Reputation - loss, risk and negativity.

  • Hey, I wanted to address a problem regarding the experiences which many players have been through whilst playing the game and the sorts of behaviour this encourages.

    The current design of the game is one which many of us can agree is exciting and fun.. the whole concept of undertaking an adventure to obtain treasure and hand it in to earn your rewards is fun, but the idea of making it PvP and adding that element of paranoia and risk on the open ocean makes it even more thrilling. Personally I am making this thread as someone who enjoys voyages and likes PvP occasionally, and being chased when you have loot is very exciting! I will go into this in quite some detail because I want to address what may be on peoples minds when seeing this. Please read the paragraph below if you don't want to, or don't have the time.

    TLDR: This idea is about awarding some BONUS reputation earlier in the voyage, in order to stop players experiencing a loss which is currently so extremely deflating, and encourage other methods of play than simply running, if you possess loot and you're being chased perhaps you want to fight back for instance. I will add further information on the reasons and consequences of this, but this is the core idea which will be open for discussion. At the moment I am thinking an amount of reputation which is equivalent to roughly 50% of the current hand in value for loot now. I think this value wouldn't be too big, but big enough to make a positive difference. Note: this is a BONUS, so it wouldn't be deducted from the loot, the loot still holds the same value.

    I think one major issue is the concept of loss. There is nothing wrong with losing your loot, and I would never want to remove the aspect of loss and risk from the game. Having said that, I have seen several threads of people literally just complaining, angry, frustrated, even upset that they have lost their loot because currently your loot represents 100% of your time investment for a particular gaming session. Loss in itself, is a part of any game, but in this game loss can potentially mean that at the end of your gaming session you haven't got anything to show for it. I think this encourages a few unhealthy behaviours:

    1) Hostility from the PvE community towards PvP players. Players leaving and uninstalling the game. Asking for their own server and as I've seen quite a few times on the forums, referring to anyone who enjoys PvP as 'trolls'. This isn't fair, all players should be able to experience the game as they want and create their own adventure, PvE, PvP, or PvPvE, and Rare want to support this. My point is I think a large part of this isn't necessarily game design, but partly due to players stealing 100% of your loot and you suddenly dont' have anything to show for it. Even in players who enjoy the game, this isn't a nice feeling.. and although loss is important I just feel this is a bit extreme.

    2) A lack of options. If you have loot on your ship, PvP is NOT an attractive option for you, because yes it is fun, but if you lose, you lose everything from the time you have put in. There have been many times whereby I have been chased by PvP players who have nothing on their ship, and I want to turn and fight, but why would I? Fleeing is an easier, less risky option, and why would I take that risk to fight when I risk losing all my loot and they don't? The current system encourages fleeing as your only real option when encountered by someone hoping to steal your loot.

    So, in solution to this I'd like to suggest being awarded a little reputation earlier in your voyage. This was initially being discussed on another thread which is no longer available, however many people agreed that this could be awarded on 'voyage complete'. So you dig up your chests, or kill the skeletons, and when you have finished and the VC sign comes up on the screen, you and all your crew instantly receive some reputation.

    Benefits of this idea

    1) Better experience
    The system of loss and risk would be maintained as most of the value of the voyage is STILL within your chest, but any loss is cushioned. Players who are concerned about the idea of risk loss need not be, players will not suddenly be handing their loot to you or unafraid of losing their loot. They will still have to think about their actions and make decisions. The majority of reasonable players don't mind losing their loot, it's the TOTAL loss which is so deflating to some players.

    2) A healthier system for players to consider taking risks
    Currently if a player complains about any issue relating to this they are told 'visit an outpost more frequently', but where does that end? Are people expected to do two voyages per outpost visit? One voyage then hand in and repeat? With this idea players STILL need to think about when they visit an outpost and weigh up risk/reward but if they make the wrong decision, are a bit too greedy, or get bested by another pirate, they will still feel like they have gained SOMETHING. Of course it is still a disappointment, but it's a healthier system from a players perspective than the total feeling of loss which is currently experienced.

