Curse Gunpowder Kegs *Updated* 11/8

  • Edited 11/8
    This idea comes is a spinoff of another tread called Curse Gunbarrels. It is also an extention of the post Curse Kegs by @Archangel-Timmy

    The idea is to add a mechnic where by player can turn an ordinary Gunpowder Barrel (GPB) to a Cursed version (CGBP) where by the Explosive AoE Instead of causing damage is exchanged for adding a modifed verison of the Status effect of the Curse Cannonball(CCB) used to make it. Please see Counter Play Tread Here

    Here how it will work.

    There will be two types of CGPB with there own varient on effects.

    (Work in progress)
    Green CGPB are made from using 3 Green CCB's and will apply status effect to pirates indiscriminately. When detonated they will release a cloud of green colored mist with a 4 pace radius and will linger and slowly dissapate around 10 - 15 sec. This will work as Area of Denial(AOD) weapon as the effects of the curse are most potent at the center of the blast with a full duration of Curse effect set at 2.5 secs that steadily decreases toward the edge with a .5 sec immunity cooldown between effects before it's reapplied. The effect wheres off as you exit the AOE mist. The mist should moved and be effected by the physic engine but to start it will be stationary for testing.

    Purple CGPB are made from using 2 purple CCB's and will only effect Ships inc. Rowboats. When detonated it will release a plasma ball cloud that will fire arcs that will effect any ship caught in the blast or hit by an arc chian will be effected and the effects will act like a toggle for ship controls and have a duration of 3 secs. The curse will be transferable so any ship that comes into contact with an afflicted ship will also become Cursed.

    Both CPBG will keep there shockwave when detonated and will not only effect ships but will have a pushback and Popup effect added. The pushback is inbetween a sword block and Sniper Shot while the Popup is about half or less then a gyser. Think of it as SOT version of the rocket jump. The Barrel Hop.

    Possibly* CCB of the same color can be mixed to produced unique and varied effect at random. (still being discussed) As proposed by @TheTwistedTaste

    Step 1: Select a Curse (CCB) from inventory. Requires 2-3 CCB of the same color.

    Step 2: Find and walk up to a GPB with the CCB equiped.

    Step 3: Press and hold Y or X (doesn't matter) to load to turn the GPB to a CGPB. Once the require amount is loaded it will change. It will also lock to type after frist CCB is loaded.

    The CGPB will change Color along with a change to parchment to the correct sysmbol. Along with a name change to [curse name]Powder Barrel.

    Now you can take that CGPB and use it like a regular GPB with the exception that instead of apply damiging when it explodes it applies the status effect of the CCB used to make it.

    Few rules.

    1. The CCB is spent when making the CGPB. As it's removed from the players inventory. No refunds.

    2. Player who Kami Kazi will not die but instead will have a knockback with a .5 sec recovery time in addition to having the status effect applied to minimize the effect of the tactic.

    3. CGPBs cannot be coverted back or changed to another effect.

    4. CGPB can be sold to the merchant at a significant price incease. I'll start a double the price or a 200 percent increase.

    *Note all hard number given are used for the sake of argument and are not meant be considered set in stone. If Rare decides to implement this idea for testing these could be used as starting number ,but would ultimately need to be adjust for best result during testing.

    Please fell free to disscus how these could be used and potenially exploited.

    Thanks @Archangel-Timmy @TheTwistedTaste @WeakDexx for your imput, contributions and support.
    With insigts from @BETSILL, @Ant-Heuser-Kush and @D3ADST1CK

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  • Sleep / Jig version of an explosive barrel, followed up by an actual explosive barrel will sink a ship pretty quickly. Some people already hate the cursed cannonballs, so I don't think we need to add more ways to take control away from people.

  • @WeakDexx and @TheTwistedTaste Any Thought's

  • @d3adst1ck said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    Sleep / Jig version of an explosive barrel, followed up by an actual explosive barrel will sink a ship pretty quickly. Some people already hate the cursed cannonballs, so I don't think we need to add more ways to take control away from people.

    I can see your point. Maybe the effect should be moddified for these Balls. The issue comes from how the effect itself funtion which i do think need to be adjust even for the CCB. Perhaps have a max limit how many players can be effected?

  • @enf0rcer I think this is interesting, but should be going back instead of forward. What I mean by this is that instead of using CCB's to make CGPB's let's first use a crafting system to make the CCB's. right now the CCB's are a blight on the game. The excess amount of them , how overly well they work in combat, and how little interaction they provide to the crew getting hit needs to be addressed.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer I don't like cursed cannonballs, but I see how this can be fun.

