"Friendly" servers

  • Why can't there be "Friendly" servers for those of us that prefer playing the game without being bothered by campers and others whos only intent is to kill others in the game? Then everyone gets what they want! Honestly, I don't have time to waste 2 hours on a raid only to have my stuff stolen enroute to an outpost. I see no point playing the game at all in its current state.

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  • What would be the point? The content is non-existent. It's a super boring fetch quest simulator with 0 progression.. without pvp is there even more than a nights worth of unique content??

  • @cjpokerjoker said in "Friendly" servers:

    Why can't there be "Friendly" servers for those of us that prefer playing the game without being bothered by campers and others whos only intent is to kill others in the game? Then everyone gets what they want! Honestly, I don't have time to waste 2 hours on a raid only to have my stuff stolen enroute to an outpost. I see no point playing the game at all in its current state.

    It's a game based on the pirate way of life, the whole point of the game is that you are never safe from thieves, that is the reason I purchased this game, you clearly bought the wrong game for your playstyle.

  • Literally there is one skill in this game... Don't get killed with loot.and no one wants to actually get better at it

  • I'm pretty sure I am not the only gamer that appreciates the games visual effects and wants to enjoy the missions without constantly wasting time. Again, you guys get your world, those that want to work together get their own world. It's quite simple.

    We all have our opinion of what the point of the game is. I'm pretty sure I saw an interview in which the developers talked highly of crews working together to get things done, more so than they talked about how great it is to camp at an outpost and ambush single players.

  • Point of being a pirate is to kill others n steal their stuff. Not tryingt to sound mean but too many snowflakes in the game.

  • @cjpokerjoker said in "Friendly" servers:

    Why can't there be "Friendly" servers for those of us that prefer playing the game without being bothered by campers and others whos only intent is to kill others in the game? Then everyone gets what they want! Honestly, I don't have time to waste 2 hours on a raid only to have my stuff stolen enroute to an outpost. I see no point playing the game at all in its current state.

    If you need help and have a mic(that is required for me), I can show you how to not get killed and maybe even have fun sinking 4 man a*****s who think they got skills...

  • @crunchyotaku83 Not to be mean, but you didn't develop the game so I hardly believe you can state the point of the game accurately. It's subjective to opinion. Watch some of the developer interviews and then repost. What blows my mind is I did not say get rid of PVP for everyone, I suggested an option to join co-op servers that don't have attacking features. Such a feature wouldn't affect you at all!

  • @cjpokerjoker Most trolls are easy to sink. Stop thinking of them as a time sink but think of them as your skill progression tree.Defeat them until you stop posting these topics in the forums then my 2 least favorite but most common posts go away (PVE and Progression) and you will unlock a new outlook on SOT.

  • @mattydove74 lol...I appreciate that, but I'm not saying I can't defend myself or I don't sometimes enjoy a good fight. To be honest, I absolutely enjoy a good fight! I've attacked others as well, I'm not saying PVP is bad. I'm just suggesting the option to explore the world in peace while enjoying the visuals and missions.

  • @cjpokerjoker okay, play something else :)

  • But then there's not risk would take the achievement out of it?

  • @padd lol...I feel like my point has been lost.

  • @cjpokerjoker said in "Friendly" servers:

    @mattydove74 lol...I appreciate that, but I'm not saying I can't defend myself or I don't sometimes enjoy a good fight. To be honest, I absolutely enjoy a good fight! I've attacked others as well, I'm not saying PVP is bad. I'm just suggesting the option to explore the world in peace while enjoying the visuals and missions.

    OK fine, a "trainer server of sorts, where non of your money earned lasts beyond you current log in (log out wipes your save) and you cant level up the factions, become a legend, or gain achievements. that way you can enjoy the visuals, with out exploiting the game system to get all the rewards with out the work. If you're against this idea, i think it shows you just want EZ mode like, buying a lvl 100 WOW token type system.

  • @gordon-sevencav lol...not at all, but that idea would be pretty awesome for newbies!

