• Grog now that’s a hell of a drink we should pay 10 coin for a drink in bar from the bar w***h and same for if we want to refill our grog on our boat 1000 coin to refill your boats grog because that is like 10 refills also will stop the fat pox ridden pirates from drinking and puking all over the boat also we would have was to spend our gold on also only way we can refill our boat on grog is from paying when ship sinks the grog barrel should still be empty

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  • Yeah why not pay for the grog? Keep it expensive and in line with all cosmetics. This might deter kids and anyone who abuses it from being a waste of space.

    Although I understand that getting drunk is a fun past-time for some, I don't see the point after your first encounter with grog. To me at least, the novelty has come and gone. Move on.

    A drunk pirate is a liability to the rest of the crew. If you are all drunk then you deserve whatever comes your way, be it fun and laughter or sunk, killed and robbed.

    Anytime someone on my crew starts drinking I shudder the thought. Sure enough we are soon met with a combat challenge and the drunks might as well be afk.

  • i've thought this from day 1. make it something to work towards,spend your coin on. & to celebrate your voyage & arrival back to port.

  • @skullmanbeard G'day mate,
    Yeah to be drunk and celebrating at a tavern after a voyage is completed is fine and so is the whole crew just goofing off and sailing drunk.
    However this needs to be agreed upon beforehand. When one, two or even three start drinking during a voyage with loot onboard I feel we are just wasting our time and should have agreed to this course of action from the start, before placing a voyage down.

    I've had a kid in our crew get drunk and fall off the ship with the legendary chest. I'm still not 100% sure if it was a deliberate jump or by accident. But him getting drunk wasn't an accident neither was the notion to pick up the legendary chest and stagger around the top deck whilst drunk.

    Having one or two drinks isn't so bad but when they chase you around the ship trying to vomit on you or throw a bucket full at you suddenly the one liability has become two.
    Not only are you not looking for ships on the horizon you are often blinded by puke with possibilities of running the vessel aground.

    The cursed sails event was bad enough but at least it rewarded us.

  • @skullmanbeard
    We were almost at the outpost when the island name splashed across the screen and he went overboard. Blind-sided by the landscape we didn't see that another ship was docked there. This was revealed only moments after I said "What if there are other players there?" during our pleas for him to settle down.

    He didn't quite get it onboard but he managed to swim to the outpost with it and cash it in without further incident. Luckily the other ship sailed away shortly after we had pulled up and tried turning around to go back for him.

  • @admiral-rrrsole @skullmanbeard yarr keep sharing get this post upvoted even more so that the DEVS may see yarr !!

  • Yea would also be okay if Refill tankard is 1 Gold and refill the ship Barrel for 1000 Gold, leave those thirsty Pirates some fun, Arr

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