    I know there player that hate CCB but think that because the effects themselves offer little to no counter play. I do feel CCBs themselves need tweaks but thats a whole other topic.

  • @betsill said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer I think this is interesting, but should be going back instead of forward. What I mean by this is that instead of using CCB's to make CGPB's let's first use a crafting system to make the CCB's. right now the CCB's are a blight on the game. The excess amount of them , how overly well they work in combat, and how little interaction they provide to the crew getting hit needs to be addressed.

    I agree that CCB need work and some tweaks. While i do like the Idea of crafting CCB i don't think the problem is the frequency but the effects theselves as mention before as the is no real counterplay. But this needs to be a seperate topic which is one i discussed before and will be happy to continue disscussing but not here. Do you have any other thougths on the CGPB idea you would like to add?

  • I agree and shared the same thought in a similar thread some time ago.

    As part of this, I also agree the CCB need some work to tweak their potency and add counter measures.

  • @archangel-timmy said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    I agree and shared the same thought in a similar thread some time ago.

    As part of this, I also agree the CCB need some work to tweak their potency and add counter measures.

    Oh i missed that tread but i upvoted you there. It was a good idea and i the post that started this tread was about cursing our guns which i missed read as Kegs.

    Full credit to you.

  • @enf0rcer said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @archangel-timmy said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    I agree and shared the same thought in a similar thread some time ago.

    As part of this, I also agree the CCB need some work to tweak their potency and add counter measures.

    Oh i missed that tread but i upvoted you there. It was a good idea and i the post that started this tread was about cursing our guns which i missed read as Kegs.

    Full credit to you.

    Cursing the guns definitely sounds like an interesting idea as well, I will have to try to find that thread. I would hate to get sniped with a grog bullet, lol.

    EDIT: Sorry, I wasn't trying to take over the idea, but to share that there is additional support for this idea. We can't resurrect old threads, but we can link to them :)

  • In addition to the status affect change, did you have any ideas for visual changes as well?

    Would the keg remain the same color, but the parchment on the front changes?

  • @enf0rcer I had an idea while at work today.

    Imagine if the newly proposed CGPBs required 2 different CCBs loaded to be active.

    It’s then a game of chance if it’s the Anchor Ball like you hoped, or the Ballast Ball that’s okay but realisticly not what you and crew were hoping for.

    CGPB are then variably different from just shooting one from a cannon as intended.

    Even whackier, you could even go as far as loading as many of the different CCBs into a barrel as you’d like for a truly random status effect when exploded. Pirate Roulette! (Edit: Effect would not stack)

    Loading a CCB will consume that same CCB from your inventory. No refunds!

  • @enf0rcer what happens if you get caught with the curse?

  • @archangel-timmy said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @archangel-timmy said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    I agree and shared the same thought in a similar thread some time ago.

    As part of this, I also agree the CCB need some work to tweak their potency and add counter measures.

    Oh i missed that tread but i upvoted you there. It was a good idea and i the post that started this tread was about cursing our guns which i missed read as Kegs.

    Full credit to you.

    Cursing the guns definitely sounds like an interesting idea as well, I will have to try to find that thread. I would hate to get sniped with a grog bullet, lol.

    Actually i though about curse gun but i think it's to difficult idea to balance and really doesn't add to much in the way of verity. It's just not worth the time to discuss IMO

    EDIT: Sorry, I wasn't trying to take over the idea, but to share that there is additional support for this idea. We can't resurrect old threads, but we can link to them :)

    Np. I just felt bad that i missed your good idea and instead proped up the wrong tread by mistake. If i would have saw it earlier i would have like for that tread to kept going. I think felt you deserve the credit.

  • @thetwistedtaste said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer I had an idea while at work today.

    Imagine if the newly proposed CGPBs required 2 different CCBs loaded to be active.

    On this note, for the sake of balance and the idea that a Cursed Keg might be over-powered. What about it required 2-3 of the same Cursed Cannonball to actively curse the keg? This would make them a bit harder to acquire and would be less invasive in combat than the regular Cursed Cannonballs already are?

  • @archangel-timmy said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    In addition to the status affect change, did you have any ideas for visual changes as well?

    Would the keg remain the same color, but the parchment on the front changes?

    Most definitly there will be changes to the visual and other details to distighish between the Different CGBP. I didn't want to go into those detials cause i was more concern about the mechnics and it's effects on gamplay itself. But feel free to go wild and be creative here.

  • @thetwistedtaste said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer I had an idea while at work today.

