was to be an object to be be found, collected and turned in for a reward which is Gold. For PvP was the loot was to be a object for Players to steal and fight over and agian turned in for gold. You turn in gold for arbtary cosmetics which has no effect on gamplay.

    So what is the Value of Loot interms of Gamplay?
    What ultimatly makes to Loot worth Getting and Kept around for others to Steal?

    At Frist the answer was nothing as everything in the game was tied to Gold which inturn was tied to cosmetics which adds nothing of substance to gameplay.
    Since Loot can be generated by any player, there was no real point to steal it as it was far easier to get Gold thru PvE then PvP and Loot itself had zero impact on PvP it became pointless as a Goal.
    Also since Loot was only worth gold once it's turned in most player would turn in loot quick and would almost never engage with loot onboard.
    So ship fights often ended with no ships with loot. Please Checkout SeA of Griefers as an expression of this issue.

    Then there is the inherent End of Life(EOL) issue.
    As the rewards can only be obtained once and are perminate Gold become pointless once all cosmetics are perchased and Loot Events like loot turn in become pointless once commadations are unlocked.

    But what about Rep? Loot shares the reward of rep with other elements in this game and has become less important to loot as the rep they give is set and ability to Rep quicker thru other means becomes more prevalent. Ex. Bilge Rats Letters of Recommendation.

    The Solution:
    Loot has to be given an inherant value to Gamplay outside of Gold. They have to Provide Utility. Some Loot has been added overtime that has this.

    The Frist was the GunPowder Barrel(GPB) which gave a player added Firepower at a risk. Enough for a solo player to sink a Galleon. Player to this day stock up on GPB do this fact.

    Then we got Resource Creates which allowed player to a way to carry around a large stack of a certian supply allowing them to easily restock the ship while increasing the max supply limit.

    Then there are the Curse Chest. These are the explification of the solution and why there have been Many ideas and suggestion that have came from this most creative community requestin for more Curse Chest to be added filled with detials and art work. I have seen maybe all of them from the Strom Chest to the Kracken Chest and most recently the Reapers Chest. If you guy can help build a list here of all the post with these ideas i'll list them here.

    I propose All loot moving forward should have a utility to some degree and part of my Rouge wave post will be built upon a loot hoard objectve that will rely on collecting lesser loot to stack the utility adding to the value.

    There will be 4 catagories utilities.

    Neutral: Loot that has no appearent Effect.

    Offencive: Any Loot that has an effect that can be used as a weapon an is best used off one ship to be used abroad. Examples GPB and Chest of Sorrows.

    Defensive: Any Loot the has an effect that can be used as a guard for the ship or the crew or loot such as a Trap snake.

    Enhancment: Any Loot with an effect that effects the ship, crew, or environment. Example Supply creates.

    Frist Passive brought to this post is All Loot having Weight Affecting both ship Speed and Durability.

    Curse Chest List: Most of these idea's were taking from New Treasure Chest Designs by @Cows-n-Muffins

    Chest of The Fruit - Category 1 (Inspired by: @RiceAndCh1cken)
    One placed on board a ship, the chest causes every crew member to draw a random fruit from their inventory for consumption instead of just bananas.

    Chest of Shadow - Category 1 (Inspired by: @jojomendo808)
    This chest functions like shadow skeletons and may only be carried when lit up by a lantern or the sun. After 10 seconds of non illumination the chest is automatically dropped and can not be picked up until being illuminated again.

    Chest of Gloom - Category 1 (Inspired By: @VISUAL-Mazzy)
    Lanterns and ship lights do not work anymore as long as it's in your crews possession.
    Alternatively, this could be Chest of Cheer which causes your crew lanterns and ship lanterns to slowly shift between rainbow colors, glow twice as bright, and can not be turned off while the chest is on board.

    Chest of Macabre - Category 1 (Inspired By: @Hot-Juicy-Pie)
    Once picked up, the crew takes on a grim appearance of skeletons so long as the chest remains on the ship. Alternatively, instead of making new skeleton models, the existing crew models could be color palate swapped to look like zombies. Pale green skin, streaks of red on clothing, and other color alterations.
    This chest functions like shadow skeletons and may only be carried when lit up by a lantern or the sun. After 10 seconds of non illumination the chest is automatically dropped and can not be picked up until being illuminated again.
    So i open this disscusion to you guy as what you guy would like to see. What loot and impact should it have on gameplay.

    Clockwork Chest - Category 1 (Inspired By: @l0ne-vvolf)
    This chest has an etching on it that displays the hours between which it must be turned in. The players must use the pocket watch to time the turn in. The etching displays a random time of day every time the chest is dug up.

    Chest of Mirrors - Category 1 (Inspired By: @daPoseidonGuy)
    When first struck with a shovel, three more chests unearth themselves next to it, as if all four chests were struck with a shovel at the same time. All chests must be dug up individually. Only one of the chests actually contains treasure, but the crew does not know which one. For the trouble, the Chest of Mirrors contains as much gold as a Category 2 chest.

