Is Sea Of Thieves going to Davy Jones Locker?

  • I am playing Sea of Thieves almost from the beginning. New customizations it is nice, but if each of your Arena matches took 15-30 minutes to start, which is half or more then the match, it is just disappointing to the users and doesn't make any sense in playing. I don't believe that you can't fix this issue. There is a lot of rooms with people, you can easily merge them and start the match. So you need to refactor this process, otherwise, I guess you might lose people.
    Do you know while we start playing the Arena? Because we stop playing solo game together with @SeaJoeBlack because we have nothing to do there. It became boring. We finish Tall tales(What was the most interesting thing in the game), we bought everything that we wanted. We took all the forts. So I guess most of the people don't really care about new cosmetics. Why I would need new cosmetics if I HAVE NOTHING TO DO IN THE GAME. I think you have a really serious issue in prioritizations. I understand the need for making at least a minimum money flow to stay in business. But all your updates, are the same thing as before with just different locations. Which is really a pity for tue fans. It is like you don't care and do a view of "updates" exist but you don't really update things that are a pain. All update is the same thing. I took a map and a go to the island and I get the chest or fight the skeleton and get the chest to sell it and get the doubloons.
    Or wait - doubloons. That is another thing that doesn't make any sense in the game. The same as money. Why I need money - if I have nothing do to with them? What is the purpose of doubloons? What does it give to the users? Special cloth? (Really small amount of choice). That I can change doubloons to the gold? Again, what is the reason of gold if I don't know what to do in the game with it? I bought all the skins that I liked on the ship, all the cloth, and stuff. The new one is not so fascinating so I decided to buy it.
    So to the point of what I wrote upper:

    • The algorithm for sorting people on Arena and in the solo game has to be refactored. In the Arena, it leads to huge waiting time. In solo, we are on the server with 2 players. Which leads the game to be boring because the last PVP option is not working with only 2 players on the server(For us it is happening a lot of times). From my perspective, this algorithm should work 100%. So there is no situation when it happens like this. If so, send new users to the server with fewer users or do smth else.
    • The money. The rewards and balance of the money in the game doesn't make any sense.
    1. Finish LAST tall tale story which was the toughest one, with the main skeleton at the end - 3000 coins. Seriously? The same price as for the previous one? The last one is the toughest one. It can't be the same amount. and I thought as far as you go further the amount of money should be increased per tale because they becoming more and more complicated, which is logical.
    2. Arena. Last place - 3000. First place(No matter who much points you earn) - 6000? We kill a lot of ships, took all the treasures and we got only twice more than the guys for the last place?
    3. Regular game. I don't remember all of the cases. But You have it all the way. We killed sceletons and got a really small amount. The balance between each of the companies also.
    • AND THE MAIN ONE. There is nothing interesting left in the game except pvp. Which might be good, but it is not all. Even if you fix an algorithm that will split people correctly - You still have Adventure mode game. What should we do there?
      SO. If you now focused on making money on 100% by adding new cosmetics - this is a problem of prioritizations made before. And this is a problem now.(Hope this is not the case).
      If not, and you just trying to build a healthy business which is absolutely fine, but I guess your prioritisations should be adjusted.
      Main point: You should update the game dramatically to not loose people that are there for a while. Add new islands. Add new items on islands( I am bored to see the same things again and again, it make the game plastic). Don't add the same updates over and over again. Add new mechanics, new ideas. The game is starving without it now. Where are the curses? Some really interesting new stories - which is fully new with not repeating something that I saw in previous tall tales. YOU NEED NEW CONTENT. And by content, I meant not new cloth or a new liver on a ship. New Ideas, new ways of playing the game. Something that will change the way that users are plying the game and make it more excited to play. And because is a pirate game there is so much more to add. Don't stuck in the template of what you are doing all the time. Find something new. Do the brainstorm and add new fascinating ideas so users would have fun to play.
      And again focus on real things that matter. Thing more then one time, if this change really affects the way user play? For example - yes fire, is a really good update and adds a lot of additional mechanics and changes the way users plays. BUT again, if I have nothing to do in the game, if there are no new interesting stories or stuff to do, I don't care about the fire. SO be very precise on things you do. Prioritization is key. Don't mess with people or you will lose them.
      I love this game! So I really care and want it to better. So I hope you will see it, and really change a lot while it is not too late for you guys! Thanks!
  • 14
  • Sea of Thieves has never been better.

    I was worried the population had dropped but it was just quiet servers.
    Ive seen many many ships in sessions and a high population.

    Sea of thieves is in a good place and here to stay 😊
    Its got more content than a lot of other games.

  • I also love this game, I just love it. Every Friday and Saturday we spend evenings with @Cl8vM1nd behind it.

    Tall tales really managed to captivate so much that each Chapter is like a separate art form. Liked the atmosphere and mechanics most of all the Fate of the Morningstar.

    The idea with regular updates and notes on YouTube is awesome, but updates can't be in one shell. When an enemy repeats when the same animation is used in combat and so on

    We really need a change in the game. All that my friend described is our observations, what we feel during the game, what we lack.

  • I agree. The game is too focused on gold and cosmetics. You do something for gold and exchange that gold for new skins, that's it.

    The updates just add different voyages that reward the same old chests and skulls which again, you only exchange for skins. If you are level 50 with the factions and already have the sets that you like, then you have no reason to do these activities.
    Of course you can play "just for fun" but doing the same things over and over is a bit boring in my opinion.

