The PvP/PvE Conundrum

  • Okay so obviously the community is a bit torn (now please understand guys that tearing at each others throats just make you look idiotic and toxic). Does anyone think that separate servers would be a good thing? Now lets discuss this for a moment... Yes I do understand the fact that if ALL PvE players left to their own server, the PvP would be stale. Sadly this wouldn't happen as I still see many who PvE mainly and they still love the PvP and wouldn't switch servers. As of now I see a good statement to be a made... "I spent 5 hours getting chests and skulls just for you to come up and ruin it." - A fellow player who was solo that I came up upon in one of my sessions when I had a full Galleon of friends. I literally had 0 intent to fire a cannon or board him, that was literally his first statement. The fact of the matter is, we DID just spawn in the server 10 minutes prior. I understand the fact that if a solo player who spends so much time exploring, gets taken out and everything stolen by a team or another player who literally has done nothing but PvP, that player is going to stop playing or just get utterly mad. That's the last thing I want players to do... stop playing, or start annoying other new solo players and continue the cycle. Allowing a set of PvE servers would be healthy to the community, it wouldn't be the end of the world, because the PvP-allowed servers would still exist and they would most definitely still have a player population. At the moment I see no signs of stat gear. Meaning everything is cosmetic, which relates to nothing in game in terms of balancing. If someone grinds gold in a PvE server for a new boat then so be it, it means nothing, just a nicer target for PvP players when he/she decides to go back to the other server type. A newer sword, cool, means nothing. At the end of the day I see a need for different servers to fit the needs of the playerbase and potential players.

    Feel free to express opinions, and remember to respect the Pirate Code!

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  • I think the PvE community is just outraged that they play for hours and they can lose everything in a second while a PvP player just sits and wait to steal all your efforts.
    The problem is there's no balance in the time you spend doing quests, and the time you spend Pvping..

  • some places like outposts and skeleton forts should be safezones.... there is no other way out

  • @desolate-hollow
    It's fine as is honestly. If you're doing quests and pve and you're average with handling your ship there are no worries. players can not catch up to you (if you're a sloop vs a galleon use the rocks).

    Then again, if you're good with a ship you can catch people more easily. It's all determined by knowledge and skill of your crew.

    For me personally, I've stolen countless treasures and skulls. And nobody has ever stolen from me. I've looten entire forts while not doing the forts myself, by killing all the other ships with explosive barrels.

    I've defeaten galleons that followed me in my sloop with ease.

    What I'm trying to say is, people need to get better at the came if you complain about balance in pvp. It's a pirate game after all. And making 'safezones' would just ruin the realism(?) of the pirate aspect of the game.

    Dedicated servers for pve and pvp would make both server's experiences bland. And not to forget split the community.

    Ofcourse having your own opinion is fine. But ask yourself this if you really want to put boundaries on a pirate game: Is this game really for you?

  • @davidbarlow Understandable, but even still. Pirates in real life never just attacked any vessel they ever spotted, even if they felt like they had the better advantage. Realism already goes out in the door in this game either way. Splitting the community is better than having them at each other's throats, no? Many players don't even care about the pirate aspect, they love the environment. There has yet to be a good game that came along that delivers everything that Sea of Thieves does. An amazing environment, audio, and feel. Many players want to experience the world without the need of PvP interference. It wouldn't be bland. PvP would still have its population to stay way more than relevant. PvE would have a population of happy players that no longer have to worry about anything. In a business point of view... a PvE specific community is a huge gold pile (pun intended). Why miss out on it? If you're good at PvP stay in PvP... nothing will change. You won't even notice a difference.

  • @desolate-hollow No they didn't, thats true. But they had the choice to do so. PVP players chosing to attack every ship is their own choice, thats part of the realism.

    Pvp players that constantly attack others will slowly leave the game anyway. It gets boring for them fast so dont worry. The game will balance itself out in a few days/weeks. You couldnt expect anything else from a game like this. Players that are new and excited to have amazing ship battles.

  • I personally would love to just explore and complete voyages. Every time I set out lately within seconds I am set upon by Galleons. And they don't just kill you, sink your ship and move on. They keep coming after you. Over and over to a point where it's not fun. Especially when I make no effort to fight back after a first attempt. If I'm out gunned I'm outgunned. Little I can do if they get the drop on me while anchored and off exploring.