    Overstuffed Chest - Category 1 (Inspired By: @Hot-Juicy-Pie)
    This chest has been stuffed with coin so much, that it requires two crew-mates to carry, one on each side. When one player tries to pick up a chest, a message flashes on screen pointing to the other large and obvious handle on the chest, perhaps flashing it red for other players or something like that. Once the other player comes to the chest and picks it up, the two players carrying the chest are now facing each other. So in order to move with the chest, they must enter directional movement commands in the same direction, and communicate which direction they want to move in to avoid obstacles. Once in the water, only one person is required to haul the chest up the ladder and onto the ship, and one person can move with the chest through water at 50% of the normal swim speed. Once on board, the chest again requires two people to move. For the trouble, this chest contains as much gold as a category 3 chest.

    The Scuttling Chest(Aka Crab Chest) - Category 1 (Inspired By: @Hazerblade) - Art by: @Galghumor

    Some sea creature has used this chest as a shell, and it aims to keep it for itself! As soon as this chest is struck with a shovel, it shoots up from the ground in a cloud of sand, knocking away all crew within 10 yards, 10 yards away. The chest then proceeds to rapidly scuttle away from any crew member within 30 yards moving in a zig-zag pattern but at a speed of 90% of a sprinting crew member. Landing a shot on the chest with a pistol will slow the chest for a few seconds, and shooting it again while it is slowed will stun it for a few seconds. The chest recovers from the slow faster than one crew member can reload, so teamwork is advised. Once picked up, the sea creature is removed, and the chest becomes a regular immobile chest. It makes a jingling sound of gold coins when it runs.

    Curse Chest Idea's submitted by @x-Crowheart-x

    Chest of Thousand_Pinches: This chest has a crab shell lid with a large and small claw folded in the front. The chest can wake up. It springs two stalk eyes from the top of the lid. The claws wave around and pinch the person carrying it. (Seems the filter has issues with a form of the word pinch.)
    It does damage. If it is dropped to eat and heal, it can spring legs and runaway a bit to sit and wait to be picked up again. There is way to subdue it. Giving it after it attacks you a tankard of grog temporarily makes it drunk and does not lash out.

    Chest of Endless Twirl: This chest looks like a large ornamental chest with depictions of pairs of ships circling one another on the lid. At random times it starts to play music like a music box. There is a music box in one of the shops as an example of the music. It causes everyone close and/or the person carrying the chest to momentarily spin like a ballerina.

    Chest of Siren's Song: This decorative chest has a mural of merfolk on the lid. At random times it hums or sings (which works best) a lullaby. The person carrying it and others too close yawn and momentarily fall asleep. Someone not under the spell can dump a bucket water of the sleeping victims or use their megaphone to yell for them to get up.

    Chest of Chilling Wail: This chest has a ghost like appearance. At random times it emits a wail of a banshee. The person carrying it immediately drops it and shakes in fear like the NPCs did during the Cursed Sails event. This curse can temporarily be delayed with the glow of a lantern from the Order of Souls.

    Tick Tock Chest: The lid of this chest is covered with pocket watches. They appear with the various pocket watch skins we can purchase. Many have no lids and are not working. Some have lids and cannot be opened. A few of them do tell time just like the one we carry. Once picked up a timer is activated and the chest begins to emit a watch ticking sound.
    Someone in the crew will need to keep checking on the chest until it can be turned in. One by one the functioning pocket watches stop working. When the last pocket watch stops the chest explodes. The countdown for the intervals of when a pocket watch stops would be random so no one knows for sure when it would go off. A Gold Hoarder using their key when turned in is the only way to defuse it.

    Alternate Solution:
    Other Method that needs to be brought up is the Idea of Making Loot itself Hard to obtain by Tying them to certian regions or expanding on Quest take for Ex. The Labyrinth by @Stryker-Osiris

    Or do you have a different perception entirely.

    Rogue Wave related treads.

    Rogue Wave Prelude
    The Hunt (Rogue Wave Event)
    Counter Play (Rogue Wave Discussion)

  • 31
  • I'm sorry but your grammar makes this post hard to read. If I am reading this correctly you want the current items to affect pvp? If so what would the items do? Just put chests on an enemy ship and they would capsize to a wave? I like the idea if this is the case because it would make the game more realistic but I feel like then most players will move to a larger boat just so they could have more loot on board.

  • @xshaduh said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    I'm sorry but your grammar makes this post hard to read. If I am reading this correctly you want the current items to affect pvp? If so what would the items do? Just put chests on an enemy ship and they would capsize to a wave? I like the idea if this is the case because it would make the game more realistic but I feel like then most players will move to a larger boat just so they could have more loot on board.

    Sorry for the grammer i will be editing it but please bear with me as it's hard to run a post thru the xbox browser.
    But, Yes i want all loot to have a direct impact on gameplay i will go in to more detail as i edit. It's just a long and hard process for me. But i also want to back from you guy thoughts as i see this a community project more then simply my own thoughs. My purpose Give is to give give my analyst of the core issues and stich all the idea's together in to one cohesive design to solve the root of causes of these issues.