    3) Players are encouraged to finish their entire voyage
    Some players will just obtain the most valuable items from their quest then cancel a voyage half way through, this will encourage players to actually complete their voyage.

    4) More reason to PvP
    I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself and several others who commented on the previous thread and we all agreed that with a system like this we would feel far more comfortable with engaging in PvP even with loot. This would make for much more interesting game play and player encounters. At the moment many people feel if they have loot, PvP is an instant no and must be avoided like the plague. Obviously some people may still feel this way but I'm sure in general PvP will increase as players know they will still have made progress on their account even if it goes badly. I know I would!

    5) More loot for PvP
    This one is more speculative but I've been saying players should be a bit more encouraged to take risks, one risk is to do more than one voyage before visiting an outpost. Now obviously that is currently an option but if you lose after doing multiple voyages the loss is that much more crippling. Players are more likely to visit more islands or do more voyages if they know they won't get nothing if it goes badly, thus potentially PvP players may find that ships will have slightly more loot than usual if people start doing this. Obviously speculative but several people came to that conclusion when reading this idea as a possible effect!

    Problems with this idea
    Like I said, this was discussed on another thread so I'd like to address some of the problems which were raised and my replies to them.

    Retaining risk - core to the game
    Some people are worried this would remove too much risk - having loot which you want to protect is obviously core to this game! This could easily be achieved by awarding a sensible value of progression. For instance, lets say your combined loot is worth 100 rep points and 100 gold. If the bonus rep in question was 200 rep points, obviously that is ridiculous and people are not going to care about their loot as much, removing the fundamental aspect of the game... If the bonus rep is 10 points. This isn't much and so the loot will still be something every player wants to defend and hand in at an outpost!

    Having said that, I honestly feel like 10 isn't enough. Obviously this is subjective but I feel like something hovering around the 50 mark would be a far better value. Big enough to be meaningful, but not enough to provide a lack of incentive to defend your loot.

    Some players are also wanting to separate rep and gold - 'voyage complete' = all your rep/XP, hand in at an outpost = all your gold. Personally I think this is a bad idea as it removes too much incentive to defend the loot. Personally I am more interested in rep than gold, so for me I need some rep from handing in the loot otherwise to be honest I won't be too bothered if I lose it or not, and every player needs incentive to defend their loot!

    PvP incentive
    Some people have raised the concern that with this change PvE would look far more attractive and have far more incentive than PvP. I would beg to differ, I honestly believe this change would ENCOURAGE PvP because if you have loot, if the correct rep bonus is chosen, players are more likely to weigh up their choices and consider whether PvP is their best option or not. At the moment the only logical thing to do is flee, because the system is all-or-nothing to such an extent.

    As for players who ONLY like PvP, well as far as I'm concerned that already lacks incentive. PvP is a less efficient way to get loot than PvE only, you don't know who has loot, how much, where it is, what faction the loot is for... Thus I think this needs addressing any how and I've seen several posts on the forum purely for this purpose, to add incentive.

    Just hand in at an outpost more frequently
    I agree, this is good solid advice. However there are a few issues with this...

    1. This won't help unless you have successfully completed one+ voyages and handed in the loot, and it is always possible to be attacked while doing this.
    2. So in other words, the current system is enforcing a 'fleeing' style mentality even if people enjoy PvP but just don't want to make a loss... yes going to an outpost is a good strategy, but at the moment I don't feel like it is a strategy, I feel like it is the only real option. With this idea, going to an outpost is still important!! But considering choices such as taking on more voyages before handing in, or engaging in PvP, are suddenly also viable options, and if you make a poor decision, yes you will make a loss, but it isn't such a deflating experience as it currently is.
    1. In addition it essentially discourages players from undertaking multiple voyages at once, because literally, every item of loot obtained is another item which comprises the 100% you will lose, if you are attacked by a PvPer. It sort of encourages Outpost to voyage to outpost, second voyage then outpost, third voyage then outpost. Because if people did all 3 voyages before handing in they have so much more at stake and the loss is even worse! Surely it is better to encourage players to take risks, and they will still pay for it if they make a mistake, but they won't lose 100%!

