Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7

  • @khaleesibot
    Hello and thanks for the update. Still I don't see any reason to give others a banana or anything else. In a fight you won't survive giving one away anyways and in my eyes it would have been more logical for people to fill the crates on the islands/outposts then to hand it over whenever you want. But that's my point of view. The only thing that needs to be done is to activate the drop button on the island crates and there ya go. Add a verification that 1 barrel can only contain 1 kind of item and add a max amount.

    As for closed crews, I remain that it would be only usefull for sloops as another player that joins has a huge impact on the initial player his voyage.

  • it's not us who are bad, it's the job they are doing ... this patch was supposed to be released last week, it was postponed due to problems (they say) related to the PC version, yesterday is finally released and shortly after a part of they are removed (I refer to the possibility of passing objects between players) then ... a few hours later another of these possibilities is also removed ... or the private crew ... what happens? do you want this game to die right away?

  • @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @Varneth @Mighty-Ace123

    Rare is on top on fixing the issue.
    You can't test how a patch will behave once it is released on the server.
    Obiously something in the patch is causing servers to crash.
    Every company that creates games have these issues, example:
    Every Overwatch patch has server issues, the moment a patch releases. The servers are crashing or become unstablethere.
    There is nothing you can do against it but be clear and act when it happens, exactly what Rare is doing.

    If you don't understand how developing works, maybe don't judge on it.
    Also it's just haters that will hate on everything that happens.

    You can't test how a patch will behave? What were they doing in alpha and beta then? Nonsense.

    Other companies having trouble with their product is a very poor excuse for this one.

    There is nothing RARE can do against this happening? Can't wait for the larger dlc's to hit, imagine how bad that's gonna be then...

    Thanks for explaining who can and can't voice their opinion on Sea of Thieves.

    If a patch murders a game, and players voice their discontent, they are instantly "haters"? Way to generalise there.

  • Soooo Rare....I've got a few screenshots of Our ship popping a wheelie for miles,Please compensate for treasure Lost here =( Lots of DC Issues last night.Plez

  • @legacygorilla11

    You're also able to leave specific feedback regarding issues experienced and suggestions in the mega thread here -

  • @katttruewalker Oops! My apologies Katt,I will do so in future =/

  • @legacygorilla11 No worries, things are a little confusing right now, glad I could help.

  • Reading is hard isn't it.....
    @mighty-ace123 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    You can't test how a patch will behave? What were they doing in alpha and beta then? Nonsense.

    You can't test how a patch will behave on a serverlevel, Rare has what 500 employees?
    How are these people supossed to test how a patch will handle on a server once hundreds of thousands of players start playing?
    Alpha and Beta are releases to see how the game handles early on, you can't compare Alpha and Beta releases with a patch.

    Other companies having trouble with their product is a very poor excuse for this one.

    No, it shows that the issue is something that happens very often. Even with the best companies.

    There is nothing RARE can do against this happening? Can't wait for the larger dlc's to hit, imagine how bad that's gonna be then...

    Again, zero knowledge of developing. No matter how hard and good you test, there will always be bugs coming trough. All a developer/companie can do is acknowledge it and work as fast as they can to fix it.

    Thanks for explaining who can and can't voice their opinion on Sea of Thieves.

    I never said who can and can't voice their opinion.

    If a patch murders a game, and players voice their discontent, they are instantly "haters"? Way to generalise there.

    There is a difference between voicing your discontent, or burning a company to the ground.

    Calling the current issues, ridiculous and stuff isn't in place here. All it shows is that the people saying stuff like that have no idea how developing works.

  • Someone text me when they decide to fix almondbeard. Gnite

  • @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    Reading is hard isn't it.....
    @mighty-ace123 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    You can't test how a patch will behave? What were they doing in alpha and beta then? Nonsense.

    You can't test how a patch will behave on a serverlevel, Rare has what 500 employees?
    How are these people supossed to test how a patch will handle on a server once hundreds of thousands of players start playing?
    Alpha and Beta are releases to see how the game handles early on, you can't compare Alpha and Beta releases with a patch.

    Other companies having trouble with their product is a very poor excuse for this one.

    No, it shows that the issue is something that happens very often. Even with the best companies.

    There is nothing RARE can do against this happening? Can't wait for the larger dlc's to hit, imagine how bad that's gonna be then...

    Again, zero knowledge of developing. No matter how hard and good you test, there will always be bugs coming trough. All a developer/companie can do is acknowledge it and work as fast as they can to fix it.

    Thanks for explaining who can and can't voice their opinion on Sea of Thieves.

    I never said who can and can't voice their opinion.

    If a patch murders a game, and players voice their discontent, they are instantly "haters"? Way to generalise there.

    There is a difference between voicing your discontent, or burning a company to the ground.

    Calling the current issues, ridiculous and stuff isn't in place here. All it shows is that the people saying stuff like that have no idea how developing works.