  • In the new Sea of Thieves novel, Athena's Fortune, they showed a lot of how loot and other things effect them. At one point a particular person's boat (no spoilers) was floating very low in the water and sailing slowly because of the large amount of treasure on their ship. This would be pretty cool in the real game and make it, as I said in the last post but I'm not sure the community would like it.

  • @xshaduh said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    In the new Sea of Thieves novel, Athena's Fortune, they showed a lot of how loot and other things effect them. At one point a particular person's boat (no spoilers) was floating very low in the water and sailing slowly because of the large amount of treasure on their ship. This would be pretty cool in the real game and make it, as I said in the last post but I'm not sure the community would like it.

    I agree, that was one of the very ideas ill be referencing in Rogue Wave if you can help me find a dig up that thread link i would appreciate that.

    I will also go one step futher as through out the Sea Of Theives Lies Stories of mystic curses. One of which you encounter all the time a may not notice. The Gold hoarders Curse. The gold hoarder Keys that open all the chest are cursed any one that holds the key slowly turns to gold. Or somthing like that. I will be making that curse the conerstone of the Rouge Wave Idea as it encapsulated by loot hoarding objective.

  • I agree with much of what you write.
    I don't understand why weight of the chest, do not affect the ship.
    the same with Planks, Cannon balls and banana.
    For SVS = ship vs ship :P there would be a tactical element on:

    • how much treasure you would hall, before turning in
    • res: Planks, Cannon balls and banana. if you are trying to steal, maybe don't have to many res. so you can intercept.

    But as Pl, the thing I would like most, is a way to turn all the stuff in at once, Just hate running back an forth an back an forth an back an forth, an that was only 3 times ;) the last couple of session, I have just ally up with a sloop an drop it all on the dock for them to turn in.

  • @xshaduh I also don't think player will like it on it's own unless they are given some counter play options. There was a tread on the about having fast lanes or current in the sea and it came from a disscussion on portals.

  • @greencamillion1 said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    I agree with much of what you write.


    I don't understand why weight of the chest, do not affect the ship.

    I belive it was to control the load on the Cpu as i belive the physic engine would have problems constantly refeshing the calculation. This is just my guess.

    the same with Planks, Cannon balls and banana.
    For SVS = ship vs ship :P there would be a tactical element on:

    • how much treasure you would hall, before turning in
    • res: Planks, Cannon balls and banana. if you are trying to steal, maybe don't have to many res. so you can intercept.

    I agree this would add alot of substance two the game but look how long it took them to make the ship move when hit by a GPB or Cannon Ball.

    But as Pl, the thing I would like most, is a way to turn all the stuff in at once, Just hate running back an forth an back an forth an back an forth, an that was only 3 times ;) the last couple of session, I have just ally up with a sloop an drop it all on the dock for them to turn in.

    There idea's that came from the forums that would partical Solve this. Which is the Reaper Chest. A curse chest with to properties. One it is perminatly displayed on the map. Second it has no based gold or rep value but instead acts as a loot sink to store all the loot. Gaining more value a you store items and then you can sell that chest for the combined value of all the stored chest with an added bonus to it's own Npc.

    Anther idea is to modify the movement mechnic on the rowboat so you can maneuver it of land allowing you to move more loot at once like a wheel barrel if not just adding a wheel barrel.

  • I really like the idea of weight of cargo affecting our ships. We already have the ballast cursed cannonball effect. I would think once a set amount cargo is accumulated that status can be applied to the ship.

    To make this happen there also needs to be a reason to be holding large amounts of cargo. Maybe the more loot turned in at a time yields a larger cut. Maybe the merchants at different outposts could offer different cut prices which would be worth enough and randomized daily so crews would carry their cargo seeking higher rewards.

    Would like to see more cursed chests that can impact crews and their ships in different ways. Would be nice to have cursed chests not so obvious as the wailing chest. The chest is brought on board like a regular gold chest. It has a random curse on it that is triggered after it is already onboard.

    A ticking time bomb chest would be fun. It would have lots of pocket watches on the lid. The watches all have different times and dates. When players check the watches they start ticking. The watches countdown until they are in sync and explodes.

    Since we have cargo runs maybe it can be expanded to sealed barrels and crates. These crates could be turned in for gold and rep. However, there would be special ones that maybe skeletons are hiding inside to pop out on your ship and climb to the upper decks to attack the crew. Could have a random empty cargo barrel when found that a pirate could climb in to hide. Other crews later find it and since it now looks like another sealed barrel, carry it aboard for the player to later attack the crew after the ship is under way.

    Could have cargo runs where the merchants hire the crew to move chests around or NPC passengers. The ship has to fly a merchant flag that shows up on the map. If the hired crew gets the cargo or passengers to the destinations they are rewarded for their services. Other crews could attack and steal the loot and kidnap the NPCs to turn in for ransom.