    But this will make the grind so much easier..
    This can easily be adjusted... either the total rep from the bonus + handing in at an outpost can equal the current hand in amount, or the total rep required for 50 of each faction can be increased. It shouldn't be difficult for Rare to adjust the grind according to how they want it whilst also incorporating this idea.

    The merchant alliance functions differently though
    I don't think it would be difficult for Rare to either award rep on each animal captured (obviously only if they are required for the quest, for instance if you needed two gold pigs, you'd get rep for one, not two, even if you captured a second) OR add a 'voyage complete' sign when all the items/animals have been successfully collected. The bonus rep could then be awarded here.

    Just to clarify this idea does primarily concern via PvP losses, however the benefits would also apply to being killed by any AI threat e.g. the kraken or any of the upcoming AI threats in the next few months.., or disconnecting, etc.

    Any more problems with this idea I will write on here, and I intend to update this post frequently to make it as relevant as possible. If you disagree with this idea please feel free to voice your objection and reasons for it, perhaps proposing a different solution, or maybe you don't feel this is a problem at all. Any opinions welcome. Thanks.

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  • I would say gain experience upon finding loot and/or completing voyages, but only get gold upon turning the loot in.

    Skull forts should probably remain strictly PvP, as in it doesn't matter if someone did all the work, if another player takes the loot from you, tough luck. They get all the XP and gold.

    However regular voyages, message in a bottle, shipwreck, etc. should give XP since you were exploring

  • @greaseman85 I agree. I'm happy for gold to be awarded on hand in.

    As for 'finding loot', the reason I said voyage complete is purely as I think it would be easier for Rare to program? Rather than programming each chest to be worth X amount of rep, and each skeleton captain X rep when killed, just to add a bonus on voyage complete. Either is fine though, essentially just some rep gained before you set sail to hand in the loot.

    I must admit I haven't delved much into skull forts so I can't really comment! But I know they are a PvP heavy area and yea it would be very difficult to divvy up rep as it's an open area for anyone, whereas voyages are unique to each crew.

    I guess message in a bottle would reward bonus rep on completing their associated voyage, I don't think any additional bonus would be necessary. As for shipwrecks I was sort of thinking they don't need it, the loot in there can just reward on hand in like now. I was purely looking from a voyage perspective, any messages, or shipwrecks are 'add ons' and would still require players to look at the risk associated - ship wreck are any ships around? Am I solo and will I be abandoning my ship on the ocean.. for instance.

  • Good points, I think it makes more sense to award rep upon voyage completion otherwise some people might go on an animal capturing spree just to rep up the merchant alliance lol.

  • @greaseman85 Ah yes, I need to comment on merchant alliance too on my main post as that functions completely differently, I forgot. It shouldn't be hard for Rare to add a 'voyage complete' after all relevant objects/animals have been captured.. at that point the rep can be awarded :) Then the normal loot on hand in.

  • Why's it so hard to understand that if you flee you can turn in your loot with major success...

    Edit: that TLDR was really bad - didnt encompass hardly anything the OP said. After reading, we should get rep as we partake in the voyage, yes.

  • @gloog That isn't hard to understand. The problem is, it's the ONLY option. It's essentially a game of cat and mouse, and if you have loot, you play the role of a mouse. Of course some people will choose to fight but most people would rather not given they have so much at risk. The problem isn't a case of no options, it's a case of fleeing being the only real option most of the time. Players should be encouraged to feel like they have multiple options, but the fear of losing loot is so strong currently that most players would rather run than consider other options.

    So wait do you agree or not? Sorry if my TLDR was bad. It is literally a TLDR lol, I can't put all points of view in there. It was just meant to include the main aim of this thread. Do you think I need to make it longer?

  • This idea is basicaly just like begging Blizzard to grant 0.5 of a win whenever you get defeated in a match of StarCraft.
    Edit to make the methapor clear: Or asking for a small amount of competitive rank points on Overwatch or HOTS after each loss instead of losing rank completely so it doesn't feel bad.

