State of decay 2 story time.

  • So, I decided to play co-op with a friend whom just got the game a few hours ago. Granted, I joined his world and the desync was off the charts "Computer/net from his side." so funny things like the vehicle flipping when it wasn't invisible zombies and even the world standing completely still were happening. So, I asked if he'd like to join my world. Well, there's a problem there. You see, my world is "Advanced" in a way, so I have insane zombie spawns and very strong specials. How? Well, I'll tell you.

    The thing I love about SoD2 is, the world evolves based on character interaction, so it is amazing to see no two worlds alike. For instance, he joined my world and was immediately assaulted on the roadway by zombies chasing him in the middle of the night. How many zombies? Oh, around 15. Doesn't sound like a lot? Don't worry, it gets better. He left and rejoined with a new character (I told him he didn't have to do that afterwards.) so we decided to take out a plague heart.

    Now, I have purposely avoided plague hearts and infestations for the mere purpose of making my world more difficult. To top it off, my community is 10 strong and makes a ton of noise. What does all this account to? A TON OF ZOMBIES, so much that it rivals SoD1 zombie count at high times. So, we ventured off to kill a plague heart in the middle of the day. He brought a broken gun (I unjammed it.) I brought an semi auto assault shotgun with 15 round capacity and 75 rounds total. At the end of all of it, I had 10 shots left and no fuel was hectic.

    We started by going into the plague heart area with the sole intention of well..killing it. However, there was an infestation (small one) right next to it and we dispatched it fairly quickly. However, 4 hordes spawned immediately as I damaged the heart for the 1st wave. However, no zombies got to us. Why? It was a tanglet, so there were 4 stores and the heart was in one of the center ones. By the time the heart pulsed for the 2nd time...well, there be zombies. They poured through the back door like water into a glass, just in my close vicinity there were at least 20. I fought my way out the door and tossed a fuel bomb at them, to which they laughed and kept coming.

    My friend however had already taken off running down the road, shouting in his mic to help him, he was going to die. I immediately gave chase and I swear he had 35+plague zombies on him(He got the plague from this if you're wondering.) I knew I wouldn't be able to save him,so I made an interesting call. I tossed a bomb ontop of him and burned him alive. Luckily the game has the mechanic to roll and put out fhe flames instantly, so he got saved, but was infected. I stifled my laughter for long enough to down the heart and he refused to come out of the Vandito to help me and then he left my game.

    Moments like this are unreplaceable and no games gives you moments like this but SoD and it is why I love it.

  • 5
  • @kashaarafall lol SoT and SoD2, so you're a gluten for buggy games full of repetition.

    On one hand you have; skeleton, skeletons and more skeletons
    On the other hand you have; zombies, zombies and more zombies.

    Now if either game would only introduce both, zombies and skeletons, we'd be advancing to some degree.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Oh indeed, the difference is being chased by zombies, knocked down, clawed, dealing with infection and special zombies is a bit more fun than dealing with skeletons with AI or lack of AI as I like to say that makes them just jaunt along and sometimes hit you. The shooting is Aimbot type aiming, so that's falsified difficulty, but I did enjoy it somewhat.

  • and another key difference, SoD2 is 30 bucks. of course SoT is prettier.

  • @squallycircle7 Yeah amazing how it's the same price here too yet SoT was $60 in the U.S. and $100 in Australia.... despite the currency rate being $75 Aus.

    Oops, I spoke too soon. The Micro$oft store (even though when asked I selected "English - Australia") it showed $29.95 at first then just upped the price to $49.45 Aus.
    US$29.95 = AUS$39.51 according to the current currency exchange rate.
    It's still better than what they did with the price of SoT. The mongrels :/

4 out of 5