  • @padd said in "Friendly" servers:

    @cjpokerjoker okay, play something else :)

    Yeah lets try and get the game to fail as fast as we can, good strategy...

  • @gordon-sevencav Reread what you posted...You are absolutely right. Maybe I didn't describe what I wanted as well as I should've. I was NOT suggesting that the co-op would affect leveling up or any progression in the regular game. More of a free roam option.

  • @cjpokerjoker I agree, a training server or even a tutorial system would actually be very beneficial to newb players. however i also think that the game is already so simple that a 2 minute video is more than enough to get the basics down. I see no issue with an "offline mode" or private game, so long as they dont get you any progress in the achievement, or legendary status of the game. as that is the only end game content currently, and if a non-pvp mode is made with all the same rewards as pvp mode, no one will play the PVP modes until theyve already completed all the achievements and legendary status, making the games point moot, and no better than a mobile grinding simulator. I use Elite dangerous as an example, a MASSIVe world, thats 95% empty because you can play privately and do everything you could do publicly. no player interaction at all, and that game is very deep both progression and gameplay wise. SoT isn't, and without the player interaction, what would be the point at all?

  • @gordon-sevencav Very well said...Totally agree!

  • @cjpokerjoker part of the game is developing the skill to drop off the items. If you are having trouble solo, it is by design, it was meant to be the hardest mode, it even warns of this. One should not get the same rep/gold etc for just doing pick ups and drop offs without the risk of enemy players.

  • @tuxydoh said in "Friendly" servers:

    @cjpokerjoker part of the game is developing the skill to drop off the items. If you are having trouble solo, it is by design, it was meant to be the hardest mode, it even warns of this. One should not get the same rep/gold etc for just doing pick ups and drop offs without the risk of enemy players.

    To that end... doing missions solo should count for more rep and gold since you dont need to "share"!

  • Servers for just explorers are definitely needed unless Rare wants to do something about galleons and their crews camping the outposts. What is the point of even playing if every time I try to turn in my treasure, every outpost I get anywhere near has ships and crews just sitting there waiting for others to try and turn in their stuff when you get swarmed by others too lazy to do anything else?!

  • I don't think there needs to be friendly servers. Just be more careful, maybe? Separating servers makes no sense to me.

  • @theshaman73 make the recommendation, I do not see an issue with this.

  • @tuxydoh me either, as I enjoy the solo challenge...

    Take what you can, give nothing back!

  • @firebird3776 I would argue that as far as I'm aware, there is six ships per server, there are six Outpost. Even if all the Galleon crews are camping five of The Outpost one of them will be available to you. There are very few players and ships per server do largely I would imagine to the small size of the Maps. With the exception of merchant Quest you can take your drop-offs somewhere else, and even with the merchant quests, you could do a drive-by turn in, letting your ship sail on without you while you turned in the item to the merchant vendor who is right at the end of the pier. Sure you may die and respawn on your ship in which case you can just do it again. I haven't seen more than three items for a merchant Quest thus far.

    Edit: or better yet even get a galleon crew to chase you in there vessel by raking the side of it with your cannons if they're all on the island. Bombard the island even with your cannons if you see them period Cannon shot can 1-Shot a player.

  • I'll be honest i was watching a streamer solo and it was one of the most boring experiences ever, I then watched a group of friends play and they were having a blast but it was still borign to watch

    I THEN watch streamers who were roleplaying as pirates and that was probably one of the most entertaining streams ever, although they kept doing the same thing over and over

    hence you're not really missing anything the game is horrendously boring, it'll be better for you to come back way later and wait for rare to get more "INNOVATIVE" content that isn't dependent on needing other players to have fun.

  • Why can't there be "Friendly" servers

    Cuz Pirates.

  • Depends on the person. I find the game extremely relaxing and very entertaining but I play games like Payday 2 stealth mode. Very repetitive as well but satisfying to complete the job the way I intended to complete it

    Edit: damn phone's autocorrect strikes again

  • @cjpokerjoker

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