    Just a few ideas for now.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    I really like the idea of weight of cargo affecting our ships. We already have the ballast cursed cannonball effect. I would think once a set amount cargo is accumulated that status can be applied to the ship.

    To make this happen there also needs to be a reason to be holding large amounts of cargo. Maybe the more loot turned in at a time yields a larger cut. Maybe the merchants at different outposts could offer different cut prices which would be worth enough and randomized daily so crews would carry their cargo seeking higher rewards.

    Would like to see more cursed chests that can impact crews and their ships in different ways. Would be nice to have cursed chests not so obvious as the wailing chest. The chest is brought on board like a regular gold chest. It has a random curse on it that is triggered after it is already onboard.

    A ticking time bomb chest would be fun. It would have lots of pocket watches on the lid. The watches all have different times and dates. When players check the watches they start ticking. The watches countdown until they are in sync and explodes.

    Since we have cargo runs maybe it can be expanded to sealed barrels and crates. These crates could be turned in for gold and rep. However, there would be special ones that maybe skeletons are hiding inside to pop out on your ship and climb to the upper decks to attack the crew. Could have a random empty cargo barrel when found that a pirate could climb in to hide. Other crews later find it and since it now looks like another sealed chest, carry it aboard for the player to later attack the crew after the ship is under way.

    Could have cargo runs where the merchants hire the crew to move chests around or NPC passengers. The ship has to fly a merchant flag that shows up on the map. If the hired crew gets the cargo or passengers to the destinations they are rewarded for their services. Other crews could attack and steal the loot and kidnap the NPCs to turn in for ransom.

    Just a few ideas for now.

    Wow some great ideas here. I will be adding them to the list. Do any of these have there own treads i can link back to.

  • @enf0rcer

    Most of these I posted here. A few come from things I posted in other discussions. I will see if I can round up some of my ideas. I also have more spinning around in my head to post.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    Wow some great ideas here. I will be adding them to the list. Do any of these have there own treads i can link back to.

    Most of these I posted here. A few come from things I posted in other discussions. I will see if I can round up some of my ideas. I also have more spinning around in my head to post.

    Excellent i will be waiting for them. I only wished i had the time do this earlier. This is such a creative community.

  • @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    Wow some great ideas here. I will be adding them to the list. Do any of these have there own treads i can link back to.

    Most of these I posted here. A few come from things I posted in other discussions. I will see if I can round up some of my ideas. I also have more spinning around in my head to post.

    Excellent i will be waiting for them. I only wished i had the time do this earlier. This is such a creative community.

    The community has come up with some excellent ideas. Many I would pay for as DLC. I still would like to see a thread used as an archive of all the ideas the community comes up with. Something that would be kept constantly organized and updated. Probably would take a few people or one very dedicated person to do it right.

    Maybe eventually have a process where the ideas can be voted on and make their way into Bilge Rats adventures.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    Wow some great ideas here. I will be adding them to the list. Do any of these have there own treads i can link back to.

    Most of these I posted here. A few come from things I posted in other discussions. I will see if I can round up some of my ideas. I also have more spinning around in my head to post.

    Excellent i will be waiting for them. I only wished i had the time do this earlier. This is such a creative community.

    The community has come up with some excellent ideas. Many I would pay for as DLC. I still would like to see a thread used as an archive of all the ideas the community comes up with. Something that would be kept constantly organized and updated. Probably would take a few people to do it right.

    Maybe eventually have a process where the ideas can be voted on and make their way into Bilge Rats adventures.

    This is sort of what i was trying to achive. I'm just organizing them in a way that idea's that fit together would be put into a style and outline of a content drop with an event and Lore. Most of the outline done it's just takihg me time to put everything together. Espicially finding and maging links which is an absolute nightmare on the xbox browser.

  • @enf0rcer here is an idea I had a while back for a player driven capture the fort.

    Fort Flag: Players would send a flag up over a fort. Players would gather their own treasure. Maybe they decide to protect the treasure from a skull fort they just defeated. Or the same possible treasure that would be locked in a skull fort now sits waiting in the vault of an empty fort for the players to defend instead of the skeletons.

    Multiple crews could be defending the fort under the same fort flag like an alliance. Just as other alliances could fight to take it over.

    A flag cloud appears over the fort. The players defending the fort do so under a timer. If other players come and defeat the players they now have to defend the fort. Which ever crew or crews can hold the fort until the event expires wins the key.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer here is an idea I had a while back for a player driven capture the fort.

    Fort Flag: Players would send a flag up over a fort. Players would gather their own treasure. Maybe they decide to protect the treasure from a skull fort they just defeated. Or the same possible treasure that would be locked in a skull fort now sits waiting in the vault of an empty fort for the players to defend instead of the skeletons.

    Multiple crews could be defending the fort under the same fort flag like an alliance. Just as alliances could fight to take it over.

