Alliance name tag color (yellow)

  • Ahoy !
    It's cptain Alpha here !
    I think you guys should make it that allainced crews has there alliance members names in a different color(yellow) just like your teammates has their names in green so you know if an enemy is boarding your ship.
    I've ran into this problem a few times and would love to see that added to the game

    Best regards, cptain Alpha

  • 5
  • That's one of the cons with alliances, you aren't 100% certain which ones are part of your alliance.

  • @imalphawolf
    Or you could just organize a cosmetic you all have attached. Alliances are meant to be infiltratable by other crews, as it leads to the shakiness of them.

  • @imalphawolf

    Why this is not a good idea, which also can be found in the dozen of posts about it:

    1. Any pirate not on your crew boarding your ship without permission is an enemy.
    2. The game must not provide you with a false sense of security by UI elements.
    3. Infiltration detection should not be done by a simple UI element going: he doesn't belong!
    4. Learn to interact with the crew you ally with, get to know them a little.
    5. Never fully trust a pirate that is not in your crew! Betrayals are a thing!

    This is limiting the options of the gameplay, creates a sense of security where it shouldn't and diminishes interaction between players by replacing it with automatic UI elements. All aspects that are against the ideology and idea behind the seas.

  • @imalphawolf Yes, as @CotU42 mentions, this idea has been floated - even in dev streams, I believe. Alliances are designed to be shaky and, as the devs have discussed, infiltration is a part of that. Recently, I got my stolen Ashen chest commendation because I swam over to a brig and sloop anchored near each other. They’d just formed an alliance. I boarded the sloop, waved at the crew, went below deck, and hopped out the back with a chest with no one the wiser. Not possible with your idea.

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