  • @davidbarlow That is true that most will put the game down after a while; how long that takes and how many leave can't be told just yet (though there will definitely be some that remain). I'm for both PvP and PvE and love the current balance that is already in the game. But I also would love to explore without the need of a stressful encounter which could turn everything into a disaster. In my previous reply, the community is tearing at each others throats in some threads. I really want this game to succeed. After a rocky launch and the current scheme of PvP/PvE, I am worried that this game will get a bad rep. Turning players away, and driving potential players elsewhere. Though yes, at the moment, this game might not be suited for some. But think about it... I have yet to see a game like Sea of Thieves. It's definitely a game that should be enjoyed by everyone, and shouldn't diversify itself to cater to a certain kind of playerbase.

  • @desolate-hollow написал в The PvP/PvE Conundrum:

    @davidbarlow Realism already goes out in the door in this game either way.

    So you're all about realism? Sinking on sight is not "realism" and it's bad. But human cannonballs, almost semi-automatic pistols, scopes and skeletons are OK? I mean "real" or "hustorically accurate" :)

    The main reason ppl engage you asap cuz PvP is the most exciting activity in this game. Sailing from A to B or killing poor AI skellies can make you sneeze very fast. And sometimes it takes 30-50min to find someone to fight. So no surprise

    PvE is ok, I alwasy prefer PvPvE. The mix is always better. But PvE in SoT is just, well, laughable

  • @rivyer I understand the frustration, this has definitely happened to me. I was on an island here a couple hours ago,
    , completing a Skull hunt only to be set upon by a full Galleon... and they were set upon by another full Galleon. And then I just watched as they went at it... My Sloop was long since destroyed and I found a Captain's Chest and completed my bounty. So in the end I just hid both items and left the server. It get's stressful, and annoying, and hopefully Rare can shed some light on the situation. If they don't change anything I'll probably put the game down, as will many other players.

  • @astrodr0naut notice how I said 'realism?'. What I meant is; this game should emerge you into the world. Human cannonballs and all those other things are goofy elements to the game that make a goofy pirate adventure game.

    But once you notice an invisible wall in a game, or a safe zone or something else along those lines, you're not emerged into the game anymore.

    Sinking on sight is the choice players make. The fact that they have the CHOICE to do so WHENEVER the want make it so you really get sucked into the game. It's a sandbox game where you have the complete freedom to do all the pirate things you want to do.

    And yes, I agree PvE could be better. But the pvp shouldn't be restricted or rebalanced at all. Which is the topic of this thread.

  • @astrodr0naut That is your opinion and you're entitled to it. I said realism was out the door to another's reply. You may like PvP and love the mix, others do not and simply enjoy the game without the stressful problems other people create. They SHOULD NOT be forced to leave a game that has so much potential in a PvE oriented environment. If you love PvP, stay in the server where it's allowed. You won't notice a difference. People who love the world and want to explore should have their own place to go.

  • @davidbarlow said in The PvP/PvE Conundrum:

    Pvp players that constantly attack others will slowly leave the game anyway. It gets boring for them fast so dont worry. The game will balance itself out in a few days/weeks.

    this is not something i believe it will ever happen. waiting for a community to moderate itself is like expecting a society to run without laws. Wonderful, magnificent utopia, yet utopia.

    Edit: i don't think restricting PvP is an option. But changing the current reward mechanic definitely is necessary.

  • @davidbarlow Oh no, definitely not. The current balancing is totally fine with how the game works now. PvE could definitely be better, I'm just giving my opinion on how it could be improved and how the game could go in a direction to benefit all players. Some players don't have complete freedom, people who want strict PvE so they can enjoy themselves, have to be stressed out the entire time they play, and when being chased are forced into situations they don't wanna be in. People who love PvPvE already have a nice balance. Shouldn't be reworked at all. My suggestion is just new servers for PvE oriented mechanics. Leaving the PvPvE style servers as they are.

  • Look the problem with this game is no real pvp 4 to 5 boats on map is not pvp. So I think they should add pve and pvp separate till the servers can add 20 plus boats. Because someone pvp look for hours is going to kill first thing that it spots.

    Any one says splits community is in fantasy land because lack server strength is splits community. So if they can't increase pop then they need separate server and make pvp smaller maps.

  • @strykertheelite A good suggestion. Especially with the smaller map size to a PvP server. Splitting the community is definitely not what would happen. Keeping the PvPvE aspect a server choice caters to one side of the coin, and bringing in a PvE server choice caters to the other side. It would make the Trolls leave the game since they don't have easy targets, so that would be a plus in it's on right. And then many players would gladly pick up the game without stress of being forced into PvP situations. It sounds like splitting down the middle, but honestly you could just build the population on both sides with good delivery.