    I think the main problem is the "no progression" design they have in mind. Only thinking about the new players and not the end game. They can add another 100 ways to get chests and skulls but it won't change anything if you don't need the rewards in the first place.

    Stuff like crafting, building, social hubs, mini games, more mobs, new currencies and different ways to spend your gold could really help this game.
    It was fun while I was leveling my factions. Once I became a legend though, the game pretty much ended.

  • The latest updates prove all of the above.

    To my great regret, I'm thinking about taking a break and not going into the game for six months.

  • @daringclarky

    It has content, yet the update activities aren't all that exciting at all if you played the game since the start.

    The update of legends.... more like a sight seeing tourists voyage, the name was such a bait. I sailed the seas over and over again, the memoria of the community is cute and sometimes done in a funny way but it didn't add to the gameplay. I have visited islands a ton and have been playing less so even the changes like the reapers hideout are cool to see. They are not a real reason to log on and hunt to find them.

    Btw. I own a lot of the cosmetics and not everything, spent most of what I saved up so I am relatively poor and that to isn't motivation to do these updates. Mercenary, gilded, etc. Voyages seem to be just higher paying compact static version of the general voyages.

    Scaling based on ship has gone to far. I enjoy a challenge, yet every living creature out there has been scaled down, nerfed and became a non-issue. Man even skeleton captains can spawn with kegs. Did an Athena's last night and cleared all 4 captains with a single shot after they came up... one brought a mega keg to the party. Like... really that also became a lot easier.

    I enjoy PVE and am very capable of fending off pirates, avoiding them and not providing the fight they seek. Had some legends clearly just out for a fight and simply better than me in CQC based on the fights we had, yet they never set foot on my ship. They told me I was boring and to be honest I understood. PvP can be fun, but I don't just want to go out like they were hunting for it. When it comes my way, I make a choice and yesterday was a help a buddy out so no wasting time on PvP battles. They chased, I called the shots regarding sailing and they were off soon enough hunting for less elusive prey.

    The problem is the end game is cloud events which are interaction beacons to get you to contest, interact with other pirates. Athena's is just a combination of the others factions and brings no real challenge once you learn to fight beefy skeletons and even that got nerfed. The issue I have is that the game has been catering to all pirates being successful all the time, all equals and all that.

    Where are the legendary voyages, repeatable, so not static like the Tales, content that offers a PvE challenge where loss is a true option? I am chasing a feeling of achievement, a place to sharpen my skills more and it all just feels flat. PvP is becoming the only aspect of the game that is a challenge... are all legends doomed to become the PvP hive mind or leave?

    I dont think the game will just die, but veterans are losing interest for the majority.

  • I honestly am in love with your suggestions and 100% agree. But unfortunately Rare doesn't care about good opinions like this one, but I managed to capture a Rare employee dealing with good opinions, let me share the link here.

    (The link leads to a GIF but I don't know how to share that on here. Plus it's a meme not actual proof.)

  • i reallly like sot but ye some of your points are valid....but why should get more in a tall tale? you get 10 k when you sell the goldhoarder skull. if you would get 10 k more for the final you could grind a lot of money cause the tale is repeatable.

  • @cl8vm1nd

    Completely disagree.
    Founder, year one PLA10...
    Still playing and Adventure only.
    Fun like hell

  • Love this game so much, but you’re right! I’m playing the Arena right now I think for the whole 2020! I need this 240 Wins but the waiting times are a chore :(

    Easy suggestion: Instead of an new Adventure Update every Month, why not an nice new Arena Mode? That would fill the Servers again in Arena!

  • It seems that the developers have stopped listening to the community.

    But it was their attitude to the community that made me like them. What's most interesting is that the community offers so many really useful tips and suggestions in terms of content for the game. All sorts of stories about pirates, mermaids, types of battles in the arena, etc

    Please return to us🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

  • I stopped playing the game 2 months ago, I didnt even pay attention to the Christmas event. I usually played a lot with my friends, but the fact is that anything in the game makes me wanna enter. My friends stopped playing the game long ago, but I kept playing cuz I wanted to get the time limited commendations done. But at the end I realised that I wasn't even having fun and just felt forced to enter. Nothing was making me feel like join the seas again, not the time limited cosmetics, not the gameplay neither, not the same boring voyages that Rare recycle each Monthly update.

    When they announced the Monthly updates I was one of those who thought "Hey, let's give it a try, it's just something recycled to do, but with another perspective"... but Im very tired of the same nowadays. I thought it could be variety on those, but after the pas of time, they didnt solve that problem. Rare really needs to stop doing the same monthly updates, and start waking up before all the community loosses their interest in the game. I'm not capable of log-in in the game, just not in the mood to even sail. I hope they can solve that fast and implement a new zone, a new kind of voyage or whatever, but we need something really fresh in the game.

    We've been playing around the same 3 voyages since the launch of the game, and it seems the only thing that they create is recycled things. Also they bring us fire, which is cool, but at this point?? End of Year 2 fire?? Idk if they just work slowly or are incapable of fixing the game, or they are prioritizing things that they can't show, whatever, but Im just tired.

    Hope they put some remedy to this game which is getting incredible boring and annoying. I've also got tired of entering the forum too, It's hard to see new interesting posts or some news about wha'ts the staff doing... so... We will see if Rare change this game or just keeps recycling it.

    Spread the curse in the seas!!

  • See You Again

11 out of 14