Wanted Poster Generator

  • Nudging this one for any o' ye new pirates wantin' a poster!

  • Much obliged captain @katttruewalker!

    The posters will be getting a bit of a facelift soon, based on certain upcoming UI changes. All generated posters will just update themselves so no need to wait!

  • Ahoy there! Evening all...

    Just a bit of self-promotion, yes I know, again!

    Just to let you all know I have updated the design of the posters. And to quickly say... I would like some feedback and extra wanted reasons if you have any. Plus, I have finally come up with an idea for a competition regarding the wanted posters so keep an eye out for that announcement soon! I have some pretty awesome Sea Of Thieves swag to give away!


  • Bahahahaaaa! This is awesome, well done and thanks for the laughs!

    alt text

  • https://sotpirat.es/ch3wiie.png

    I love this Generator, I hope they implement something like this into the game so that the players can solve PvP issues using Bounties.

    • for sinking me ship and not taking me treasure!
    • for not 'preciating me jig
    • for gettin' me salty when I wasn't fancying a swim
    • for re-aiming the cannon I've climbed into
  • @musicmee


  • @olric-forstner Hahahaha! Cheers matey... loved making and updating this!

    @ch3wiie Nice suggestions matey! They now be added to the list!

  • "For crashing the ship and logging off"

    "For sinking all the treasure chests and logging off"

  • @sloshed-smurf Nice suggestions matey! They have made the cut and are now on the list.

  • @Musicmee
    Awesome idea & generator, thank you for sharing!

    How about any of these 'Wanted For' lines?

    ...Taunting the kraken with a chicken.
    ...Placing caged snakes next to caged chickens.
    ...Bringing their sword to a blunderbuss fight.
    ...Wearing their skivvies on the p**p deck.
    ...Falling off the ship, again.
    ...Dating a shark.
    ...Puking on an entire crew.
    ...Constantly playing that one song on the hurdy gurdy. You know the one.
    ...Always ringing the sloop bell while trying to climb the crows nest ladder.

  • @mrrinickulous Hahahaha! A few of them made me laugh out loud, so they made it in! Thanks, matey.

  • https://sotpirat.es/RearmostLlama59.png


    Ooops :( Looks like I be needing an avatar setup. Is this still possible?

  • Hey!

    These things are legit! lol

  • @zenzuki Hahaha cheers! Glad you liked it :D


    To create an avatar you can use the Xbox Windows 10 app or the avatar editor on your Xbox. These avatars will be changing soon so I may need to update the poster code but you shouldn't need to change anything as all posters will just automatically update.

  • alt text

    Only abandoned ship in pursuit of an overboard enemy!

  • @musicmee Any way to clear the avatar so that is displays your newly created avatar?

  • Couldn't figure out how to edit/have an avatar but I just needed one of these so I decided to use trial and error in Photoshop instead xD It's not great but here it is https://imgur.com/a/PdpWL

  • i need one that says
    Cyber Phazon657:
    Disobeying His Banishment

  • @cyber-phazon657 Ahoy!

    Who? This guy?

    https://sotpirat.es/Cyber Phazon657.png

  • Perfect!
    alt text

  • Hahaha. I would do that

  • @jinxybinx @DISLEX-fx

    Nice work guys! Love them... glad you like them too.

  • alt text

    My dude looks like a dude that would eat a Banana without peeling it. Not sure if he is proud of it, or is angry that It didn't taste like he expected.

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  • https://sotpirat.es/wanted-5aa815c9b4624.png

  • @logansdadtoo Reward 0 gold.... did I program that just for you?

  • @musicmee

  • alt text

  • https://sotpirat.es/wanted-5aa81c6a767fe.png

  • Wanted for f*****g under water and pretending it was just air bubbles

  • @themuckypaw Glad to know I'm not the only one!

  • @musicmee perfect thanks

  • alt text

    Kraken leaked? :3

  • Bild Text

  • And they say size don't matter.. HA!

    #SoTWanted #BeMorePirate #PiratesLife

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