  • I've given this some serious thought. The problem is that PvP and PvE players are playing entirely different games. The PvE players are just trying to relax, get some loot, and have a chill time. Meanwhile, the PvP players are literally leeching off of the PvE players' fun without risking any of their own time or loot. On a fundamental level, the PvP players are predators while the PvE players are prey. This imbalance is only fun for PvP players, for obvious reasons.

    PvP servers could work, but only if every ship had something to lose. For example, every ship could be given random chests, animals, or skulls to transport to another island across the map. That way, if you decide to engage another ship, you're risking your own time and loot to do it.

    Another thing to try would be to turn the shipwrights into some sort of Ship Salvager guild. Accepting a Ship Salvager voyage (you have to start it at the shipwright, not on your ship) would instantly turn your sails pitch black, and you would be tasked with collecting and delivering a ship wheel (or other ship part) from either a galleon or a sloop. You would have to sink a ship, and the ship part would float to the surface afterward so you can pick it up. The black sail is so that other players know you're out for blood, and can have a chance to get away from you if they're vigilant and agile enough. Also, lore-wise, the merchants of the SoT world would only tolerate indiscriminate violence if you're serving under the black flag. If you're delivering your chickens to a trading island and you just start murdering people, they wouldn't like that.

    Speaking of the trading outposts, they need to be safe zones. If someone targets you for PvP and you don't want to fight (or you can't fight because it's sloop vs galleon), the only thing you can do is run. And you can't run forever. Even if you make it to an outpost, you can only get maybe one thing off your ship before you start getting spawn-killed. It's just not balanced. If you make it back to the outpost while under constant attack, you should win that encounter, not lose it. And lore-wise, the merchants on trading islands wouldn't take too kindly to you making their home a dangerous place. They would probably sink your ship or at least ban you from the island if you started having gunfights and cannonfights on it.

    Of course, due to the way the game is designed, there will always be a few unavoidable problems. Even if there were specific servers, areas, and guilds dedicated to PvP, trolls and griefers would still bother the PvE players just to kill them, even if they didn't get anything for it. And even if Rare removed the ability to kill other players, people would just board your ship and take your loot, and there would be nothing you could do about it.

    In summary, because of the way the game is, you can't really "fix" this fundamental flaw in the game's design. But you can add several different features that would make it a lot more tolerable and fun.

  • PvE only is bad for this particular game because of some reasons.

    Biggest reason is there wont any friendly interactions anymore because people are going to join PvP servers for a reason.
    And on PvE Servers people would just ignore each other doing voyages.

    Another issue is the game would lose its CORE mechanic, which everything holds together. Because you cant take the heat reconsider if this game is made for your taste?

    The argument to gain higher player base to attract more people will force the game into mainstream look at World of Warcraft, there is nothing more to say about that „issue“.

    You should consider another game if you dont like the game as it is, yes devs have to improve it, wont argue that. But killing its unique features would harm the game for us who like it the first place, changing it to appeal to the mainstream would screw us. Which is unfair. Period.

  • @finanzminister This game is no where similar to World of Whocraft. Even if this game DOES go mainstream, it'll be the first of it's kind. No other game yet can offer what Sea of Thieves offers. I can handle the heat, I love the current balancing for PvPvE. But unlike most, and I care little to unfairness because for many players the game is already unfair, I care about the problems that a lot of players have... and that is enjoying the game without the stress.

  • @charity-diary Good arguments and very fine delivery. I have seen the troll statement before. Where they get aboard and take your chests. Honestly, I don't think i would ever dock when I know someone else is there. Especially if I have a lot of loot to turn in. I mean if it was a PvE server... I definitely wouldn't mind sailing to the next outpost. I love the environment, and don't mind the extra 5 or so minutes of amazing sound effects lol

  • @desolate-hollow why should the devs of this unique game b*******r because they are filling a niche? Its neither MS, Rares or my fault that other devs dont care about pirat games.

    Sry no. Time will chance, ubisoft is developing another ship fighting game maybe its for you!

  • @finanzminister Don't tell me what game is or is not for me. I love the Sea of Thieves game and I love most of the community. The ones who are unwilling to change or to listen to any argument because they love easy prey are a problem on their own. I'm assuming you don't mind making someone else's life miserable... since you can just sink their ship and make off with very little effort?

  • @desolate-hollow honestly i am the guy talking to my crew letting people do their voyages and only attack if they attack us first.

    My point is not everygame must suit everyone. Its ok to be different.

  • @happyalbe They will leave, trust me. Those pvp only gamers are just here for the hype. They'll go back to CoD in no time.

  • @davidbarlow I hope they listen to you.

