(Mod edited) Pigs!

  • Hey everyone,

    sorry for the rude topic headline, but damn am I Mode edited) because of these pigs. I'm pretty new to this game and tried to do everything I could but I couldn't handle to deliver one single pig alive to the merchant ... I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I had just one black pig in a cage on board and had to go from Sea Dog's Rest back to the Dagger Tooth Outpost (I was chased most of the way, that's why I went this far to the fringe of the map). On the way I fed it like 20 bananas, every single one I had. When it started crying I gave him like the last 5 or 6 ones in a time span of 30 seconds but it despawned anyway ..

    I've read in other forums that one needs to feed the pigs constantly with bananas .. which I did in my opinion. I mean, you can't seriously tell me that I need to organize 50+ bananas just to carry one pig over the ocean. What else may I have done wrong? It really doesn't make sense to me anymore.

    Thanks guys :)

  • 6
  • It's broken mate. Latest update makes all pigs die. Let's hope for a fix sooner rather than later.

  • @jonoz1982 sagte in F***in Pigs!:

    It's broken mate. Latest update makes all pigs die. Let's hope for a fix sooner rather than later.

    Oh .. Ok, that would explain it. Thanks for your quick answer!

  • @bill-laboe Ahoy and welcome to the forum!
    I have had to remove your sweary words me matey as we don't allow potty mouthed pirates here on the forum :D

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please feel free to read up on them Here and yes the piggies can't be fed at the moment, so unless you are super quick they will die before you reach your destination. You might be better finding a quest with chickens and snakes :D

  • Yeah, hoping the hotfix is put in place soon for this as I'm still grinding merchant myself to get that done toward legend. I guess for now just forget pigs on any merchant orders.

  • @lizalaroo Yeah they may die, it’s unfortunate...but just think of all that extra bacon! Every cloud and all that ;)

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