Sea of Thieves is a black cat...

  • I’ll start with a picture for illustration:
    alt text

    Why do I start with a picture of a cat? All shall be revealed in time!

    Sea of Thieves has been a breath of fresh air for a lot of people since mid March when it was release. For those of us lucky enough to take part in even a few of the final Beta tests of the game, it was clear that this was going to be something special.

    For me the best part of this game has ALWAYS been the comradery that is developed amongst crew: regardless of who you talk to, I would guarantee that most stuck with this game because it was a fun thing to do with friends, even those friends you may have found through the game (I’m looking at you guys @boatswain, @Reedski, @o-pixel-pixie-o ). Never have I had more sincere belly laughs than when sailing with a fine crew; whether that be through victory or defeat, the sea always calls me back for more.

    Adventure is only around the corner in this game, with new ways to play being thought up daily and each new log-in bringing a different experience from the last. I love sailing the sea in a sloop, completing Merchant voyages solo: the exhilaration of seeing another ship on the horizon and having to evade and sell as fast as possible. On the other hand I love server buyouts and being able to rule the waves: the session where we owned 7 ships, facing down the Cursed fleets was the best I have of this game to date.

    Not that’s not to say this game has not had it’s faults, after all we have suffered the “killing” blows of:

    • Lack of launch content
    • Price of launch game
    • Gamepass killing the launch
    • Lack of cosmetics at “reasonable” prices
    • Boring game loop that will turn people off
    • Too much PVP
    • Not enough PVP
    • Crossplay killing the game
    • The Hungering Deep being too short (after just a month of development time)
    • The flag debate
    • Commendations ruining the casual nature of the game
    • Gunpowder Skellies “killed” the OOS missions
    • Timings of Cursed Sails ruining the game (I’ll own up to that annoying me)
    • Barrel 2.0 killing the game
    • CCB are OP and “killed” the game

    What do all of these things have in common? They have all “killed” the game at one time or another, when in actual fact the game appears to be thriving, with new players regularly joining crews and Discord channels, as well as this very forum. The Pioneer crew is standing strong and numbers have not dwindled and our very own group of Boatswain from the forum has risen in numbers steadily, albeit modestly.

    So what is my point? What is all my rambling about? Well it’s fairly simple:

    Sea of Thieves MUST be a cat – to have suffered so many killing blows! One that will stick around for a while longer if over 5 million people are still coming back to feed her!

    Right then… where’s me hat?… that there horizon be calling…

    It’s pretty damn awesome really…

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  • @sshteeve cough cough

    While I agree with all of your points above matey...

    Cats only have 9 lives... and you have listed more than 9 "killers"... surely this cat would have ceased to be??

    But it is still alive and kicking - getting stronger by the day... it's a magic cat!

  • @musicmee I probably needed to add more... Couldn't think off the top of my head!

    Also... what wizardry is controlling that feline?!

  • @sshteeve He has the purfect posture fur walking!

    No shortage of magic cats... maybe it's an internet thing!?!?

  • @musicmee hee hee!

    Mine can do a Matrix style run up our walls... the claw marks are a bit of a pain though in the plaster...

  • @sshteeve You're kitten me right?

    Right must leave cat puns here...

  • @musicmee stop mewing for a response! It'll only end up catty in here and we'll both have muddy paws at the end of it!
    We shouldn't scrape in the bottom of the litter tray for the best puns there would be fur flying everywhere afterall!
    Oh there will be more tails to tell as we progress through the game life I am sure!


  • @sshteeve

    Did someone tag the Boatswines?

  • @skulliah Hahahahahaha!

    I think I can put name tags to all of those... but it would be unfair to say which!


    This is the best game I ever played, the friends I made here, the daily company it gives me after work, everything.
    I know must of us complain because of our passion for the game, we personally think that some thing could be a bit better on our own perspective. This game still growing weekly. I cannot even imagine how SoT will be within an year!

    The Community is awesome! I'm always amazed to see the daily post about SoT on the Social Medias, the creativity, the dedication, everything.
    Isn't this what defines a great game? I think it is.

    BTW, I love cats! And that so, SoT certainly is my 4th Cat! :P

    I fell in love with this beauty the first time I led eyes on it, in it's first E3.
    Rushed to sign up in everything to be part of this since the beginning and luckily I was called, for the first alphas, for the first pioneers, first boatswains.
    It's like part of me is in this game.
    I also created a growing Portuguese community of +500 pirates which I bother them, daily, with my passion for the game.

  • @sshteeve

    Sea of Thieves is Rare and us, this wonderful community. All those adventures we've made and all the ones we'll make. Of course nothing is perfect no one is, and that's how we'll remember how the game has grown with it's up and downs. We are all making this awesome journey together afterall :D

  • I can't believe that this one hasn't been used yet.
    For the game to die would be a catastrophe! Catastrophic to say the least. :o)

    I also can't believe that @KattTruewalker hasn't commented on this thread. Or was that her in the video @Musicmee posted?
    Katt has the perfect name for that cat. lol

    My two cats rule the house. If either is on my seat I sit around the bloody thing.
    If either or both are on my bed I sleep in the shape of a pretzel around them.
    They make great hot-water-bottles, cuddling under the covers with me. :o)

    @Sshteeve My mate had a cat that would run up the walls, right to the ceiling.
    His German Shepherd would catch it in his mouth and throw it around the lounge-room.
    If you didn't know better you would think that they were fighting but that's how they played. They were amazing to watch.

  • Thank you for this post! I’ve had so many fun times with this game, making friends new and old along the way! No game can ever be perfect, as well as a human. “Shoot for the moon. If you miss, you’ll be among the stars!” ( Or in a cat house)

  • Never tag me in a Cat thread ever again.

  • @sshteeve
    Interesting analogy and it's a good thing I love both cats, and this game!!
    Sure not everything is "purrrfect" with the game like annoy glitches and bugs or sometimes the things that are added but I still enjoy just logging in not knowing what kind of experiences or shenanigans I'll get up to and the scenery is always breathtaking when you get a chance to just enjoy it.
    Like a magical cat I don't think this game will die at least not for me :)

    On a side note-
    My two cats - Love them to bits but they have their moments too like when they chew the cord on your headset or try to climb your flat-screen TV while you're trying to play haha

  • @stacky-a One of mine has chewed through many headset cords, both mine and my son's. Grrr
    Even the set I'm currently using shows bare wires from her teeth.

    I don't know what it is with her but her daughter doesn't do it.

  • @siriondb Lol something tells me ur maybe a dog person?

  • Sea of Thieves will be here like a cat, watching the sea & waiting for you to be called by it's beauty and when you look where it's looking you'll find it is looking at you.

  • The cat is always on the job...

  • It lost its 9th life when they changed the barrels, the menu, the commendations and the sensitivity settings, I won't be playing again for a while that's for sure, even when I do log in now I'll be relying on beach bananas to keep me in long enough to glance at the new content and decide it doesn't make up for the horrible ui before I log out again

  • @personalc0ffee tbh it only really annoyed me because everything else was annoying me, but it's cos I had to reset all my preferences and it took ages and I found it tedious, not a problem on its own but since everything else was already annoying me it was just fuel to the fire

  • @reedski you get the medal for the first sour post on here Reed! I was waiting for one for a few days!

    This cat won't die don't worry, she keeps herself in good nick!

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