IDEA: Quest Vaults

  • What if some voyages were pointing the way to trapped caves or vaults? All the classic tropes would work: Idol heads spitting poison darts, Rooms with collapsing spiked walls, pitfall traps, Rolling boulders, chambers that slowly fill with water.
    Three key points to be made:

    1. Some of these voyages would be two or three islands in multiple parts. The first might lead you to a dead man with a note in his pocket... pointing to the second island where a skellie has the key... to the cave on the third island that has one of the above trap types.

    2. The payoff is a big pile of standard loot OR a particular selection of cosmetics only obtainable through these quests.

    3. If you set off the trap and die, there's a good chance the loot is lost too. For example, the cave collapses, acid dissolves the goods, the TNT goes off and blows the vault sky high, etc.

    These could be Legend quests, or they could be for anyone.


  • 5
  • You are having a bit of an idea storm, today, aren't you, mate?

  • This is something I've been wanting. Something to add to the exploration and lore of this game. The lore is already so deep and lore junkies like myself always want more, it just adds so much to the game in terms of immersion and gameplay.

  • @surveyorpete Weird the things that happen when your sleep cycle gets jacked. I'm forgetting important things and coming up with all these crazy SoT ideas.

  • @captain-arcanic great ideas. Ideas SoT really needs to use. Let's hope.

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