    Safety nets for casuals are not going to be a thing, the thread was locked with good reason stop trying to revive it.

  • @urihamrayne he wants rare to adjust the volume required so it still 'feels' like progress. It'd make no difference for you pro or for me.

  • Is this loss?

  • @thickbeagle What do you mean?

  • @urihamrayne said in Reputation - loss, risk and negativity.:

    This idea is basicaly just like begging Blizzard to grant 0.5 of a win whenever you get defeated in a match of StarCraft.

    Safety nets for casuals are not going to be a thing, the thread was locked with good reason stop trying to revive it.

    I haven't played starcraft so can't comment. If you lose in overwatch, you are still awarded some experience. If you lose in heroes of the storm you still get experience. If you lose in diablo you don't suddenly lose all of the items and gold you gained up till that point.

    And anyway, you can't draw direct comparisons they are literally different game types.

    You and I both know the thread was locked because of arguments not the content of the thread.

  • I really wish we got rep for completing a voyage. It will make ppl actually wanna finish them, while also having crews take a bigger risk for going to that last island. I dont think you should get rep for digging up a chest or catching a chicken. There is no challenge in it at all. Safely turning it in is the hard part. I dont wanna see ppl get rewarded for losing.
    I know if makes everyone mad when you log out and get nothing. But at the same time it raises the stakes of the game and makes my crew try much harder. Just my opinion mate.

  • @nwo-azcrack I certainly value that opinion! The thing is I think it's very easy to retain a system whereby people want to try hard, whilst also providing the 'best of both worlds' and not making the loss as crippling as it currently is. I want the loot to remain valuable enough for people to want to defend it and try their best! I just think that the current loss is eliciting some very negative reactions and experiences from people which can be fixed whilst keeping the core of the game play mechanics the same.

  • @angrycoconut16
    Alot if this i feel is about the mentality of gamers nowadays. They are not used to losing it all when they fail. All the classics growing up had a system like 3 lives or something and when you lost you started over from the start. So i guess when i lose and log out with no progress it doesnt bother me because i failed. It was my fault.
    I know what you are trying to do with the thread and if done correctly it wont be a big deal and im not against a little rep for the time put in. Just not in simple tasks and such.
    Anyway thats just my thoughts.

  • @nwo-azcrack I've also played plenty of games where you lose it all when you die and lose all your 'lives' :) Platypus was a big one for me growing up! But I think it depends on the style of game and I don't think the major loss approach to this game is necessarily a bad thing, I just think the current system of COMPLETE loss encourages a lot of unnecessary negativity, especially as this game has attracted a wide audience with a wide variety of gamers (hardcore, casual, families, kids..)

    I totally get where you are coming from though and I know many players are ok with the current experience. Thank you so much as well for being understanding - you are right if implemented it would have little impact on people who enjoy the system how it currently plays, but it would make a world of different to people who find the current loss a bit extreme.

  • You do get commendations which add to your rep from small tasks within each of the voyages. So technically even if you do get robbed you are still progressing slightly.

    If anything I'd say leave the current rep system as is but maybe you can get a small bump in rep for each skelly you kill, chest you dig up, animal you cage, etc.

  • SoT has moments that are absolutely a blast, for me it is when my crew and I (my three kids) get wrapped up in a Galleon on Galleon cannonball slinging fest! I have never had more laughs, or more of a good time in a video game then when we are getting caught up in those battles. Then there is a flip side...

    Logging out empty handed!

    The way XP (reputation not gold) is awarded is punishing and makes no sense to me what so ever. Why is it that a "Pirate" who turns in a white feathered chicken and a powder barrel receives more "Reputation" then the entire crew of a four man Galleon that just defeated the Kraken? Thematically it makes zero sense right? which pirate would YOU toast at the pub? Lets look at it game play wise, exact same scenario. Pirate with chickens is awarded XP for turning in a couple chickens. Pirate Crew battles and defeats what is basically, currently, the world "Boss" and receives...Zilch. Makes no sense game play wise either. Now, lets add to that, in the course of any given voyage, you may have to, defeat skeletons, defeat a skeleton "captain", sail through storms, fend of other crews, solve riddles, the list goes on...Yet, through all of that, you are awarded your XP only when you make it back to port to turn it in? No one see's this as ridiculous? You can do all of the above including the Kraken. Spend an hour or so on one voyage doing it...then lose all of that (loot) to a number of things, a PvP loss, Kraken Beats you, server crash, client crash, etc.

