Ironspikes24 my apologies

  • We stopped your vessel for an inspection of restricted cargo to which you gracefully complied. Upon discovering you were just an honest pirate working on their tall tales we wished you well and departed. Unbeknownst to myself one of my crew members put a gun powder barrel in front of your boat which detonated. I hope you saved your vessel. This crew member has been placed on administrative leave from his position with Sea of Thieves Security Brig Reaper's Scythe. We offer our heartfelt apologies for the incident.

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  • @larkin10859 You should have sunk him. Real pirates don't listen to any rule, ever. They're free men, to davy jones for you

  • @larkin10859 oh dear how preposterous. i hope that inspector never finds a job in your crew or any other crew involving the inspection of cargo ever again.

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