No Man Sea? Sea of Killers? Let us choose a map size then.

  • I see many players (incl. game reviewers) complaining about not seeing any ship around, calling the game a No Man Sea and the like.
    but, funnily enough
    I also see many players complaining that they are constantly being attacked by ships wherever they go, some even can't sail away from the starting Outpost without getting their parked ship sunk as a starter.

    So... everyone's complaining, everyone's right and everyone's wrong at the same time!?

    One partial solution to this would be to let us choose a ship AND a map (size).

    Those complaining about not seeing enough ships to battle with would choose the smaller map.
    Those complaining that there's too many ships around, most just chasing anything that moves would most likely choose the bigger map.

    Is this a "PvE" map vs a "PvP" map in disguise? Maybe, but it would still be Sea of Thieves with no exception to the existing PvX rules. The only change/choice would be the maps size and the game would hand that choice to the player.

    Not happy with the ship encounter frequency? Try the other map size.
    If RARE peddled back from doing a 4x the current map size because it would mess up the ship encounter chances, then I'm guessing that is should use that to the game advantage and let players decide.

    After all, isn't the game supposed to be welcoming to all play styles? Let us choose it then.

    PS/Edit: To clarify, I'm suggesting just map area size (amount of empty sea vs islands, though I'm ok with bigger map with more islands but same number of ships) choice as a way to influence ship encounter positively (those eager to see more ships) or negatively (those complaining that the sea is too crowded already).
    I'm not suggesting an increase of players/ships. That's another more technical than game balance issue.
    Sure, if technically possible, I'm game for more ships in an instance, but then maps sizes have to be adjusted accordingly, to keep this original "map choice" suggestion valid.

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  • @koshdukai said in No Man Sea? Sea of Killers? Let us choose a map size then.:

    I see many players (incl. game reviewers) complaining about not seeing any ship around, calling the game a No Man Sea and the like.
    but, funnily enough
    I also see many players complaining that they are constantly being attacked by ships wherever they go, some even can't sail away from the starting Outpost without getting their parked ship sunk as a starter.

    So... everyone's complaining, everyone's right and everyone's wrong at the same time!?

    One partial solution to this would be to let us choose a ship AND a map (size).

    Those complaining about not seeing enough ships to battle with would choose the smaller map.
    Those complaining that there's too many ships around, most just chasing anything that moves would most likely choose the bigger map.

    Is this a "PvE" map vs a "PvP" map in disguise? Maybe, but it would still be Sea of Thieves with no exception to the existing PvX rules. The only change/choice would be the maps size and the game would hand that choice to the player.

    Not happy with the ship encounter frequency? Try the other map size.
    If RARE peddled back from doing a 4x the current map size because it would mess up the ship encounter chances, then I'm guessing that is should use that to the game advantage and let players decide.

    After all, isn't the game supposed to be welcoming to all play styles? Let us choose it then.

    a lot of people seem to miss the point that it is still an online server based game. meaning match making will be highly dependent on your geo-location. That issue goes deeper in regards to server farms. there may be more available servers in the US than in the EU meaning more servers in the US could contain partially full player lists but EU are pushing the maxed limit. Then people forget that it is still a server... there can easily be only 2 crews initially dumped into a server.

    The fact it when the server is full (number of players meaning you can have more sloops roaming than you can galleons) the consistency of attacks is quite frequent. The map isn't all that large and a full server is just enough people to allow griefing. Either more players or less players would help but right now it is in a sweet spot of just enough griefers without other griefers around to take their attention away from you.

    sometimes people get lucky, sometimes people server hop, we have done that the last two nights to get rid of a french crew who was hounding us 24/7 with no goal in mind other that to impede our enjoyment of the game

  • I would like a server browser to join a currently populated realm or even join ships with other friends and/or clan members.

    I do see both sides though. I have had multiple galleons (including my own) in a mass brawl for a fortress. I have also played on a server that seemed to be utterly empty. Neither issue truly bothers me too much so long as players are always willing to parley

  • @cayden-black said in No Man Sea? Sea of Killers? Let us choose a map size then.:

    I would like a server browser to join a currently populated realm or even join ships with other friends and/or clan members.

    I do see both sides though. I have had multiple galleons (including my own) in a mass brawl for a fortress. I have also played on a server that seemed to be utterly empty. Neither issue truly bothers me too much so long as players are always willing to parley

    i know it would never happen (poo Microsoft)... but if Rare could release Mod tools and integrate them into the Epic launcher, unbelievable things would start appearing. If only... in another life i guess

  • A good name would be "Sea of Fortnite". LOL

  • @mcdougle99 you live in a fairy tail my founder friend, a fairy tail...

  • @davejc64 said in No Man Sea? Sea of Killers? Let us choose a map size then.:

    A good name would be "Sea of Fortnite". LOL actually disturbingly accurate.

  • @cayden-black said in No Man Sea? Sea of Killers? Let us choose a map size then.:

    @mcdougle99 you live in a fairy tail my founder friend, a fairy tail...

    a man can have dreams though?!?

    If modders can get massive server MP for Just cause 3, I cant imagine what they could do with Sea of Theives

  • @mcdougle99

    I’d be all for it if not for the fact people would use it to unlock everything. I just want the stuff. Shoothere4xp keeps showing on the sea of thieves ha twitter page. I want that brig!

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