    So, my bottom line is this. I believe the system needs changing. I don't know how exactly. My personal thought is the timing on rewards of reputation. I would prefer to see the Reputation awarded on the "Voyage Complete" screen and the gold awarded on turn in. As far as bonuses, messages in a bottle, forts, and so on...I Don't Know. I would like the end result be...

    That no player logs out of Sea of Thieves feeling like they just wasted an hour of their life because they were unable (for whatever reason) to turn in their loot. It is neither fun, nor entertaining, walking away from a game feeling like you gained nothing. This isn't a real world contest. It is an entertainment medium. In entertainment if someone is not have failed!

    EDIT: I cut a LOT out because I was way to long winded...Sorry!

  • @el-dunco True but I'm not sure if this is enough? I must admit I also don't really pay attention to commendations and how much they award... perhaps I should but it just isn't a mechanic in the game which is made extremely obvious? And it isn't consistent, what I'd be looking for is a more consistent system, otherwise if you have unlocked loads of commendations you suddenly are back to the same problem.

    That's exactly what we're after! :) I suggested the bump could be on voyage complete, but it could also be for each individual item like you said, I just thought that might be more complicated to program that's all. Either one is a valid solution.

  • @urihamrayne said in Reputation - loss, risk and negativity.:

    This idea is basicaly just like begging Blizzard to grant 0.5 of a win whenever you get defeated in a match of StarCraft.

    Safety nets for casuals are not going to be a thing, the thread was locked with good reason stop trying to revive it.

    I agree with this sentiment. There is an integral relationship between the risk of total loss of your loot (which in the dev's own words is an intentional physical manifestation of the entirety of your reward for any given amount of time) and the atmosphere of the game being one in which (again, in the dev's own words), every player is meant to feel constantly paranoid. Any tinkering with that relationship jeopardizes the core of the game. There are no participation trophies.

    This thread contains nothing that was not already suggested or covered a hundred times over in the locked thread, and it should follow suit.

  • As the game stands now, a player with a ship loaded with loot is simply content for aggressive players with nothing on their mind but grabbing other players loot. That is fine, it is the core of the game, the Sea of Thieves. However, the player being jumped stands to lose everything. Gold, reputation, and time invested in the questing. If reputation was awarded upon "Voyage Complete" it would cushion the blow to any loss. It also makes better sense. Why would the thieving pirates gain the reputation for the work (riddles, sailing, digging, etc.) the other pirate did? Gold awarded on turn in. This makes sense as well. Meaning the chests/skulls/(not sure how this would work with animals) are only worth gold. Regardless of who turns it in, they get paid gold for it. The reputation was paid out to the person who found it. This would also encourage more questing , and less murder crews roaming the seas (as they need to quest as well to gain rep). As it stands now the system is set up for one group to always be the victims of another. The attackers have zero risk, they also have zero incentive to gain rep another way.

    Thus, continuing a discussion on ideas to improve upon the existing system is a good focus.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Reputation - loss, risk and negativity.:

    As for 'finding loot', the reason I said voyage complete is purely as I think it would be easier for Rare to program?

    You shouldn't worry about whats difficult to implement, it's just not worth your time guess or rare's time to guess what your intent for the poorly thought out / watered down mechanic.

    I also dislike your presumption that if you lose all your loot you've lost all the time you've spent in the game. The progress in the game is generally meaningless unlocking nothing unique or new really other than cosmetics. And that you'll likely always leave a game empty-handed is absurd with the game throwing chests at you. So long as your not going for some arbitrary record of stuff on your boat most nights will likely be a net benefit. And getting better at PvP will only make carrying that loot to an outpost even sweeter. What matters at the end of your adventure is if you enjoyed the moments of attaining the loot or losing it.

