New Enemy Type: Thieving Monkeys

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    ~Captain Maximillian Zeus:
    The Damned Rider of the Ferry
    and Master of the Song of the Dead

  • 27
  • @triheadedmonkey Is this your doing?

    @MaximillianZeus I love the idea of monkeys in Sea of Thieves, and this is a very well thought out and presented idea! I hope this gets lots of traction!

  • @musicmee

    Thank you kindly. If you, or anyone reading this, has any improvements or thoughts I wouldn't be opposed to updating this.

  • @musicmee there can be only one.....monkey :D

  • be an interesting concept when we get pets......

  • @filibustersg yea i know pets are going to be micro transactions but wouldnt it be cool to go out and capture your own pets and tame them

  • @maximillianzeus

    AWE Monkeys.

    This is a fantastic post from one of our old sea dogs. It's great to see you back on the forums. I must have this post on the Community Ideas Master List. May I add it Good Sir.

  • @maximillianzeus yep we need monkeys and gorillas because they would be good for a boss fight to win loot and stuff.

  • Interesting idea lol

  • Great idea, except for the killing monkey part - for that reason, it gets a hard pass from me.

  • @maximillianzeus

    Really like the idea of monkeys stealing items from pirates and using them in merchant quests, maybe they throw bananas at skellies that spawn?

    Loads of potential if we're able to encounter small troops on islands :D

  • If rare adds monkeys into the game then where dealing with monkey business.

  • Shoot the minkeys out of the cannons

  • @sailorkek monkeys is a great idea to shoot of cannons.

  • We need an army of monkeys.

  • @qabic planet of the apes

  • @enf0rcer
    Absolutely you can add this to the master list.

    @xXAssassinXx-AC @SailorKek
    I love the idea of shooting monkeys from cannons but other than it be funny what purpose would it have? Perhaps the monkey, assuming it makes it to the enemy ship, would run to the banana barrel and begin to eat all the bananas?

    What purpose, other than being funny, would throwing bannanas at skeletons have? What about monkeys can also steal bananas from skeletons? That way a pirate could lead a skeleton into a monkey troop and have the monkeys distract it.

  • @maximillianzeus yeah a direct hit to a pirate could stun them,
    You could get different colours monkey that do different things;
    -Gold could eat bananas
    -Black could pick up cannonballs and throw them off the ship or use them as a melee weapon.
    -Brown could rip away the repairs on the ship

  • @maximillianzeus I would love to see this in-game!

  • @maximillianzeus

    Well I'm thinking it might put them off their aim, knock off an arm or something, perhaps give a pirate a little bit of an advantage, although knowing monkeys they'd probably throw some at us too ;)

  • I'm crazy about this idea! It's awesome, everything except for harming a monkey. Get rid of animal violence and I'll be 100% on board!

  • @sailorkek
    Thank you for the input, I have made improvements to the original post. I have added an entire section "Releasing Monkeys/Using Monkeys as Weapons:" based on your input. Let me know what you think.

  • @maximillianzeus awesome
    It's seems really fleshed out. Glad I could contribute.

  • @chronodusk
    Hey now if a monkey steals from me its only fair that I can steal from him. Steal his life that is HAHAHA! Glad you like the idea though.

    Hmm..put off their aim you say?.. A Skeleton slipping on a banana would be hilarious!

  • Your post has beeb added to the Master List. I thankyou for your Contribution.

  • I think this idea should be integrated into the new rumored pets that will be provided within game.

    Imagine being able to give your monkey a command to go steal all the bananas off of a specified player ship? Too include, all pets should be really hard to kill ( 95% survival rate, with respawn) as they move erratic and quickly. Nobody wants to see monkeys or parrots being killed.

  • @friedwilly

    Pets with in game purpose:

    As far as we know all pets are only available through purchasing with real money. That means that pets cannot have an actual purpose in game because that means those who have money to spend will have an in-game advantage over those who do not spend money. Rare is against the pay-to-win/pay-for-advantage mentality.

    Granted if they make a standard version of pets that can be purchased with in game currency while fancy pets are purchased with real monkeys then sure pets may have a in-game purpose.

    Death to Monkeys:

    I want to see all the monkeys die by my hand who are you to tell me that I do not want monkey blood on the deck of my ship and in the waters wherever I go?

3 out of 27