Climbing ladder problems

  • Today, climbing ladders is hazardous on the ship. When at the top, it throws me backwards into the water or onto the deck, depending on the ladder. It takes several attempts to board. This is very frustrating when trying to load snakes onto my ship. I don't know what changed, but it makes the game hard to play.

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  • @allthingsnew Have you found a solution to this problem. Been doing this to me since my first time playing the game. I've tried two different character models as well. I climb up and it tosses me back into the water over and over. Sometimes I can climb aboard in 2 tries, sometimes 5 or even 6.

  • This has been happening to me the last few days as well, all other ladders work fine but the ship ladder always drops me back into the water when at the top of it

  • @allthingsnew
    I’ve noticed similar ladder bugs. I’ve tried to board enemy ships and have been kicked off the ladder for no reason.
    If you did not find a solution to your problem i would submit a ticket to Rare explaining the exact problem. Good luck and happy Sailing!

    -Captain Goonie

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