    I also think you, putting so much emphasis on the value of the chests, you have a skewed look at PvP options as its a risk vs reward scenario. There are many times our crew sees another ship not at an outpost and has been in the area doing voyages will likely have loot, but so do we. Putting all the functional value on the chests means there are options depending on when and where you see a ship.

    The only real benefit I see is giving a reason for players to finish a quest. I don't know how they'd end up with more loot when doing more inefficient voyages. I don't see how it adds to a reason to PvP as people that engage in PvP regularly aren't worried about walking away with nothing anyway, anecdotal but in my experience, aggressive players have no problem with being a bit lossy unless there is something really special on their ship. I don't see why a PvE player that mostly wants to PvE will want to PvP when they still have the stuff to lose and didn't want PvP to begin with, especially when you consider their view like yours puts a lot of emphasis on the progression.

  • @touchdown1504 Why would the pirate who actually returns with the bounty receive the reward?

  • @savagetwinky You make some really great points here. They are however based in opinion, of how some like to play, not all. Some people enjoy the sailing around and eye balling the scenery. Others enjoy the questing. Some the PvP. Many of us a combination of all that is offered.

    It is safe to say that no one "enjoys" logging out empty handed, especially after investing time toward progression. Some folks are chasing that "finish line". That is what they have fun doing. The benefit that rewarding reputation at an earlier point (whatever that may be) offers is allowing some flexibility in how players play. This is a game, entertainment. When it stops being entertaining, it has failed. I see no issue with rewarding the reputation (experience points) at the Voyage Complete screen, or rewarding it for the tasks involved (kill a skeleton, solve a riddle, defeat another crew, etc.) Part of the issue here is the "grind" will feel a lot less grindy if the way and timing rewards were done was spread out. If progression was constant. Speaking for myself only here, I would engage a lot more often if I knew either my reputation stayed intact or I stood to gain some from the battle.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Reputation - loss, risk and negativity.:

    @greaseman85 Ah yes, I need to comment on merchant alliance too on my main post as that functions completely differently, I forgot. It shouldn't be hard for Rare to add a 'voyage complete' after all relevant objects/animals have been captured.. at that point the rep can be awarded :) Then the normal loot on hand in.

    There is a voyage complete when you turn in all the animals on your list at the correct outpost

  • Personally I think this is a good idea because it would help give players meaningful options for how to voyage. Instead it's either you're basically just tooling around not gaining much, or you have to ditch missions until you get multi X's or golden animals

  • @savagetwinky The trouble is Rare have introduced the rank of pirate legend and some players set that as a 'goal post', it is something to aim for, something to achieve. I know that upgrades are purely cosmetic.

    Obviously if you spend a long time on the game, then it is extremely unlikely you won't get anything, but if you log on for a period in the evening, or perhaps like me currently you are working full time and studying for additional qualifications, you may have limited time... so losing your loot can quite literally be all of the time you have spent in that gaming session.

    I do agree, most nights are a benefit but I'm not talking about frequency of loss, but quantity. Why would anyone enjoy losing their loot? That's the problem I am trying to address. I would enjoy losing my loot if it didn't mean that another player was walking off with 100% of my time investment for that session.

    I'm not saying players won't ever engage other ships in PvP with loot, I'm just saying for a lot of people the current system discourages it, plus there are players on the ocean who aren't bothered about voyage and only enjoy the PvP aspect of it, so these ships will very rarely have loot when coming at you... it isn't always possible to see whether an enemy ship has loot on, so it is usually in your best interests to just flee if you have any form of loot...

    For PvPers it won't add incentive - they already have their reasons, and for people who only ever voyage it won't make a difference regarding PvP, but several people on the forums myself included have voiced our standing that we primarily voyage but would like to PvP more too as it's a fun aspect of the game. The reason we don't is that, usually when we encounter a player ship which we might consider attacking we have loot on board... and the risk of losing everything is far too great especially when we have no clue what we stand to gain (most clever players hide their loot under deck anyway so even if they have loot you never know how much) By reducing the loss players would be a bit more encouraged to take risks such as engaging that PvP fight rather than always seeing fleeing as the main or only option.

