It's Beginning To Look Like X(box)mas!!

  • Hello Pirates!

    Today I bring fortune and love with my greatest Christmas present ever... The news of free games!!!

    Over the Christmas period we will have some new tasty Games With Gold to sink our teeth in to!

    So we have a delicious starter menu for Xbox One of:

    Q.U.B.E. 2 - A succulent puzzle game based on an alien home world. Sink your teeth into mind bending puzzles whilst you find out your true purpose - £19.99/$24.99

    Never Alone - Take on this unique adventure game and taste the mystery of the eternal blizzard - £11.99/$14.99

    There is a savory Main choice for the Xbox 360 of:

    Dragon Age II - Delve into the delicious adventure of a refugee on his to making the legend of his rise to power come to fruition - £14.99/$9.99

    And to wrap it up for dessert, we have an Xbox Original choice to kill for:

    Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction - A scrumptious meal of mayhem that will give you a mission to complete by any means necessary - £8.99/$9.99

    I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season :D

    I Love You All You Dirty Rotten Pirates!

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  • @dumy2008 I know some people didn’t like Dragon Age 2. And it was a watered down from the first but I loved it all the same!

    Can’t wait to jump back into it! Think I might have to be an evil Templar this time xD

  • @knifelife this is the first month its gonna be all new games for me, i never got into dragon age, am looking forward to trying them all!

  • @dumy2008 The first one is probably one of the best games I have ever played. It took me a good couple of hours to get used to it, but it’s phenomenal!

    Although I would recommend playing them in order as like the Mass effect games decisions you make in previous games will have consequences in the next. :)

  • But really my cup of tea games, but free games are always nice!

  • @knifelife I will deffo have to try play them in order, i tried inquisition and found it boring, but in fairness, i didn't give it much chance.

    @Captain-Nicklas All free games are great, best value for money!!

  • @dumy2008 Out of the 3 I found that one the most boring aswell to be fair, but after the first 2 games it does make it a little better because of how you have shaped the story ect..

  • @knifelife I never finished dragon age 1 because my motherboard fried in the PC I was playing on. I'll have to go play it again. It was so much fun.

  • @xcalypt0x I believe there is a DLC called awakening or something. I still stand to this day it is probably the best dlc I have ever purchased.

    It’s so good :)

  • @knifelife Would that be included in the ultimate edition (or w/e it's called) because I bought the one that is supposed to have all DLC.

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