Gold and Reputation

  • I have played video games since the days of the Odyssey (pong machine). I am not a developer, a code monkey, or anything of the sort. I am a game enthusiast, and I have a love/hate relationship with SoT. For many reasons, but I will stick to Gold and reputation here.

    The first thing I do not understand is what the purpose (other than Legend) is in "Leveling up" (buying promotions). I am at 23/23/22. On a Gold Hoarders voyage I may come back to an outpost with 4 castaways and a seafarers chest. My kids voyage, level 5-ish, we come home with one Captains and a Seafarer. This is not always, but it seems to be more often than not. There just seems no point to reputation in general. yes, the voyages give you more to do and a longer voyage, but the rewards seem minimal, especially when the Reputation line is barely perceptible in its movement.

    Second issue is how the gold and reputation is awarded. everything is awarded on turn in. I suppose in a thematic sense it makes perfect sense. From a gamer's stand point it makes zero sense (to this gamer anyway). Using the Gold Hoarders as an example, I may go out, uncover three chests under the red "x"s, then solve a riddle. The voyage complete frame splashes across the screen. But the voyage really hasn't completed, I just received nothing. Same with the Order of Souls, defeat a handful of boss skellies on an island, voyage complete. But, I receive nothing for doing so, until I turn in. I get it...from a thematic standpoint.

    Never present a problem without a possible solution...
    Issue 1- increase the frequency of better chests/skulls at higher levels. create better unlocks (full sets) that happen at the factions to encourage promoting.

    Issue 2- Award reputation on "Voyage Complete". Award gold upon turn in. I think this may help cushion the blow people feel when they lose their loot due to an attck, or worse yet...a disconnect. this means if loot is stolen it still has its full monetary value, the individual that was ransacked was still rewarded for the effort they put in to obtain the loot.

    I don't have any ideas for the Merchant's Alliance. The voyages are timed so I can't see a way that rewarding Rep on animal capture would work. Anyhow just my two bits, take it all for what it is worth.

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  • Yeah its a tough call with the merchants. Something that wasn't considered in a similar post suggesting rep increases upon quest completion rather than at an outpost.
    One idea was to award the rep upon completion of the quest but only be paid the gold at the outpost.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Thats my point, the short version...

    Award Reputation on "Voyage Complete", Award Gold on Turn in (This is Gold Hoarders and Order of Souls, not sure how Merchant's Alliance would work)

    Solves a couple issues...

    1. On disconnect you only lose gold. You still gained rep to rank up.
    2. More people doing voyages to gain rep, means more ships with loot, means PvP is more meaningful (or Piratey if you will)
    3. Losing an engagement means your total loss is not such a drastic blow. You still have the reputation, it will not feel like a waste of time.

    This does means they would have to rework how skeleton forts and shipwreck loot awards players. maybe those give both on turn in? Someone smarter than me can figure that out.

  • The only issue I see this causing, and it really isn’t a big issue, is it would make shipwrecks and “bonus chests” and skull forts obsolete. Perhaps granting reputation to all on the fort at the time of completion would be good? It would promote team work at forts at least till the fort is done then a mad dash for the loot. Which could be even more exciting and no where near as frustrating.

  • I think digging up chest or finding riddle clues or killing skeleton captains or capturing animals should award some rep along with the rep you get for turning stuff in. This would solve the shipwreck and raid not giving rep issue and would also not discourage players stealing loot because if they didn't get rep it wouldn't be as worth it (thievery shouldn't be discouraged in this game).

    Anyways not to toot my own horn but I made a good post very similar to this in that it addresses your issue with getting better loot as you get more promotions.

    EDIT: PSA, as you get more promotions your chance at getting higher tier loot does increase but not by a whole lot and not quickly.

  • @rezerekterr I have to agree here. The current randomized loot does not scale well with progression in gold or reputation.

  • Giving rep only for turn in or voyage complete would sway me and my crew way off to PVP. We don't care about gold we got all off us like 1.5mill off it and if we could I would gladly pay a 3rd of that if I could turn it in for rep to legendary or something. When I see loot in the game now I see how much rep it gives and I don't even care how much gold it brings in, Tho gold = rep so the more gold an item is worth turning it in the more rep you get. But if they take the rep away for example, then F the PVP untill im legendary.

  • I’ve alreadt hit PLa while ago but durning my grind I would of like to see something rewarding for completing a voyage.

    All I did with my crew was cycle throw quests looking for the one with the most chests and skulls. Didn’t care about the chapters or anything. No reason to try for chapter 2 if my crew still a total of 10+ voyages to vote on.
    Overall the completing a voyage should have some reward. I feel like that should be good for something if you complete something with more than one chapter.
    I don’t see how this would be nevitive for the community. You still have loot to cash in and the risk of losing should be rewarded for completing chapters.

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