  • I have said multiple times and the reason I made the original post so lengthy was to address this exact issue. If this idea is implemented properly it WILL NOT jeopardise the core ideals of the game. Removing value from the chests clearly would, and we are not suggesting that. So long as the loot always remains valuable and a very attractive thing for players to want to defend, these ideals will remain. Thus even if people are against this idea, it won't affect them personally (if I am mistaken by all means let me know how)

  • The Moderator Locked the previous Thread regarding this... so you start up another one straight away?

    My point of view will always stand that you should not get a "Pre-Bonus" for not even completing the Voyage. It should come when the Items are handed in.

    This will do 3 things. 1, make a Complete Voyage worth doing. 2, make the majority of low Ranking Items more Valuable, and 3, Boost Rep much quicker.

    As it stands, the majority of Groups I've been with, couldn't care how many Castaway, or Seafarers Chests are onboard, but the second they get a Captains Chest, they want to head straight to the Outpost to hand it in.

    This is because the only thing they care losing, is the High Ranking Items. Unfortunately, because this Game is based on a Roll of the Dice with percentages, then most of the Voyage becomes pretty useless.

    Hence why people only play Selected Parts of each Voyage, just so they can try and increase that luck to gain something good.

    For an overall Gameplay Experience when it comes to the current Mechanics, then creating a Bonus on Item Deliveries will increase every single item you carry, regardless of it's individual worth.

    Creating a Bonus on Voyage Complete will indeed make people want to play an entire Voyage, but at the same time, it will detain, if not decrease, the worth of the low Ranking Items.

    It is very possible to complete a Voyage and Hand all Items in... I do it Solo all the time. If people are struggling with constantly being killed, then play smarter. Think ahead of your actions.

    What I don't understand is though, is that you state that you are Risking your Items due to PvP, yet wanting to implement a System that provokes PvP more.

  • @touchdown1504 said in Reputation - loss, risk and negativity.:

    As the game stands now, a player with a ship loaded with loot is simply content for aggressive players with nothing on their mind but grabbing other players loot. That is fine, it is the core of the game, the Sea of Thieves. However, the player being jumped stands to lose everything. Gold, reputation, and time invested in the questing. If reputation was awarded upon "Voyage Complete" it would cushion the blow to any loss. It also makes better sense. Why would the thieving pirates gain the reputation for the work (riddles, sailing, digging, etc.) the other pirate did? Gold awarded on turn in. This makes sense as well. Meaning the chests/skulls/(not sure how this would work with animals) are only worth gold. Regardless of who turns it in, they get paid gold for it. The reputation was paid out to the person who found it. This would also encourage more questing , and less murder crews roaming the seas (as they need to quest as well to gain rep). As it stands now the system is set up for one group to always be the victims of another. The attackers have zero risk, they also have zero incentive to gain rep another way.

    Thus, continuing a discussion on ideas to improve upon the existing system is a good focus.

    Excellent post and mirrors my thoughts on the matter.

  • @nquarter Yes I did start another. The moderator did not lock the post because of the content, and we were raising a valid issue which many players feel. It got locked because it resorted to the same people (of which I was one..) basically getting into an argument over 20 pages and things were getting a bit heated. I don't intend to make that mistake again, this is an important issue I'd like to bring to Rares attention.

    I respect your opinion. But you are incorrect, it would not make complete a voyage worth doing, unless you mean it makes handing in loot worth doing. And this idea would also make the rep quicker.. just in a healthier way from the perspective of a player who is voyaging.

    I agree, I mean personally I'd prefer it if they made captains chests a higher probability at a higher level and sea farers a lower percentage... it would also feel better for the player, but oh well :P

    I honestly think your idea of a bonus on item deliveries will only ADD to this problem - don't you see how people are going to be MORE frustrated than they currently are if they lose their stuff? That's the issue we are trying to address, the current loss is a very deflating experience for the player who put the time in to work on a voyage, solve the riddle, locate the treasure, dig it up and kill the skeletons which spawned, only to have it taken.. if you add MORE value to the loot, it will make these feelings worse.

