New update 1.0.8 has an issue - loading screen issue please post here if encountered....

  • Since the new update, when I load back from the ferry of the damned, I am now stuck on the loading screen. I waited a good 7 minutes. Restarted the game. Ended up dying again and the same thing, stuck on the loading screen. Restarted a third time. Died on purpose and loading back fine. Died a forth time, yet again I am stuck in the loading screen. Hmmm. Anyone else having this now?

  • 102
  • @squating-chimps Yep in a raid for f s

  • Yep, I don't mean to be that guy, But this game will not last much longer if there is another month of bugs and bs. White knights will say otherwise, but even they should see the non-stop issues/bugs are killing this game. Can they turn it around? Who knows, I sure hope so, but it isn't looking good at all.

  • This has been an error since release. A nightmare if it becomes more prominent.

  • @vexed-anemone Really, huh, this is the first time for me. I keep loosing loot and its so heart breaking everytime. I think im going to take a break from this game.

  • @squating-chimps

    Happens to me at least three times a night and often on Skull Forts.

    Fortunately I try to play in a team and so I have been fortunate enough to always get invited back into the game.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Just because one game has had issues for 3 yrs does not mean we should be ok with this game doing the same.


    Also most people are not calling it the end of the world, Keep that strawman going though. People have delt with one game breaking bug after another for some time now, they have a right to be mad/worried. Stop white knighting, its getting ridiculous.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue.:

    @squating-chimps Halo: TMCC has been out for almost four years and 343i is still trying to fix the game. This game has been out for three months and people think it's the end of the world.

    I know games that have been around for close to 20 years, with bugs that were present last I played (around 13 years ago?) and still have them. I love how everything that doesn't work right currently is the "Gloom and Doom" of how this game is dying a quick death.

  • I got some emote issue....

    alt text
    It stays like this for hours, must be painfull walking around like that...
    alt text

  • @vexed-anemone sagte in New update 1.0.8 has an issue.:

    This has been an error since release. A nightmare if it becomes more prominent.

    Yeah, but they fixed it with the last's really not good if it came back even worse...
    I didn't play it yet since 1.0.8, need to wait for friday, hope it's fixed than

  • @squating-chimps
    Got the same thing, i’m In Xbox.
    Had black screen after the ferry.
    I closed the game and relaunched it.....joined a new game and it froze at the outpost and kicked me back to the dashboard!
    Never had these problems before last patch

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue.:

    @apocacide said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue.:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue.:

    @squating-chimps Halo: TMCC has been out for almost four years and 343i is still trying to fix the game. This game has been out for three months and people think it's the end of the world.

    i don't think they're trying very hard (343) btw thats an ms studio too...

    There is a saying... "Good things come to those who wait."

    I don't care for either side here but your saying doesn't apply. The onus isn't on the purchaser when the seller could've also waited...

  • @squating-chimps
    I made a thread too, about this.
    Me and my friend got stuck on the loading screen too after the ferry.
    But only happens sometimes.

    We were doing bounty Quests.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue.:

    @gloog said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue.:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue.:

    @apocacide said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue.:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue.:

    @squating-chimps Halo: TMCC has been out for almost four years and 343i is still trying to fix the game. This game has been out for three months and people think it's the end of the world.

    i don't think they're trying very hard (343) btw thats an ms studio too...

    There is a saying... "Good things come to those who wait."

    I don't care for either side here but your saying doesn't apply. The onus isn't the purchaser when the seller could've also waited...

    But it does. If you think three months is enough time, cool.. but if you actually waited before you threw a tantrum and left for good you would have seen things were going to get better. No one has to wait for anything, but instant gratification is way too common.

    So you are an advocate for games being released prior to them being finished? The consumer is expected to wait until the seller deems the product viable for sale, but you're extending it beyond that and saying the consumer is expected to wait as long as the seller wants the consumer to wait.

    That's a crazy side to argue. Let the unsatisfied be rightfully unsatisfied. You don't need to make excuses for the devs.

  • Can confirm this is an issue. Currently waiting after leaving the ferry of the damned. At least the sounds of the sea are relaxing... though I have like 2k on board while anchored at this shipwreck

  • I've had the same.

