Gifts aren't Traps

  • The sea was upon us. Time was short and my crewmates and I (Brig crew) were desperate to finish the quest of "Giver of Gifts"

    But it was no small feat, with how the seas of today are no other crew is trust worthy or some just flat out dont care. Bah some dont even know what your talking about until its too late. Never the less we drop sails and marched on.

    Hours of spending our voyages in the Shores of Plenty, trying to collect the last remaining few gifts and leave them at the table by the mysterious lady on Reapers Hideout, mainly the ones we needed were 10 generous gifts. The most difficult of the bunch. Selling only a few humbles here and there, even leaving a few behind just for kicks.

    It was our last remaining few, we will...must preval. After so long of spending out days and time, waiting around the Reapers plane, taking in practice shots with our rods to catch fish to waste time. Even the Reapers Mark did no justice to bring in curious sailors. Deciding we need to simply...go out and "hunt" for some pirates...and hope they will accept us and turn in out goal, for them it be a happy profit but for us it be a worthy cause.

    Off on the distance we spot a Brig, simply sailing from island to island, snake island at best. They be out first. But fear struck us...what if a merge of the seas? if nobody were on the island...would we lose our profit? Dash we decided to leave one man behind to make sure nothing were to happen while myself and another sailed to them.

    Along the way, we came across a Skeleton Sloop, blasted them to the depths we did but the cannon fire spooked the other Brig...they tried to sail away. We gave them space and circled around, until they decided to come back to Snake island. We raised our flag to show Peace and cannons pointed to the sky to show no threat to them.

    We approtched with sails up and spoke, but they did not speak back. Silence filled the air...unsettling. All three of the men on the Brig looked at us. Ready for took the cannon, we begged for mercy and offer them "Gifts" "Presents" Finally one Spoke. "What gifts?"

    After explaining the goal of our arrival and further of the items will grant them rare coin, they were still uneasy about it. One replied "Sounds like a Trap" (I laughed so hard) But one was brave and made a small deal, one comes along as the others stay at Snake Island, fair and easy we only need one to turn them in.

    Sails dropped and we head back to the HideOut, along the way....another Skeleton ship appears, blasted them we did but ignored them as we arrived to the island. Anchor dropped and we jumped ship. Still the othe pirate kept his distance from us as we arrived to the Table, from his point of view a lot of shinies. "Oooh nice." he said as he turned in the first, second, third and four. Each would be granting him 10 doubloons to himself and crew.

    After such a long day, and the final 10th was turned in, with a Lock our achievement arrived. Giver of Gifts!! title was ours. We bid fair well the the lucky and happy pirate who made his way to the mermaid.
    Cheers to us and the pirate crew we had done what few couldn't do.

    (As a small bonus. Glitch happen where we could hear the other crew as he left and I quote. "I guess it wasn't a trap after all. Did you guys get all those doubloons? Weird they didn't want them.")
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  • @burnbacon The same thing happened to me and I am sure many too.
    And this is not funny, it is a problem with the game, people who enter the game but don't understand it or who simply don't care about the new things that have to be done.

  • @quietrobot
    It simply the game and player. Unaware of what is New or being given to them and why they should do it.

    The placement for News in the main menu is little off putting and should "popup"

  • @burnbacon Exactly, many do not read the loading screens. Perhaps a good option is that the first time you enter the game, a popup appears with a summary of the news

  • I finally achieved the title today, and since your story is so good and so similar, I won't add mine.

    I'll just say it was an exciting challenge and I was received in many different ways.

    Some people killed me before they turned in my gifts.
    Some people were very grateful and gave me loot in return.
    Some people waited until I left the island to run up and turn them in.
    Thank goodness for the nearby seapost. It helped me kill the many hours of waiting for someone to sail by.

    I would fish, juggle the gifts so they didn't despawn, race to the seapost, sell, race back, juggle the gifts, and either meet someone or pull the rod back out.

    I was so happy when the title finally popped up. The last crew to help me out seemed like new players, and they were amazed I hadn't tried to keg them or that a kraken didn't leap out of the humble gift when they touched it.

    Gifts aren't traps. Gifts are a month-long mission with a well-earned title at the end of it.

    Fun. Hard. Time consuming. But fun.

  • @burnbacon nice story, I didn't have so much problems getting the commendation...I got some gifts and placed them on the table at reapers hideout and left to get more gifts, before logging out I sold em all, if they weren't sold already...but most times someone sold them, I've been waiting for allmost 3 hours once until someone took them...
    That was the first thing I did, the ones I have to sell myself I did afterwords...

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