[September 18] No maintenance this week

  • Ahoy mateys,

    There will be no maintenance this week because of the ongoing work for Forsaken Shores.

    Stay tuned for the update coming next week!

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  • Creating a build for an update for this week would have wasted valuable time to fix the problems that are blocking Forsaken Shores.

    Good luck to Rare, wholeheartedly with them!

  • @skulliah I agree :)

  • @skulliah Figured as much, to be honest I was hoping they would fix the barrel glitch at the very least with a server side hotfix. It does break the game.

    But oh well I just hope it’s sorted for FS and there’s a smooth launch when it does come out. It’s not going to look good if there are still loads of issues when it launches.

    Either way take your time Rare, I cannot wait to dive in!

  • Their going all in with this Forsaken Shores update aren't they?

  • @sgt-palooggoo It does look quite big :)

  • I understand very well the choice behind this, but is also true that we will have the same bugged build for one month, that's really a lot of time. Also, this Bilgerat adventure is lasting longer than an expansion. They could fix at least the most annoying bugs before FS.

    Let's hope that at least the wait is worth it and we will have a smooth FS launch.

    Good luck to Rare!

  • @xcalypt0x said in [September 18] No maintenance this week:

    @sgt-palooggoo It does look quite big :)

    You know, I've been saying Forsaken Shores looks like a Sea of Thieves 2 for the longest time.
    And it looks like Forsaken Shores will have almost as much content as SoT did at launch.
    Meaning it's basically is SoT 2.

  • As I suspected. Good news either way, though. It means that by the time Forsaken Shores releases next week, we'll have a thoroughly tested and stable build, immediately ready to be expanded on come the next Bilge Rat Adventure.

  • @sgt-palooggoo Well I guess that’s a good thing, because then we will have double the awesome! As a bunch of people have said already, take your time.

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