The Revenge

  • I play with quite a lot my friends who are new to the game and its great to help them learn the strategies and different way to do things (even though they are catching on quick and most likely will be better than me).
    We were sailing along and we were engaged by a ship just of the coast of thieves haven and we were outmatched and outgunned. The crewmates were obviously a bit disheartened loosing our hard earned loot to these thieves.
    I then explained that in the pirate world that sometimes stealth may be a better option in returning our lost goods.
    So we hunted and we hunted and we seen the exact same galleon anchored at the Fort of the Damned. Gems sitting on the edge of the ship and the loot lined out across the ship neatly offering a huge flashy beacon for all those to see.
    Now understanding that they were stacking loot this presented a huge opportunity. So i decided that the best way to show these guys how we could deal with this situation was to to use stealth, which obviously i Galleon has no stealth quality whatsoever.
    We got ourselves into the the rowboat and quickly ascertained where their lookout was on the ship. The look out was no where to be seen. No glimpse of a telescope or movement. Distant powder shots on the island and that was it.
    Earlier we noticed that they were using game chat and this presented a huge opportunity for us to utilise this advantage should a scout return back to their ship.
    I told my guys that gunpowder weapons were no longer an option and to fight as hard as possible with the swords.
    This was a risky move because they could have been in game chat for mocking and could well have a lookout on that ship and we were already in some bother.
    We got there and we docked our rowboat onto the back of the galleon, we were in. This was only about retrieving our portion of the loot and if anything else was easy to grab then brilliant we grab and go.
    There was a look out, quickly and swiftly 2 of us attacked with the swords before any noise could be made. No alerts no noise but we had to act quick. My 3 new players grabbed the loot that they wanted and detatched the row boat and i climbed to the crows nest. I was discovered but the shots didnt land and i reached the top. I distracted with a couple of shots to knock people off ladders and threw a couple of blunder bombs to cause a wee bit of mayhem. Eventually turning as i had no more bombs or ammunition i spot it. the glorious kegs. Setting them alight and dropping them over the edge the ship was sent into carnage. I died in the process, but when i seen the loot being sold popping up on my screen, I knew the mission was successful

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