    A flag cloud appears over the fort. The players defending the fort do so under a timer. If other players come and defeat the players they now have to defend the fort. Which ever crew or crews can hold the fort until the event expires wins the key.

    This is a good one. Althou i feel the gametype might actually serve better in The Arena setting as it would not be fun to defend if their no garrenty of attack. I will put that on a running list i'm tracking as not all ideas work together. But still is a great idea though.

    However there was a variation of this type of idea for outpost that i found intriguing were players had to capture the outpost before turn in. It was to mimic The DDZ Extrcation zones although this concept was never fully explored. Therefore it remians shelved. Hopefully some one comes along and revisits that idea.

  • @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer here is an idea I had a while back for a player driven capture the fort.

    Fort Flag: Players would send a flag up over a fort. Players would gather their own treasure. Maybe they decide to protect the treasure from a skull fort they just defeated. Or the same possible treasure that would be locked in a skull fort now sits waiting in the vault of an empty fort for the players to defend instead of the skeletons.

    Multiple crews could be defending the fort under the same fort flag like an alliance. Just as alliances could fight to take it over.

    A flag cloud appears over the fort. The players defending the fort do so under a timer. If other players come and defeat the players they now have to defend the fort. Which ever crew or crews can hold the fort until the event expires wins the key.

    This is a good one. Althou i feel the gametype might actually serve better in The Arena setting as it would not be fun to defend if their no garrenty of attack. I will put that on a running list i'm tracking as not all ideas work together. But still is a great idea though.

    However there was a variation of this type of idea for outpost that i found intriguing were players had to capture the outpost before turn in. It was to mimic The DDZ Extrcation zones although this concept was never fully explored. Therefore it remians shelved. Hopefully some one comes along and revisits that idea.

    Ha ha! If the Fort Flag for Capture the Fort ends up in The Arena it better be a flag with a crow and a heart on it!

    Easy way to do Outpost Under Siege:

    Basically work like skeleton forts. Crossed Swords cloud appears over the outpost being attacked. Skeleton ships arrived at an outpost. A ship or two patrols around it. Skeletons attack the outpost trying to recover the chests, skulls, and other items pirates have been turning in.

    We have to sink the patrol ships. Defeat the skeletons running around wild around the outpost. The NPCs can be tucked away boarded up in the tavern. Have to board and defeat the skeletons protecting what they stoled on one or more of the ships. It is locked away in the brig.

    Skeletons could have resurrected a few of their captains by getting their skulls back. Defeat the captains at the end of the event to get the key to the brig and the stolen treasure inside.

    Players get a reward for returning the stolen treasure and items. To show their gratitude that particular outpost gives that crew or crews discount prices in the shops and bonus gold for turning in treasure and items to them for a limited time.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer here is an idea I had a while back for a player driven capture the fort.

    Fort Flag: Players would send a flag up over a fort. Players would gather their own treasure. Maybe they decide to protect the treasure from a skull fort they just defeated. Or the same possible treasure that would be locked in a skull fort now sits waiting in the vault of an empty fort for the players to defend instead of the skeletons.

    Multiple crews could be defending the fort under the same fort flag like an alliance. Just as alliances could fight to take it over.

    A flag cloud appears over the fort. The players defending the fort do so under a timer. If other players come and defeat the players they now have to defend the fort. Which ever crew or crews can hold the fort until the event expires wins the key.

    This is a good one. Althou i feel the gametype might actually serve better in The Arena setting as it would not be fun to defend if their no garrenty of attack. I will put that on a running list i'm tracking as not all ideas work together. But still is a great idea though.

    However there was a variation of this type of idea for outpost that i found intriguing were players had to capture the outpost before turn in. It was to mimic The DDZ Extrcation zones although this concept was never fully explored. Therefore it remians shelved. Hopefully some one comes along and revisits that idea.

    Ha ha! If the Fort Flag for Capture the Fort ends up in The Arena it better be a flag with a crow and a heart on it!

    Easy way to do Outpost Under Siege:

    Basically work like skeleton forts. Crossed Swords cloud appears over the outpost being attacked. Skeleton ships arrived at an outpost. A ship or two patrols around it. Skeletons attack the outpost trying to recover the chests, skulls, and other items pirates have been turning in.

    We have to sink the patrol ships. Defeat the skeletons running around wild around the outpost. The NPCs can be tucked away boarded up in the tavern. Have to board and defeat the skeletons protecting what they stoled on one or more of the ships. It is locked away in the brig.

    Skeletons could have resurrected a few of their captains by getting their skulls back. Defeat the captains at the end of the event to get the key to the brig and the stolen treasure inside.

    Players get a reward for returning the stolen treasure and items. To show their gratitude that particular outpost gives that crew or crews discount prices in the shops and bonus gold for turning in treasure and items to them for a limited time.

    Oooh, like this idea. Is this one of yours? Is there a post for this one? If not could you make one i would love to discuss this one futher and flesh it out.