    Imagine if the newly proposed CGPBs required 2 different CCBs loaded to be active.

    It’s then a game of chance if it’s the Anchor Ball like you hoped, or the Ballast Ball that’s okay but realisticly not what you and crew were hoping for.

    CGPB are then variably different from just shooting one from a cannon as intended.

    Even whackier, you could even go as far as loading as many of the different CCBs into a barrel as you’d like for a truly random status effect when exploded. Pirate Roulette! (Edit: Effect would not stack)

    Loading a CCB will consume that same CCB from your inventory. No refunds!

    Thats a facinating idea. I like it. It adds more to the risk/reward structure althou it does take a bit away from the stratigic side. I'm normally more like stratigic and skill based elements so i useally try to avoid adding chance and ramdom elements.

    Anyone else have an opion on this?

  • @enf0rcer said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @thetwistedtaste said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer I had an idea while at work today.

    Imagine if the newly proposed CGPBs required 2 different CCBs loaded to be active.

    It’s then a game of chance if it’s the Anchor Ball like you hoped, or the Ballast Ball that’s okay but realisticly not what you and crew were hoping for.

    CGPB are then variably different from just shooting one from a cannon as intended.

    Even whackier, you could even go as far as loading as many of the different CCBs into a barrel as you’d like for a truly random status effect when exploded. Pirate Roulette! (Edit: Effect would not stack)

    Loading a CCB will consume that same CCB from your inventory. No refunds!

    Thats a facinating idea. I like it. It adds more to the risk/reward structure althou it does take a bit away from the stratigic side. I'm normally more like stratigic and skill based elements so i useally try to avoid adding chance and ramdom elements.

    Anyone else have an opion on this?

    I’m the same, I just thought i’d share it as it was an interesting concept to me. We wouldn’t want CGPB just being a short range replica of their long range counterparts - must have some diversity between them I feel, otherwise why use them!

    I like @Archangel-Timmy ’s idea about loading multiple of the same to make them “active”

    Adds a lot to the strategy of combat. Do I fire my anchorballs now, or save 3 of them up to load them into this GBP when that perfect time to board them comes!

  • @thetwistedtaste said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @thetwistedtaste said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer I had an idea while at work today.

    Imagine if the newly proposed CGPBs required 2 different CCBs loaded to be active.

    It’s then a game of chance if it’s the Anchor Ball like you hoped, or the Ballast Ball that’s okay but realisticly not what you and crew were hoping for.

    CGPB are then variably different from just shooting one from a cannon as intended.

    Even whackier, you could even go as far as loading as many of the different CCBs into a barrel as you’d like for a truly random status effect when exploded. Pirate Roulette! (Edit: Effect would not stack)

    Loading a CCB will consume that same CCB from your inventory. No refunds!

    Thats a facinating idea. I like it. It adds more to the risk/reward structure althou it does take a bit away from the stratigic side. I'm normally more like stratigic and skill based elements so i useally try to avoid adding chance and ramdom elements.

    Anyone else have an opion on this?

    I’m the same, I just thought i’d share it as it was an interesting concept to me. We wouldn’t want CGPB just being a short range replica of their long range counterparts - must have some diversity between them I feel, otherwise why use them!

    I like @Archangel-Timmy ’s idea about loading multiple of the same to make them “active”

    Adds a lot to the strategy of combat. Do I fire my anchorballs now, or save 3 of them up to load them into this GBP when that perfect time to board them comes!

    I can defitly more room to add some diversity like a short but lingering AOE that can turn CGPB into snare traps or adding unique effects when mix CCB's like combing a Grog with a limp to produce a bunny hop type curse where players are stuck perpetually jumping for a short period.
    Definitly room for more creative idea's.

    I think CGBP provides some inherent utility. Think about how you could use them and let us know. My frist idea was an anchor CGPB it could use as a mine to stop persuing ships or use as a snare trap to ambush unsepecting ships.

  • @closinghare208 said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer what happens if you get caught with the curse?

    You have the status effect applied to your chacter. Could you elaborate on your question?

  • This idea is coming along great so i will be updating this post by tommorrow if where in agreement. I'm definitly onboard with the 2 CCB rule and ideas to changes to the VFX and SFX. Thanks to @Archangel-Timmy @TheTwistedTaste @Ant-Heuser-Kush @D3ADST1CK

  • @enf0rcer Hmm I think that CGPG's should be made the same way as CCB's mentioned in my previous comment. have cannon balls do the lighter utility effects like raise the sails, and barrels do more deadly effects like grog and poison.

