To the galleon who fired upon the unarmed sloop...

  • I hope you enjoyed watching your treasure float up as your ship sank off the coast of ancient spire...

    I am not the type to fire on anyone first unless I'm certain they have something that belonged to me. However, not all pirates are as agreeable as me, which tends to (not always, but MUCH more often than not) not work out for them, as was the case for the red hulled galleon we encountered last night... We had spotted a skull fort upon spawning into the server, and decided to sail towards it to possibly lend a hand and get an honest wage for honest work. As we make our initial approach, we spot a galleon already hard at work on clearing the fort. So with cannons pointed skyward, lights on, I slowly inch towards the island and begin signaling for a member of their crew to open a line of communication... Upon hearing my "ahoy", the galleon slowly starts to turn broadside. Sitting far enough away to be a hard target, I didn't put much stock into their movements until I heard the unmistakeable sounds of cannon fire, and saw the trail of smoke coming from a tower located on the island... My first mate immediately retuned volley at the island, continuing to avoid open conflict with the boat. We had to start moving, as the air was now being filled with cannonballs, so I begin to bring us around the island... I'm openly attempting to signal this time, searching for some kind of response from the vessel, which was obviously being manned, to no avail... Suddenly, all four cannons open up on her starboard, being way too close for comfort. We pushed outside of her range and proceed to watch this crew from afar, while also attempting to parlay with another approaching galleon, hoping to strike an accord to remove this hostile crew...

    In the middle of our signaling, I look back towards the fort and see the sails fully open with the wind, and they are going to pass right in front of me... We immediately give chase, knowing that she will outrun us, but feeling confident that I was the better Captain and my first mate would pick them apart with his accuracy, just like he has to countless galleons before, as soon as they tried to stop... As we are pursuing, a fortuitous turn of events takes place, one that finds the treasure ladened aggressors slamming head long into a small outcropping concealed by rough seas!!! "Impact!!!! We've got them now!!!" I shouted to my mate, "ready starboard cannons!!". He springs to action, taking aim and hitting 3 consecutive rounds, causing the galleon to finally square up with us in the open Waters around the Outpost... After about 25 minutes, I get them dead ahead and charge, sacrificing my ship to turn it into a torpedo... with sails down, we slam directly into their hull, and we finally manage to board the enemy, bringing the battle with cutlass and flintlock... My first mate starts looting the captains cabin, crossing blades with Captain trying to save his sinking beloved, while I head downstairs and defend the water that was already flooded into the second deck. She was lost and had only herself to blame...

    Now, boys and girls, the moral of this tale be this... If you spot an unarmed vessel that is actively hailing you down, don't open fire until you're sure they mean you harm..."think first, before you sink first"- Captain HonestGr1ft3r, Captain of "The Passing Fancy"

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  • @honestgr1ft3r

    1. If I think first, I can't sink first, 'cause I'm getting sunk first

    2. In this very moment they read your post and think "[not mod edited]! If you only could have told me that yesterday… But I'm deeply grateful for that epiphanic speech." 1998% sure about that!

  • @crimsonraziel
    They owe me no sort of apologies, t'was not me who lost a cent... I don't care if you wanna be a pirate, just think twice before taking on a sloop before you've properly situated yourself or risk losing it all... Which is why I say think before you sink...
    But the unpredictability of people is what makes this game fun... Happy sailing

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