  • I don't think your solving any issue with this idea. Your added effects to loot. Whats the goal of the game though? To have the most effects? Whats the point if you don't need them to go after anything like loot or some other McGuffin... Now you've stacked the ship with effects.. How is this "better" or more fun. What's the point of sitting on all these effects? Why do you need to replace goals with utility items? Are you expecting the utility to create a desire for collecting loot? But what is the point of the utility? What gameplay is the loot having an impact on in a meaningful way when going from point A to point B?

    These have the same issue of EOL as loot does because you don't need to find the loot to begin with... whats the point of stacking benefits that will help you get loot. Hell you've managed to create a EOL mid game... once everyone maxed out with what they can carry they can't steal anything from any one without sinking themselves completely undermining your own idea to stimulate PvP.. you don't need to fight any one for the benefits... allowing everyone to opt out creating the same systemic issue with what we have today.

    Whats the point of hording items when everyone can farm all day to horde items? How is this any different functionally from what we have to day?

    Loot is also not a pointless goal with PvP... the problem with PvP is too many people don't want to PvP making the experience broken. PvPers will fight over a stack of planks because the PvP is the value of trying to take or protect the planks from another player. You don't need any more value than gameplay and 2 parties with 100% in on the fight.

    SoT problems have nothing to do with the value of the loot, its the value of the gameplay retrieving that loot. The voyage system is not on its own something that creates compelling and engaging situations. Utility is even less valuable than a goal if you don't need the utility because the game fails to create a need for it.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    Wow some great ideas here. I will be adding them to the list. Do any of these have there own treads i can link back to.

    Most of these I posted here. A few come from things I posted in other discussions. I will see if I can round up some of my ideas. I also have more spinning around in my head to post.

    Excellent i will be waiting for them. I only wished i had the time do this earlier. This is such a creative community.

    The community has come up with some excellent ideas. Many I would pay for as DLC. I still would like to see a thread used as an archive of all the ideas the community comes up with. Something that would be kept constantly organized and updated. Probably would take a few people or one very dedicated person to do it right.

    Maybe eventually have a process where the ideas can be voted on and make their way into Bilge Rats adventures.

    That's not a bad idea, before release we had a section of the forums where we created a sort of summary thread with links to different ideas sorted into subjects like quest ideas, ship customisation ideas etc. As you say it'd take some work to pull together but it's not impossible, let me give it some thought.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    I like the outpost under siege idea.
    When u finished it u get the key to unlock the jailed up tavern and rescue all NPC. Aslong u dont rescue them u cant sell your loot.

    By rescueing them u get like extra rep and gold for the items u sell. And u get discount for the items u buy.

    When u leave the outpost and hit open water the extra rep/gold and discount dissappear. This should be tied to your ship. So if u leave a player on the island and the ship goes collect loot to come back it will NOT gain the extra rep/gold or discount.

  • @katttruewalker said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    Wow some great ideas here. I will be adding them to the list. Do any of these have there own treads i can link back to.

    Most of these I posted here. A few come from things I posted in other discussions. I will see if I can round up some of my ideas. I also have more spinning around in my head to post.

    Excellent i will be waiting for them. I only wished i had the time do this earlier. This is such a creative community.

    The community has come up with some excellent ideas. Many I would pay for as DLC. I still would like to see a thread used as an archive of all the ideas the community comes up with. Something that would be kept constantly organized and updated. Probably would take a few people or one very dedicated person to do it right.

    Maybe eventually have a process where the ideas can be voted on and make their way into Bilge Rats adventures.

    That's not a bad idea, before release we had a section of the forums where we created a sort of summary thread with links to different ideas sorted into subjects like quest ideas, ship customisation ideas etc. As you say it'd take some work to pull together but it's not impossible, let me give it some thought.

    That would be awesome! I was going to try to do so by starting with a post to begin organizing it all. However, it would not be fixed so it can always be found easy. I am sure you can come up with something better. Looking forward to what you come up with. Thank you very much!

  • @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @x-crowheart-x said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):

    @enf0rcer here is an idea I had a while back for a player driven capture the fort.

    Fort Flag: Players would send a flag up over a fort. Players would gather their own treasure. Maybe they decide to protect the treasure from a skull fort they just defeated. Or the same possible treasure that would be locked in a skull fort now sits waiting in the vault of an empty fort for the players to defend instead of the skeletons.

    Multiple crews could be defending the fort under the same fort flag like an alliance. Just as alliances could fight to take it over.

    A flag cloud appears over the fort. The players defending the fort do so under a timer. If other players come and defeat the players they now have to defend the fort. Which ever crew or crews can hold the fort until the event expires wins the key.

    This is a good one. Althou i feel the gametype might actually serve better in The Arena setting as it would not be fun to defend if their no garrenty of attack. I will put that on a running list i'm tracking as not all ideas work together. But still is a great idea though.

    However there was a variation of this type of idea for outpost that i found intriguing were players had to capture the outpost before turn in. It was to mimic The DDZ Extrcation zones although this concept was never fully explored. Therefore it remians shelved. Hopefully some one comes along and revisits that idea.