  • @betsill said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer Hmm I think that CGPG's should be made the same way as CCB's mentioned in my previous comment. have cannon balls do the lighter utility effects like raise the sails, and barrels do more deadly effects like grog and poison.

    Could you elaborate more on your crafting idea. I mean we a essence crafting CGPB by combing a CCB with a GPB in game. How do you propose that CCB be crafted excatly. Also this CCB crafting idea really needs it's own post. I mean if you want to limit effects the CGPB can do thats fine so long as you can provide a solid reason for doing so. You have to frist make your case.
    Does any else here agree with this idea?

  • @enf0rcer Idk, but since the skeletons are pretty much the only connection to magic in the game, it could be that you extract the magic from the skulls and infuse the canonballs/barrels. Combine it with something to represent your desired effect(grog from a tankard, poison from a snake, etc.). Although now that i'm thinking about it i feel like i'm still just gonna hate CCB's even more. Either way it's gonna be something you will just always use when you have them. There is no reason to hang on to them and use them strategically. You just hit the enemy with all the status you have at the time. Letting players craft them will just end up with players stocking up on the "best" CCB or barrel. At that point you might as well make them the default? idk. The more i think about it, the more i just want them removed lol

  • @betsill said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer Idk, but since the skeletons are pretty much the only connection to magic in the game, it could be that you extract the magic from the skulls and infuse the canonballs/barrels. Combine it with something to represent your desired effect(grog from a tankard, poison from a snake, etc.). Although now that i'm thinking about it i feel like i'm still just gonna hate CCB's even more. Either way it's gonna be something you will just always use when you have them. There is no reason to hang on to them and use them strategically. You just hit the enemy with all the status you have at the time. Letting players craft them will just end up with players stocking up on the "best" CCB or barrel. At that point you might as well make them the default? idk. The more i think about it, the more i just want them removed lol

    Like i said the problems is the implementation of the effects with no counter. Not the frequency. See with the CGPB you can shoot them and are more easily avoided and can effect the user as well as being easier to still as it's a perminate object and can't really be spammed realisticaly. Aslo can be easily stolen and used agianst the owner.

    There have been many good idea's proposed to make CCB's more acceptable Like keeping and object not in the inventory. Tweaking affect to be less instant and having a slight immunity between curses so they don't stack, and adding a clensing tool to negate or cure the effected with help from a teammate.

    Like i said this deserves it's own tread as it a whole other topic. CCB already have a Mega Tread.

  • @enf0rcer

    Well i SEA u are getting there :)

    1. Yes - Make it so u need 2 or 3 to make the CGPB (this was mentioned before in comments)
    2. Dont feel like the user needs to take damage. Basicly its a AoE curse and not a damage unit. No damage from CGPB includes no damage for user.
    3. If its a choice between increase or decrease, i will vote decrease the CGPB cannot be more potent than the original CCB. Range should be a bit smaller (not the whole ship with like a CCB shot). Also duration should be less. Use this CGPB as a window maker, allow u to get a small window to do your thing while incapitating (i write that word correct?) the enemy.
    4. Yes, just a lil smaller blast than a regular GPB. Would make sense because now its a curse and not an explosive (sort of speak)
    5. Indeed

    About the there is not enough to counter a CCB.
    There kinda is... Its just not there once they start hitting your ship. The counter tactic should be NOT get hit. Use your surroundings, keep your eyes peeled so u notice them getting in so u can counter them even before the fight starts.

  • @weakdexx said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:


    Well i SEA u are getting there :)

    1. Yes - Make it so u need 2 or 3 to make the CGPB (this was mentioned before in comments)

    Agreed will post in update.

    1. Dont feel like the user needs to take damage. Basicly its a AoE curse and not a damage unit. No damage from CGPB includes no damage for user.

    Ok then how do you feel about a push back with a .5 sec recovery instead?

    1. If its a choice between increase or decrease, i will vote decrease the CGPB cannot be more potent than the original CCB. Range should be a bit smaller (not the whole ship with like a CCB shot). Also duration should be less. Use this CGPB as a window maker, allow u to get a small window to do your thing while incapitating (i write that word correct?) the enemy.

    I got it so a slight decrease to effect duration but i think we can still have the full AOE at a 5 pace.

    1. Yes, just a lil smaller blast than a regular GPB. Would make sense because now its a curse and not an explosive (sort of speak)

    Ok may be 4 pace radius then.