    You are right it is possible to hand everything in, but sooner or later people are going to die, there is only so much you can reduce it, death and defeat is guaranteed to everyone and this suggestion just tries to make defeat a little less deflating of an experience than it is currently. Just this morning ANOTHER thread on the forum from a player very frustrated at PvP and losing loot. This is an issue and for the players who are already happy with the current system, it would have no negative effect on them at all :) And players will still have to think ahead of their actions with this change.. the loot would still be valuable.

    What I am saying is that if a bonus was awarded on VC, players would be given some form of reward, yes? This means they may be prepared to take more risks because they will lose less than they are currently, they will not lose 100%. They will still lose a SIGNIFICANT amount, but not everything. Thus some people, not everyone, but definitely some people (including myself) are going to be far more game for PvP fights, either as a method of defence when attacked, or as an opportunity which has arisen to attempt to gain some loot (if the enemy even has any). At the moment both of those options - defence and opportunity for PvP, are very unappealing because if it goes wrong, if you make a bad decision or if the enemy is just a far better PvPer than you, you lose 100% of the time you have put into that voyage/those voyages.

  • @nquarter I believe part of the issue is the fanfare screen "Voyage Complete". We can all agree it does not feel very complete when that screen pops up. You still have loot, and your rewards have not popped into the proper account (Rep or Gold). Yet, a screen just flashed that distinctly says "Voyage Complete". At best it is confusing. Except for the MA voyagers that complete...well...when you actually turn in.

    I don't see that it matters if people leave "low ranking" items behind. How does that affect anyone? If someone cannot be bothered to turn in a foul skull or a castaway chest because the payout is so low on reputation (insultingly low) leaving the loot behind only affects the individual.

    As for risking items in PvP...It is more than that. If you are the "attacked" individual or crew you risk to lose all of your items, the gold and reputation value, as well as the time you invested to gather. The attacker risks nothing. It is not the risk itself, it is the lack of balance in that risk. PvP is pointless if you happen to have loot on board. You stand to gain absolutely nothing by engaging. But you do stand to lose absolutely everything you have on board. So why would anyone even bother? The PvE oriented players are literally "content" for the PvP players. Don't know about you, but I don't like the sound of that. Award reputation on "VC" and perhaps more folks will engage. Less to lose, less of a risk. It balances out the encounter.

  • With no rep reward from "stolen" cargo it would mean the death of PVP,
    I got almost 1.6mill gold on me and allready bought loads of stuff and gold does not even interest me, only rep, well sins Pirate legend only 1 rep interests ^^ Still for the rest of my crew that are nearly pirate legend its the same we don't care about how much gold we get only the rep.
    What about if we give 50% bonus rep to people that found it atleast then? Well that would mean people could find a way to abuse this somehow.

  • @cpt-toothpick I'd like to make my point on this very clear. Some people think that rep would be awarded purely on voyage complete. I am 100% against this as I agree, it would remove PvP incentive and some incentive to defend your loot (for example I am not so fussed about gold, I would like to get PL, it's a little goal I have given myself. Thus if the loot isn't worth any rep as I have won it all, I'm not too bothered if i lose it, and no player should feel complacent about their loot!)

    My suggestion is exactly what you said :) Roughly 50% to whoever completed the voyage tasks (the crew), and the loot is still worth 100% rep, 100% gold.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in Reputation - loss, risk and negativity.:

    This is an issue and for the players who are already happy with the current system, it would have no negative effect on them at all :)

    You keep saying this, but it doesn't make it true. The game is already stacked against PvP, if the goal line is your objective your time is always best spent cycling quests as that is not only the most efficient but also the only guaranteed way to come out with loot.

    What you are proposing would further exacerbate this issue, as you're proposing to make questing 50% more lucrative than it already is without allowing for PvP to have any similar increase. Your suggestion in no way gives PvP a matching 50% increase in returns.

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