Got Jipped on a Commendation

  • How can I put in a claim that I didn’t get a commendation? I have a screen capture that shows me turning in a stolen Rag and Bone Crate at Stephen’s Spoils. It shows me getting the commendation for 50 Rag and Bone crates turned in and also the commendation for turning in 10 stolen ones. The commendation it didn’t give me was the one for turning in a stolen one specifically to Stephen’s Spoils. It’s not a huge problem, but I thought I was done with Rag and Bone crates and now I gotta hunt down another Stephen’s Spoils Rag and Bone Crate to steal.

  • 3
    rag and bone cratecommendations
  • I got mine selling them at reapers. I was missing some but randomly got it so idk

  • I didn't think you could get any of the Rag and Bone crate commendations from selling to Reaper's, but knowing how buggy commendations are, I'm not surprised

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