noob question reguarding maiden voyage

  • so ive been playing sot for about a week now, and i find it really fun, however ive found something strange, after coming back to the maiden voyage to complete the quests for it, i cant get to the final journal about mermaids. In all the walkthroughs ive found the door and roof have been open, however for me, a door and roof are now in the way, I cant seem to get past it no matter what i do, is there any way I can get around it? or am i screwed?

  • 8
  • Regarding Merfolk

    • journal is located in the Captain’s Cabin of the wreckage located on the North West side of the island. Swim into the cabin and you will find the journal on the ocean floor.

    I’ve checked and there is no door you speak of. Are you sure your checking the right one or journal?? Only door I can think of is the locked secret basement that requires a key.

  • @burnbacon

    heres what im talking about, it doesnt seem to go away,

  • @craftable2941

    Swim in the hole to the right of the door. Looks like an arch.

  • @pithyrumble ive tried, ive rubbed and bumped against every part of this shipwreck, nothing, the only interesting thing was when the coral on the left flung me far up into the air

  • @pithyrumble oh thanks, looks like it finally worked, though there isnt even a book there, thats annoyed me

  • @craftable2941 Some people have mentioned that one of the Maiden Voyage books has moved to make it easier to find and it might be this one.

    Is that the book in the picture in front of the door on the ground?

  • @craftable2941 I progressed through the Pirate Lords speech a bit in case that makes any difference

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