    I still think the mechanic under the loot is wrong though.

  • Maybe how seamless server transfer can be . maybe brake the map up so u get small maps 4 to 5 boats. So it would feel heavily populated.

    Right now I hate have search couples hours to find one boat. It creates bad habits. Most of all complaints from pve is thier no ally system 90% community can't trust it self because of lack of community.

    Sadly if they don't push more heavily populated servers this game will die. I bet you if add 20 more boats. The pve complaints would go away because they can find none hostile form amad so any pvp guy would move away.

  • @longdrinkicetea
    For Outposts, people just need to understand how use there spyglass, and not go on an outpost with already a galleon on it.
    It happen to me 3 time i was shopping on an outpost and a sloop arrive to my outpost...

    For forts I think you don't understand the real reason of this. Sure people can cooperate, but the real goal of forts it's to bring pvp player to a reunion point and fight.

  • @desolate-hollow
    Istead of seperate servers, what are your thoughts on a possible one hour on and one hour off of PvP enabling? That way both sides aren't seperated into different same time worlds for very long. Maybe make items worth a bit less when in non PvP mode but then when it is enabled the treasures are worth more due to the added danger.
    On a side note since PvE would get to play their PvE time and get treasures or whatever they want to do safer with less stress, they also give the PvP players still more chances to get better treasure but by creating an outter ring around the now existing map that is constant PvP zone with forts and non stop player battles.
    Just a suggetion to maybe help the game and community out by not totally seperating them while still keeping them in same servers.

  • I honestly just hate when i play solo and a 4 player galleon has to attack me, I can not do anything bc they have more people manning the cannons , boarding up holes, steering the ship, While i have to do it all alone, it really just sucks.

  • @desolate-hollow I agree. I think PvE and PvPvE servers should be implemented. It's a shame I can't let my kids play this because of people shouting homophobic slurs and being toxic. You would see a lot less of that on a PvE server, because griefer/trolls/tryhards wouldn't have a reason to be there.

    And it isn't going to split the community. Anyone who says it will evidently doesn't understand that a server has what? Maximum of 6 crews per server? Unless only 2 people want PvP you will have the same experience. (honestly if only 2 people want this it shouldn't be in there don't ya think?)

  • @captn-stormrage Sounds like a recipe for people to log in at the appropriate moment, stock up a few supplies at the Outpost they spawned at, and sail straight for any ship coming their way, since they know it will likely have treasure aboard, sink them, take the treasures, sell, logout, wait for the next hour and a half, repeat.

    It isn't going to split the community. Not in any noticeable way. There are I think 5 or 6 crews total per instance. If there are that few people who want that PvPvE experience to fill those instances, then maybe they need to drop the PvP part off of it entirely.

  • Personally i love how this game plays the way it is. I feel the game industry is so scared of upsetting the masses that they pander to community pressure too often, but I love the fact I’ve had to learn some hard lessons, it’s made me #bemorepirate

    I play solo for the most part and these lessons have taught me to be able to do things like this:

    I had just left port after turning in some booty and made a tonne of gold, a galleon saw me sailing out and opened fire, I quickly jumped from my vessel and swam over to their ship. They didn’t see me coming and I managed to steal a captains chest, chuck it overboard and then blow up the explosive barrels on board. I leapt from the boat, picked up the chest and while they were fixing the ship back up I turned it in for some more gold.

    I felt like Errol frikkin Flynn! It’s awesome, please don’t change it.

  • @davidbarlow said in The PvP/PvE Conundrum:

    Pvp players that constantly attack others will slowly leave the game anyway. It gets boring for them fast so dont worry. The game will balance itself out in a few days/weeks. You couldnt expect anything else from a game like this. Players that are new and excited to have amazing ship battles.

    What is so scary about having PvE servers? You will have a really hard time splitting a community when there is only 5 or 6 crews per instance. This isn't an MMO. You wouldn't even notice a difference. (other than probably the PvPvE instances would just be sink on sight messes, but that is the allure of PvPvE really, ship battles and such) It won't balance out, it never does, it degrades. Look at other PvPvE games. They fall apart to straight PvP. DayZ is a great example.

  • @shadeofdead I don't like the whole it'll.split the community mindset either. The people saying that are obviously blind to there already being a big split in the community.

  • @happyalbe said in The PvP/PvE Conundrum:

    I think the PvE community is just outraged that they play for hours and they can lose everything in a second while a PvP player just sits and wait to steal all your efforts.
    The problem is there's no balance in the time you spend doing quests, and the time you spend Pvping..


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