Outposts need to be safe zones!

  • The community experience is ruined by toxic players who find you in the tavern on an outpost and kill you. This needs to be a no weapons zone so that players who want to have fun can. There is no reason not to have out posts with a tavern not be safe.

  • 4
  • No safe zones.


  • Can we get a downvote button?

    No, but seriously, this is a game geared towards marauding and pirating. That includes but is not limited to, plundering, looting, fetching, and killing.

    There's plenty of other relaxing, and less intense games to choose from out there.

  • No no no... This repeat thread again, outposts should not be a "safe place" realistically if you want a safe place to hang where you can chat, make friends etc then this should be an out of area location, an online lobby if you will, here you can take nothing in or out but can form crews in a social manner. This could be implemented by using the upper section of the tavern but definitely not as a run away point because you don't want the bad men to find you.

    Oh and the first one to whine about being harassed at an outpost by someone who (killed, robbed, sank, stole, etc) from you and so shows how unsafe or grief based these locations are. Just don't, it's repeatative and dull. You are and will continue to be fair game. There are many ways to detur another crew find what works for you and move on.

    Also if you don't scope an outpost before you get there you deserve what happens to ya.

    We all have the same tools and there is very limited forms of power progression (you do need to buy the blunderbus) so about the best way i can put this is #bemorepirate.

    Git gud scrubs

1 out of 4