Why you should Fear a two man sloop.

  • There we were, freshly loaded after leaving the tavern... My first mate and I were enjoying our favorite shanty (a particularly haunting little tune, played in the key of "too much grog") as we were heading towards our ship. The sun was setting, and we went below deck to check supply levels... As we came back topside, I noticed something on the horizon.. "galleon on the horizon, sails down against the wind" i shouted. My first mate loaded our long 9's, and preceded to cut the sails... We came up with a plan to circle behind the Outpost and start our approach, making doubly sure to keep our sails hidden from view as the evening fog set it... We sat completely motionless for 3 "game hours", waiting in the mists for the perfect opportunity to start our charge. As we predicted, the galleon continued to push headlong into the wind, and the trap was set... Our sails opened up, propelling us towards our prey. Trapped in a strait, working against the wind, they were left sitting ducks as our cannons rang out over the silent air... First round slammed into their hull, just below the surface, followed by three more consecutive hits... They were left stunned and scrambling, deciding whether to focus their efforts on patching hole after hole, or to attempt to give us a taste of our own medicine.. knowing that I had them rattled, I shouted to my mate, "prepare for impact, we're going to ram them!!!" He ran below deck and got the planks ready. We hit them with such speed that we detonated their supply of gunpowder, creating an explosion that could be seen for miles... "The Passing Fancy" added another galleon to Davy Jones fleet, and absconded into the shadows with her pilfered prizes...

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  • @honestgr1ft3r

    What an adventure that made out to be.

  • @s1nch1ld4lyfe

    An adventure indeed!!! Here's to many more, mate!!!

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