Achromate graphical feature/help/contrast

  • Hello! I have seen that in this Patch you have added the Colorblind options to see the X better. But for who is Achromate (Achromatopsia) like me the change is low and often it can't be helpful. My question is: there is a possibility, in a future, that you add also Achromate features/contrast to help us too?
    Achromatopsia is different from Colorblinb. The last one is when someone see the red instead of green, for exemple. Achromatopsia is different: we cna't recognize all colors and we see in a "pseudo grey-scale" (wikipedia can help better then me).

    Comments and criticisms are always welcome :)

    Thank you so much for the consideration :)

    Yes i tried the new X. I don't know wich colors are, but i can see it better then the normal X.
    but i used this for exemple, not for only the X of th treasures.
    For exemple, some where i have problems are:

    1. The nome upon the players, for me are the same for friend and for enemies, so when i go on fight i have to read the name before to ingage (and sometime i die before to see if it is of my ship or an enemy.
    2. in the map (in particular the trausers mission map) i can't recognize the things, for exemple the rocks, or plants. In the ship is more simple because i can zoom a lot upon the map but for missions map i can't, so it's very difficult: for now to find the trasures i use the shores of the island and i calculete (more and less) where can trasuers are. in fact in the biggest islands, for me it's very difficult find the place (and i playing from the closed beta).
    3. I said, in the first post, that i can't see the colors, so an other difficulty is the 'Animal Catch'. I know that when i have the cage i can't see the name, but it appears a few ms and if i turn or the cicken/big turn around i can't see which color/type of animal is. Or more difficulty it's also when i make a Leggendary Quest, where i have also 10-15 skeletons on my back so i can't stop to read better the name of the Animal.


    1. I saw that it's so difficult, see someone in the water
    2. recognize if he/she is friend or enemy ((connected to the name color difference from enemy/freind)

    For now these are the most difficulty that i found in this game with my problem.

  • 13
  • I believe the X will be white with a black outline, is that not going to be enough of a contrast?

  • Yes i tried the new X. I don't know wich colors are, but i can see it better then the normal X.
    but i used this for exemple, not for only the X of th treasures.
    For exemple, some where i have problems are:

    1. The nome upon the players, for me are the same for friend and for enemies, so when i go on fight i have to read the name before to ingage (and sometime i die before to see if it is of my ship or an enemy.
    2. in the map (in particular the trausers mission map) i can't recognize the things, for exemple the rocks, or plants. In the ship is more simple because i can zoom a lot upon the map but for missions map i can't, so it's very difficult: for now to find the trasures i use the shores of the island and i calculete (more and less) where can trasuers are. in fact in the biggest islands, for me it's very difficult find the place (and i playing from the closed beta).
    3. I said, in the first post, that i can't see the colors, so an other difficulty is the 'Animal Catch'. I know that when i have the cage i can't see the name, but it appears a few ms and if i turn or the cicken/big turn around i can't see which color/type of animal is is.

    For now these are the most difficulty that i found in this game with my problem.

  • i hope Rare may help you just because it's sad play in this way.

  • support romans96 and other people with Achromatopsia

  • I hope that you will have a better experience with the game in the future #DevsHelpHim

  • @romans96 you are a real Pirate Legend imho. Devs should acknowledge your great effort and take actions to praise you and to help those affected by the same condition.

  • Hello! Other 1/2 things where i found some difficulties:

    1. I saw that it's so difficult see if someone in the water (if it's a player or a barrel
    2. And if someone is on the water it's difficult to recognize if he/she is friend or enemy (connected to the name color difference from enemy/freind)
  • @romans96
    Player tags were removed under water so them being harder to see is intentional.

  • @nebenkuh yes i know about the name, i mean that when players are in the water it's so difficult to see them for the less contrast with the water

  • Hello. yestarday i tested for Colorblind accessibility, but, like other games, these accessibility can't help us. it can't recognize enemies: also trying with all Colorblind filters, i see the enemies name the same of my crew.

    An other thing that i would like to add to "the list", is that on the daylight, i have some difficult to se the direction of the wind (difficult that i don't have with the nightlight because the wind have some contrast 'on the dark'

  • Hello! I discover an other problem: in the treasure Maps.
    I didn't know about this and i discovered that because one of my crew told that: In the Treasure Maps, to recognize better the place and the points in a way to find a treasure, there are some kind of trees that have different colors, in the map and in the world, to make easiest to find treasures. So i discover that after they told me about it, before that, i use the end and the border of the isles to recognize the point where are the treasures, but this way, watching only the border is so difficult, in particular in the medium/big isles. (I already tried, like the previus problem, to use the Colorlind filters, but obviusly no one of them can help the people like me)

  • Please i hadn't fin any solutions for the two biggest problems that i have in game:

    1. For us the crew names, alliance crews names and enemy crews name have the same 'color', so for us, it's such all are in the same crew
    2. The color of the island trees, for us are all the same

    Please help us....

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