
  • Were one a firm adherent to the glittering path of sobriety, this bawdy game would seem to be severely lacking in skill and depth. The rules are as simple as one can be: one crewman, acting as a dice "dealer" of sort, rolls any number of dice. All other participants simply bet on whether the total will be odd or even, drinking if they should lose.

    These is the rules for a dice game called "Cho-han" in the Tales From the Sea of Thieves book. You can find these rules in the book if you want context for why they are described in the book itself.

    • My Archive of Lore Related Texts (Just like this one)

    Text Archive

    Reason for posting this: You might ask "Why is this guy posting rules for a dice game on the dang forums?". Well I collect texts and lore items that are in the game or are tied to the game like these rules for example, I then share these texts and lore items on the forums for everyone to know about. Also how cool would it be for this game to be in Sea of Thieves?

  • 3
  • @d42striker You're doing some fantastic work with these threads, mate.
    I wonder if you'd also like to link your previous ones in here and in the others so they can all be easily be found? Like a small index?
    I'd hate for your work to get lost in the flow of threads on the forums.

  • @katttruewalker I thought I was already doing that, unless I am doing the links wrong? You should be able to click on the links under the categories (ex. The Lucky Sailor under the books) and it should link you to that specific post, and then you can link back to the previous post (or any other) if you want.

    Though unless I am doing the links incorrectly please let me know :)

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