A few ideas for potential updates

  • I only have a few small ideas that I think would be fun to see added to the game.

    1. A gesture that comes included with buying a pet which calls your pet to your arm.

    2. More active pets. I'd like to see parrots fly around the ship, monkeys climb the masts, and cats and dogs play around on the deck.

    3. Merchant sailors you can either attack and loot, or sell specific goods too.

    4. Maybe occasionally see dolphins swimming and jumping in the wake of your ship

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  • These are cool but some things I wanted to point out, #2 They kinda already do this except actually climbing the mast with a an animation. And #4, unfortunately there is not ship wake in SoT. It’s something I would like to see however. The dolphin thing is cool though.

  • If we are adding pet animations into the mix, i want to see monkeys flail wildly and point when they see loot on the shore of an island im sailing close to.

    dogs cant attempt to dig it up for me as we get close.

    Parrots can exclaim "polly wants a vault key!" or whatever the loot happens to be if its not hidden :)

  • @gannicus6 said in A few ideas for potential updates:

    I only have a few small ideas that I think would be fun to see added to the game.

    1. A gesture that comes included with buying a pet which calls your pet to your arm.

    2. More active pets. I'd like to see parrots fly around the ship, monkeys climb the masts, and cats and dogs play around on the deck.

    Having some Emotes that are designed to interact with Pets is a pretty cool idea, honestly. They could be available under pets in a similar manner to their cosmetics. Seems like a logically place to try and add some expansion to the system.

    Having the pets generally just be slightly more active could be cool. Adding a few more animations into the mix for them, or more interactions on the Ship itself.

    @gannicus6 said in A few ideas for potential updates:

    1. Merchant sailors you can either attack and loot, or sell specific goods too.

    2. Maybe occasionally see dolphins swimming and jumping in the wake of your ship

    Not a fan of the Merchant Ships personally. I actually like that of you see other Pirates that are doing things and not just standing around you know for a fact that it is another Player and not just NPC AI. This is actually a helpful tactical understanding you can have in the game and your environment that still has some small wiggle room for deceptive things (via Emotes) to try and take advantage of someone with less knowledge of the Seas - which leans in to the experience makes all the difference credo.

    Also, as was noted above, Ships don't have a wake presently, so that in and of itself would be an addition to the game (let alone the Dolphins). As for the wake, I suspect that by us not having one presently there is potentially a reason for it (since it seems like an obvious thing). We know devs have said Ships are the biggest strain on the servers, and wakes would effectively (from a design standpoint) be part of the Ship so would just be adding to the complexity of things (plus, they would have to also interact with the waves too in order to behave correctly and not look odd, so even more complexity going on). As such, I wouldn't expect this to ever come.

    As for the Dolphins, I actually think those could be added in as an aesthetic visual kind of thing that only triggers under specific conditions, but I don't know how satisfying that would be overall or what it would really add to the game. As such, I suspect this is something where effort is better spent on other things that might have more meaningful impact on the game world.

    Of course this is a lot of speculation and conjecture, even if a lot of it is well reasoned and generally logically sound, mixed with a dash of my own personal opinion on things so take that for what you will.

    All in all, interesting ideas!

    @elderterdkin said in A few ideas for potential updates:

    If we are adding pet animations into the mix, i want to see monkeys flail wildly and point when they see loot on the shore of an island im sailing close to.

    dogs cant attempt to dig it up for me as we get close.

    Parrots can exclaim "polly wants a vault key!" or whatever the loot happens to be if its not hidden :)

    This, on the other hand, is just a flat out no. Pets are a premium cosmetic and nothing more. Adding gameplay advantages to them of any kind is pay to win, and just no good.

    Just enjoy the glorified skin.

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