  • Maybe RARE listened to everyone's request for server migration after death/sinking and this is the easiest way for them to pull it off. ;)


  • @squating-chimps I'm going to hijack the title of your post, I hope you don't mind, regarding the infinite loading screen which seems to be popping up, just to gauge how widespread it is.

    If you're encountering this issue could you please also send a report via Support so Rare are aware of the extent of the problem.

  • Better not die lol! :)

    Hungering Deep is going to be fun I bet :) Hope Rare and the deckhands are ready for the storm ;)

  • This makes high level souls practically impossible.

    Rare.. how :/

  • This happened to a friend of mine a few days ago, pre-patch, so it isn't new.

  • I will post a support ticket, but I just wanted to add that whilst doing a fort with a full galleon we all kept freezing at different points and had to keep shutting the game down and rejoining each other. Luckily there was always at least one of us on the ship

  • got the same [Mod edited] bug at skull fortress and now i cant join my friends since the xbox app is [Mod edited] and you cant join friends or even get invites anymore. like really? why push out a game if they cant keep it running for atleast a couple of weeks without bugs?
    sorry but im salty as [Mod edited] atm...

  • @squating-chimps said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue - loading screen issue please post here if encountered....:

    Since the new update, when I load back from the ferry of the damned, I am now stuck on the loading screen. I waited a good 7 minutes. Restarted the game. Ended up dying again and the same thing, stuck on the loading screen. Restarted a third time. Died on purpose and loading back fine. Died a forth time, yet again I am stuck in the loading screen. Hmmm. Anyone else having this now?

    The problem is back, and affecting many, seeing the ticket I have submitted, they're working on it

  • Im waiting for someone to say don't die get good

  • @hampich91 Ahoy mate, we can understand your frustration, but it'd make your post look a whole lot better without the asterisked words...

    I've encountered similar problems with the xbox app, I installed the beta version (from the store) which seems a whole lot better, but still can't use the in game invite friends thing. It annoys me as well.

  • yes, just lost 6 skulls ... to the NEW Feature! xD

  • same, happened to me and my friend, the mermaid cause the loading loop for me, and my friend got stuck in infinite loading when he spawned after he died.

  • @hampich91 said in New update 1.0.8 has an issue - loading screen issue please post here if encountered....:

    got the same [Mod edited] bug at skull fortress and now i cant join my friends since the xbox app is [Mod edited] and you cant join friends or even get invites anymore. like really? why push out a game if they cant keep it running for atleast a couple of weeks without bugs?
    sorry but im salty as [Mod edited] atm...

    May I suggest getting a pet cow or goat? They love salt, and will lick you clean in no time.

  • ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON PATCH ROLLBACK ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  • Yes me too. Loading screen non stop.. i can't play today

  • I can’t even load the game.!!!!

    I get as far as choosing a crew and then crashes. I really can’t be bothered with this game much longer. So many problems and I really loved it as well.

  • @walnutcorpse832 this is just worth a shot because I know nothing but has anyone tried clearing your cache? Game save cache?

  • I cannot be the only one that finds it utterly ridiculous that there are people in this thread using Halo MCC, a four year old (still) broken game to justify the problems we're seeing in Sea of Thieves. The problem is that games shouldn't be released in such a state in the first place, it isn't at all consumer friendly. What on earth do you think all the bug testing and beta releases are there for? Under NO circumstance should you be able to purchase a product only to receive broken goods, whether it will work in 5-20 years or not is completely irrelevant.

    A huge difference is at least in Halo MCC, there are four completely playable games with single player campaigns, skulls, challenging difficulties, co-op. Sea of Thieves has a bare minimum of variety, three mission types ad infinitum, depends entirely on multiplayer-only to keep it 'afloat' and they haven't even got THAT stable yet. The more this happens, the more people leave and the less viable it will be for Rare to keep it going.

    Don't get me wrong, this game can still be fun, but it falls so crucially on who you play with and against.

  • I tried getting this load screen issue when aweking from the dead ship (got killed alot and eaten alot by all those sharks!! where do they all come from??). Seems I have no troubles there, but when I scuttle the ship…. It's like the kraken can't eat my ship so long that black load screen is. It only did after I've done it two times in a row (for testing purpose) and I was sailing a solo sloop.

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