    Ha ha! If the Fort Flag for Capture the Fort ends up in The Arena it better be a flag with a crow and a heart on it!

    Easy way to do Outpost Under Siege:

    Basically work like skeleton forts. Crossed Swords cloud appears over the outpost being attacked. Skeleton ships arrived at an outpost. A ship or two patrols around it. Skeletons attack the outpost trying to recover the chests, skulls, and other items pirates have been turning in.

    We have to sink the patrol ships. Defeat the skeletons running around wild around the outpost. The NPCs can be tucked away boarded up in the tavern. Have to board and defeat the skeletons protecting what they stoled on one or more of the ships. It is locked away in the brig.

    Skeletons could have resurrected a few of their captains by getting their skulls back. Defeat the captains at the end of the event to get the key to the brig and the stolen treasure inside.

    Players get a reward for returning the stolen treasure and items. To show their gratitude that particular outpost gives that crew or crews discount prices in the shops and bonus gold for turning in treasure and items to them for a limited time.

    Oooh, like this idea. Is this one of yours? Is there a post for this one? If not could you make one i would love to discuss this one futher and flesh it out.

    Yes it is. Glad you like it. I will start a new thread to discuss it.

  • @weakdexx said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave):


    I like the outpost under siege idea.
    When u finished it u get the key to unlock the jailed up tavern and rescue all NPC. Aslong u dont rescue them u cant sell your loot.

    By rescueing them u get like extra rep and gold for the items u sell. And u get discount for the items u buy.

    When u leave the outpost and hit open water the extra rep/gold and discount dissappear. This should be tied to your ship. So if u leave a player on the island and the ship goes collect loot to come back it will NOT gain the extra rep/gold or discount.

    Thank you @WeakDexx! Good feedback! I will include this when I start a separate thread for it.

  • Here are a few of my ideas for unique cursed chests:

    Chest of Thousand_Pinches: This chest has a crab shell lid with a large and small claw folded in the front. The chest can wake up. It springs two stalk eyes from the top of the lid. The claws wave around and pinch the person carrying it. (Seems the filter has issues with a form of the word pinch.)

    It does damage. If it is dropped to eat and heal, it can spring legs and runaway a bit to sit and wait to be picked up again. There is way to subdue it. Giving it after it attacks you a tankard of grog temporarily makes it drunk and does not lash out.

    Chest of Endless Twirl: This chest looks like a large ornamental chest with depictions of pairs of ships circling one another on the lid. At random times it starts to play music like a music box. There is a music box in one of the shops as an example of the music. It causes everyone close and/or the person carrying the chest to momentarily spin like a ballerina.

    Chest of Siren's Song: This decorative chest has a mural of merfolk on the lid. At random times it hums or sings (which works best) a lullaby. The person carrying it and others too close yawn and momentarily fall asleep. Someone not under the spell can dump a bucket water of the sleeping victims or use their megaphone to yell for them to get up.

    Chest of Chilling Wail: This chest has a ghost like appearance. At random times it emits a wail of a banshee. The person carrying it immediately drops it and shakes in fear like the NPCs did during the Cursed Sails event. This curse can temporarily be delayed with the glow of a lantern from the Order of Souls.

    More loot ideas to come!

  • @savagetwinky said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave) Updated 11/21:

    I don't think your solving any issue with this idea. Your added effects to loot. Whats the goal of the game though? To have the most effects? Whats the point if you don't need them to go after anything like loot or some other McGuffin... Now you've stacked the ship with effects.. How is this "better" or more fun. What's the point of sitting on all these effects? Why do you need to replace goals with utility items? Are you expecting the utility to create a desire for collecting loot? But what is the point of the utility? What gameplay is the loot having an impact on in a meaningful way when going from point A to point B?

    You ask alot of great question here.
    Frist the main Goal of this new objective is ultimatly survival as rep will be tied to the Ship. Not simply having the most effect as loot effects also have negitive concequences. Rather the idea is to make to Loot inherently worth finding and having on your ship as it has it own direct impact on gamplay. It gives the players more options and a varity of experiances. Instead of depending on arbitrary and ridged goals set by the devs such as commendations. This will solve the Inherent EOL issue as player can come up with there own reasons for getting chest and loot. Like for example taking a chest of Sorrows on a rowboat to sink a galleon while it's doing a fort.

    It's fun cause it adds more moments into the game and on the ship having to manage effects knowing how to counter or balance effects. It adds more stratergy and teamwork and rewards team work and skill handsomely. The more the risk the greater the reward.
    Also it's not centered around going to point A to point B but ever questioning where you should go next.

    These have the same issue of EOL as loot does because you don't need to find the loot to begin with... whats the point of stacking benefits that will help you get loot. Hell you've managed to create a EOL mid game... once everyone maxed out with what they can carry they can't steal anything from any one without sinking themselves completely undermining your own idea to stimulate PvP.. you don't need to fight any one for the benefits... allowing everyone to opt out creating the same systemic issue with what we have today.