    1. Indeed

    About the there is not enough to counter a CCB.
    There kinda is... Its just not there once they start hitting your ship. The counter tactic should be NOT get hit. Use your surroundings, keep your eyes peeled so u notice them getting in so u can counter them even before the fight starts.

    Well the way i see it if you get hit you failed to counter it. It's not like CCB's where all you can do is try to avoid being shot at. With CCB's you can block a shot, deflect the shot, intercept the shot or even catch a CCB fire at you and throw it back. CGPB you have simple have more options.

  • @enf0rcer

    1. (nothing to mention)
    2. Player pushback yes fun haha. Adds to how to use it. U might knock yourself of ship and lose the advantage u had.
      1. Yes slight decrease and lil less radius. Keep the CCB as 100% of range and effect but maybe put the CGPB at 80% orso. Pirates are allrdy mentioning that the CCB can be OP. This CGPB cannot be more OP than a normal CCB. Also because its easier to use. Lots of pirates shoot at the sky while trying to hit my ship.
        5.(This is 5. I put 5 but the forum puts 4 XD) No u can't. But u can actually be the first one to hit the enemy ship. Shoot there cannon and u knock off or kill the one who want to shoot.
  • Do really hope they consider this as an addition.
    The more i think about it the cooler it be added!

  • @weakdexx said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:


    1. (nothing to mention)


    1. Player pushback yes fun haha. Adds to how to use it. U might knock yourself of ship and lose the advantage u had.
      Done and just to add a bit more flavor how about a pop up effect. Like gysers but half the strength. Could lead to some unique gamplay moments like a player assited jump boost. Think of it as SOT version of the rocket jump. The Barrel Hop. Thoughts anyone?
      1. Yes slight decrease and lil less radius. Keep the CCB as 100% of range and effect but maybe put the CGPB at 80% orso. Pirates are allrdy mentioning that the CCB can be OP. This CGPB cannot be more OP than a normal CCB. Also because its easier to use. Lots of pirates shoot at the sky while trying to hit my ship.

    How bout i take 80 persent decrease and raise you a deterating effect thru an Area of Denial zone.

    I had a thought to try to give the CGPB more varity as suggested by @TheTwistedTaste why not give the barrel a slightly altered version of the Curse delivery.

    For Green CGBP which effects players why have it when it explodes it leaves a small short lingering cloud that acts as an AOD where player that are in it are effected by the curse and the clser you are or get to the center the more potentent the effect and the longer the duration and the closer you are to the edge the less your effected. When you step out the effect wears off. Emotes would start immeditly but would have a cooldown between effects.

    For Purple CGPB which effects ships i would add a Toggle to the effects and add an infection mechnic where any ships that come into contact with an affect ship would become affected. Example: A ship with all it's sails up gets hit with the siren gale CGPB has it's sails droped and as it starts to move it hit a ship with all it sails down which then has it's sail immediately raised on contact.

    5.(This is 5. I put 5 but the forum puts 4 XD) No u can't. But u can actually be the first one to hit the enemy ship. Shoot there cannon and u knock off or kill the one who want to shoot.

    Yeah your correct there. but i see as only one side figthing at a time instead of them trading shots.

  • @weakdexx said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    Do really hope they consider this as an addition.
    The more i think about it the cooler it be added!

    Most of these thing will be added.

  • @enf0rcer what happens when the powder kegs go boom?

  • @closinghare208 said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    @enf0rcer what happens when the powder kegs go boom?

    Check the updated post for your answer.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Curse Gunpowder Kegs:

    I came back or the edit. So far, so good. Jig Gunpowder Barrel, anyone?

    Thanks do you any other idea's you could contribute or what area we should focus on?

  • @enf0rcer

    Damn i like AoD kinda setup. It will make the CGPB diffrent from the CCB.
    For the green one im with u. Like your idea there.

    Not sure about a 80% decrease but thats just tweaking the numbers. Call it X% Decrease. let the dev's sort that out ;)

    The purple needs a lil tweak if its up to me.
    I don't feel like the ship should be cursed to curse others.
    What if u shoot the enemy ship but to close in range u hit yourself?
    In my opnion it should work as the green CGPB. When it explodes it leaves a "cloud" u sail tru or come in contact the effect becomes active.

    Love that idea of dropping CGPB behind u. Making curse AoD so when being chased it can be a real defense mechanism. It will be harder to avoid a "cloudy area" than just the exploding barrel.
    Imagine dropping 2 Anchor CGPB and have 2 small clouds behind u (1 left 1 right to spread area) now enemy ship MUST turn or they go into Anchor AoD and they drop anchor XD.

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