Sea of Thieves: Forsaken Shores Teaser Trailer Dialogue

  • ♫ The Devil's Roar a land left unexplored.

    The Devil's Roar the omen they ignored.

    And those who land upon her shore best write to those who they adore.

    Just ask the souls who came before.

    Those poor forgotten sailors. ♫

    These are the lyrics sung in the Forsaken Shores Teaser Trailer. The character singing these lyrics is Stitcher Jim.

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    To let you know: I had copied this text down from ear and the YouTube close captioning system. It does not give me any punctuation (or the correct words). So if it is off I am sorry, I did the best I could.

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  • @d42striker you should do stitcher jim's wording when you meet him at liars backbone

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