    Frist off what you mean the Max they can carry, the ship can hold a unlimited amount of loot. Also I have explianed why this solve the EoL issues as player would want to stock up on loot. It's the players who recently joined the session that will want to steal the loot as it would be fastest and most effective way to get Loot assuming their lucky and skilled enough to pull it off.

    Whats the point of hording items when everyone can farm all day to horde items? How is this any different functionally from what we have to day?

    Cause it makes a single boat full of Loot a worthy target. It takes time to go from island to island to build up loot. If a ship is full of loot then a crew with no loot would benifit greatly if they can mange to out wit and outplay the crew with the loot. It just makes sense.

    Loot is also not a pointless goal with PvP... the problem with PvP is too many people don't want to PvP making the experience broken. PvPers will fight over a stack of planks because the PvP is the value of trying to take or protect the planks from another player. You don't need any more value than gameplay and 2 parties with 100% in on the fight.

    That is your interpretation of the problem which i respect, but disagree. Player that want to fight will always fight and those who don't won't you want a competition where player fight for treasure thats fine,but that not the goal of this game. The core experiance is over theift. If your trying to steal something you don't want to engage in a fight you want to avoid a fight.

    SoT problems have nothing to do with the value of the loot, its the value of the gameplay retrieving that loot. The voyage system is not on its own something that creates compelling and engaging situations. Utility is even less valuable than a goal if you don't need the utility because the game fails to create a need for it.

    I agree with you that the voyaging system needs a rework and I'll be happy to disscuss that with you but yes the loot itself has an issue as well as it's tied to cosmetics only.


    I always like to read a post of yours. Full of idea's.

    I'm not sure wether i be on the pro or con of this.
    I do see what u mean as items become less and less valuable the further u rank. So there is a pro element.

    I can think a con element aswell.
    It would be that u need a 4th group of effects. U only stated 3 which means ALL items get an effect. I would opt a 4th group that does nothing effect wise.

    This way its not 100% u get the utilty and that adds to the uncertainty thats in SoT allready. U never know if u find somehting and if u do u never know what it is. So i would advice a 4th group that just does nothing other than gold and rep.

    U want all these neat utilities? Well let's sink that ship and take their affected loot. To just find out there is NO utility to gain. Risk/Reward.

  • @weakdexx said in Giving Loot Gamplay Value (Pre Req to Rogue Wave) Updated 11/21:


    I always like to read a post of yours. Full of idea's.

    I'm not sure wether i be on the pro or con of this.
    I do see what u mean as items become less and less valuable the further u rank. So there is a pro element.

    I'm Glad to hear that you enjoy my topics. Somtimes it feels as i'm screaming into the void. As i seem to annoy some people with my grammer. I appreciate your support and your thoughful critisims.

    I can think a con element aswell.
    It would be that u need a 4th group of effects. U only stated 3 which means ALL items get an effect. I would opt a 4th group that does nothing effect wise.

    This way its not 100% u get the utilty and that adds to the uncertainty thats in SoT allready. U never know if u find somehting and if u do u never know what it is. So i would advice a 4th group that just does nothing other than gold and rep.

    U want all these neat utilities? Well let's sink that ship and take their affected loot. To just find out there is NO utility to gain. Risk/Reward.

    You make a very Valid point here. Originally the topic was about giving all loot some kind of effect only some would be very minor and would only be noticeable when having the same loot in a stack. As i few this game as a Loot Grinder. Althou you touched on a topic of Garbage loot and there importance which you gave an example of. I guess cause I felt this game was almost entirely Garbage loot i went to far in my thinking that i forgot that Garbage loot does have an inherent use. So i guess it would be best to move forward by just Adding loot with effects going forward instead of looking back at the old loot as they will gain more purpose naturaly. Interesting enough Extra Credits did an episode on this topic. You just remineded me of it.

    I'm not sure if adding a 4th catorgory would lend to the disscussion but i'll make it Catorgory 0 as a comparison.

    Thanks agian for your insight on the matter.

  • @enf0rcer

    Thanks. The grammar i dont care about. Have u seen me type.
    It's great people even understand my posts :)

    And do keep adding if u ask me. Wether they like it or not. Some ideas are great and would love to see rare pick them up.

  • @ENF0RCER here is the ticking time bomb chest detailed.

    Tick Tock Chest: The lid of this chest is covered with pocket watches. They appear with the various pocket watch skins we can purchase. Many have no lids and are not working. Some have lids and cannot be opened. A few of them do tell time just like the one we carry. Once picked up a timer is activated and the chest begins to emit a watch ticking sound.

    Someone in the crew will need to keep checking on the chest until it can be turned in. One by one the functioning pocket watches stop working. When the last pocket watch stops the chest explodes. The countdown for the intervals of when a pocket watch stops would be random so no one knows for sure when it would go off. A Gold Hoarder using their key when turned in is the only way to defuse it.

  • @x-crowheart-x Thanks, and added

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