SLI support finally works for me!!!

  • Hi there all rum loving pirate mates out there.

    Since I bought this beautiful game to play it with a friend I tried to have it run with SLI and my two big 2080ti's but couldn't. I looked it up on the internet and couldn't find a solution. The solution I found here didn't work for me. There was a flickering of fire, lights and waves AND much worse: When you walked through trees they were going nuts and spin araound like s***
    BUT NOW THERER IS A SOLUTION!!! At least for me.

    Let's try this:
    I deleted the sea of thieves profile on nvidia profile inspector. you can also save it and keep it as a file. Then I created a new file and just changed those SLI modes FROM GPU count autoselect, TO GPU count two AND the Mode Autoselect to Force AFR.

    To say it easy under SLI change all the modes EXEPT:

    Antialiasing - SLI AA
    SLI indicator
    SLI rendering mode

    I had no flickering anymore and the trees weren't headbanging like metal dudes at concerts XD

    Try it out and I try to fix issues you have... (try)

    May the wind be with you... Always Arrrrgh

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