Looking for friendly crews!

  • Hey all! I played sea of thieves at launch and loved it but have always struggled to find groups to try these events with, my girlfriend and I have been playing again recently but would love to meet some new (mature haha)people to fill up a galleon or kill some skeletons! My GT is Reagan's Bush, add me if you wanna play

  • 7
  • I suggest using discord to find crews, much easier.

  • Ahoy sailor! Give me another 10 minutes and I should be able to sail with you!

  • https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/36671/clanaod-net-angels-of-death-recruiting-18-pc-xbox/766

    If your tired of dealing with younger people and your over 18 by all means come check us out. Your only a short time away from having dozens of ready and skilled pirates to sail with.

  • Welcome to sea of thieves :)

  • @reagans-bush Hey bud, there are plenty of great communities out there with heaps of people to play with. Personally I'm part of the 'Grog save the Queen' discord group which is full of great guys and girls to team up with and have swashbuckling adventures with. Happy sailing!

  • @reagans-bush I just wanted you to know that your handle gave me a real belly laugh. Well done.

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