flintlock fiend ready to set sail

  • Hello everyone, not actually sure what I should put here so I might just ramble lol but I'm new(ish) to SoT, I've played a few times before in the past but I've started really grinding and have been playing consistently for the past 2 or 3 weeks and I love the game so I decided I want to join the community. I come from a mixed background of playing lots of FPS games for competitive challenge and playing a lot of adventure games / RPGs for fun so you can imagine how SoT is a great balance for me. I've been watching a few streamers play as well which really sparked my interest. But mostly I just love pirates and blackpowder weapons. I played a lot of Napoleonic War era games as well as the old "Pirates of the Burning Sea" and that really old Pirates of the Caribbean open world game, where I really learned ship-to-ship combat, and SoT is just so much fun in a lot of ways.

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  • Hey I'm new to sot I bought it about a week ago and play solo no friends on pc play sot so if you ever want to sail together lmk I'm on everyday THRASHERest1981

  • I run an SOT Discord group called Rum Runners Republic, with close to 150 members deep & counting. If your looking for a good group of like minded players to enjoy the game then your more than welcome to join us, we do a mix of both PVE & PVP. https://discord.gg/jST8QRW

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