Lost Mermaid! Please contact if found!

  • Does anyone know if the mermaids are still around havent found any. Would they possibly comeback at any point?

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  • @residentocean80 Ahoy matey!

    They sure are still around... there's just a lot fewer of them and with the newly introduced commendations it looks like pirates are pilfering them away before we get to the islands!

    I have found around 30 since Shrouded Spoils came out though, so they are there, good luck matey!

  • @residentocean80

    We've been quite lucky around Discovery Ridge recently and Lone Cove, some of them can be in quite deep water so turn up the sound and listen for the hummmmm!

  • @musicmee Awesome! thanks this helps a bunch

  • @katttruewalker even with my tv loud i have quite a hard time hearing it :/ i usually have to search in the water myself maybe my hearing or something is off idk

  • Of course they are still in the game.
    Listen carefully and you will be able to hear them :) !

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