I could use some Posting/Forum advice for some projects I want to share.

  • So while I have been pretty active round here forums have never been my area...or socializing in general... so me spending so much time debating such a silly thing is somewhat expected.

    I have posted a few in game tales around here and have been working on some self created folktales/legends based in in game observations that I plan to share with some illustrations(I threw one up awhile back if anyone managed to catch it).

    The point is I plan on posting a lot of story 'stuffs' throughout my time here and am trying to figure out if I should just start a thread for each story and let it live however long it lives or just make a single thread and continue to post new stories as they are finished within said thread so that way it would be a collective of all of them as well as a chance for it to bump itself and give people a chance to see older stories.

    I tend to overthink these things...gotta love social anxieties...but if there's a posting method that better fits a forum format when concerning this type of project or one that those interested in such projects would prefer to see I would be happy to hear it so I can make a decision and stop thinking in circles over it.

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  • @john-hatter I honestly don't know. I personaly wouldn't probably go for the "one thread" approach. Like you said, it gives the others a chance to read older stories and that's good, but...

    ... I've also done a similar thing a few weeks ago. Short stories, all in one thread. And I gave up on them. People reacted to the first one, some to the second one and then it died down completely and I've lost interest in doing it.

    Maybe do it separately, but post a list of links to the other threads in it as well? I really don't know...

  • @sir-lotus
    Yeah...I'm afraid to do a single thread as that will quickly become a giant wall of text to put people off with...

    The individual is easy enough but depending on the gripes of the day it can easily get buried.

    I had thought about potentially linking others with a "click here if you want to see more" kinda list at the end.

  • @sir-lotus said in I could use some Posting/Forum advice for some projects I want to share.:

    Maybe do it separately, but post a list of links to the other threads in it as well? I really don't know...

    i like this idea. i think this would work best. speaking for myself, i never go past the first page in a thread. i read the OP's words, a few comments, and then head back to forum/recent lol so your following posts are likely to be unseen.

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