Multiple Athena chests per voyage

  • I've read it takes 93 Athena chests to hit level 10. That could equate to a modest 232 hours of voyage to reach, which would probably be a large chunk of the journey from sailor to pirate legend (it took me 75 days to reach legend with maybe 5 hours gameplay per day with a week off).

    To help ease this grind, I propose the final Athena dig map have the chance of between 1-3 chests to dig on the island, with a favoured weighted chance of between 1-2 chests.

    This will help speed up the process without making it a walk in the park.

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  • As a former binge gamer to me this is crazy. I like Sea of Thieves, but it's like I can't spend my entire life playing it. Right now I'm at the early 30s, and if I stay there for rest of the time I play and own this game, I'm cool with it. As long as I can play with the new material added.

    Just me. To each his own.

  • What's the hurry, though?

  • @rk1-turbulence I agree, there's no need, people are already there at 3 months in, I'm at lvl 4 and I've still got 2 merchant to go before I'm even legend. There's no rush, it'll come with time and work.

  • @silverburchlive said in Multiple Athena chests per voyage:

    I've read it takes 93 Athena chests to hit level 10. That could equate to a modest 232 hours of voyage to reach

    You can knock these quests out at a rate of 1 per hour with a good crew doing speed runs. The crew I did most of my grinding to Athena 10 with was able to do many in 45 minutes by doing speed runs and bribing solo sloop players to sail one of our players to all the GH islands. Suddenly 232 hours is reduced to 90 and it's not so bad.

  • @kzoo-kid fair play if you could knock it out so quickly, but out sounds like a fair amount of overhead to speed run it with split crew? My thoughts were more focused around doing it the old fashioned way, just seems to be a huge time burn on top of the legend grind.

  • @silverburchlive it certainly is a bit of a grind, but currently it's the last thing worth working for. Even without splitting your crew, you can do them in an hour-1.5 hours doing regular speed runs. If you are concerned about time to completion you won't mind this so much. I've had nothing to do for nearly 2 months now because it was not enough of a grind. Multiple perspectives is all I have to offer here.

  • @rk1-turbulence It's not about being in a hurry, it's about the insanely slow grind this game requires

  • @silverburchlive no not fair to change the "rules" to other people who have finished

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