    Wasn't aware I was burning anything down.

    So can we get a couple of experienced devs comment on how the current state of SoT isn't ridiculous?

    People are coming to the forum with valid issues, you can't just say "anyone who is mad because of all the issues plaguing the game are wrong because they're not devs themselves". It's cheap and isn't constructive to the dialogue.

  • @mighty-ace123 you need a developers take? look no further than activision, sledgehammer, or EA......they make you wait until they get a bug sorted on their end, sometimes weeks or months, before they even acknowledge or do anything to fix the issues.

  • @ohendogo said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @mighty-ace123 you need a developers take? look no further than activision, sledgehammer, or EA......they make you wait until they get a bug sorted on their end, sometimes weeks or months, before they even acknowledge or do anything to fix the issues.

    This has no bearing om my issues with Sea of Thieves. Am I supposed to feel better knowing other devs (of games I don't play) mess up badly as well?

    On the topic of testing patches: have you not read the posts by several pioneers volunteering for a test realm? Yet you claim only employees can test before releasing anything?

  • Have i said you are burning anything down?

    @mighty-ace123 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    Wasn't aware I was burning anything down.

    Have i said you are burning anything down? No i didn't, you jumped into a conversation and are no assuming i'm talking about you.

    So can we get a couple of experienced devs comment on how the current state of SoT isn't ridiculous?

    Just read @oHENDOGo's comment

    People are coming to the forum with valid issues, you can't just say "anyone who is mad because of all the issues plaguing the game are wrong because they're not devs themselves". It's cheap and isn't constructive to the dialogue.

    Again, have i ever said those people are wrong?
    No, i have said that the people who are just plain hating on every single thing that is happening are in the wrong place. It's okay to voice your concerns, there also needs to be a form of realism to it. Which is lacking with 99% of the people stating an issue.

    Also @oHENDOGo exactly, people have no idea how it works. And since every developer has this issue, well obviously it isn't that easy to fix.

  • @mighty-ace123 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    Wasn't aware I was burning anything down.

    So can we get a couple of experienced devs comment on how the current state of SoT isn't ridiculous?

    People are coming to the forum with valid issues, you can't just say "anyone who is mad because of all the issues plaguing the game are wrong because they're not devs themselves". It's cheap and isn't constructive to the dialogue.

    As a programmer myself, I can assure you that the current situation is as frustrating for the devs as it is for us. It is not ridiculous as you cannot test everything especially when there are so many possible interactions which can happen.

    When working on net code, you can only every test with a limit pool of people before deploying to the public.

    Terrible analogy time! Think of it this way, you are driving along a motorway (freeway I think for people in the US) and an animal runs out in front of you. You brake hard, the animal passes without being hit and all you see is a few cars behind you slow down and continue again. You have no idea that the chain reaction causes a traffic jam a few miles down the road. As far as you are concerned, everything way fine and you carry on with your journey. It is the butterfly effect.

    It is the same with the game. You can test all you want with a limited number of people, however you may never encounter one of the millions of possible scenarios which will expose a bug and cause the server to crash and often with these things, it is something completely unrelated which does so. Such as one crew selling a skull at plunder while another crew on the server is digging up a chest on snake island.

    The best thing we can do, as frustrating as it can be, is to keep playing and hoping that when it does crash the server logs eventually reveals a pattern which can aid in tracing the problem.

  • @mighty-ace123 You asked for a developers view and i gave you examples of some major developers that have had the same type issues. I also agree with you on the patch testing or a test server to allow certain individuals to test in a "Live" environment before release.

  • @ohendogo said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @mighty-ace123 You asked for a developers view and i gave you examples of some major developers that have had the same type issues. I also agree with you on the patch testing or a test server to allow certain individuals to test in a "Live" environment before release.

    Yeah the test realm would help alot. Kinda strange that there isn't one atm (for example, I remember Diablo 3 having one for patches even years after release).

    I acknowledge changing making changes to a live game is not without risk/ unwanted side effects.

    However the recent track record as far as fixing this game is disappointing to say the least.

    With a lot riding on the first DLC, I worry about RARE's ability to get it up and running at all.

  • @warmedxmints said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @mighty-ace123 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    Wasn't aware I was burning anything down.

    So can we get a couple of experienced devs comment on how the current state of SoT isn't ridiculous?

    People are coming to the forum with valid issues, you can't just say "anyone who is mad because of all the issues plaguing the game are wrong because they're not devs themselves". It's cheap and isn't constructive to the dialogue.

    As a programmer myself, I can assure you that the current situation is as frustrating for the devs as it is for us. It is not ridiculous as you cannot test everything especially when there are so many possible interactions which can happen.

    When working on net code, you can only every test with a limit pool of people before deploying to the public.

    Terrible analogy time! Think of it this way, you are driving along a motorway (freeway I think for people in the US) and an animal runs out in front of you. You brake hard, the animal passes without being hit and all you see is a few cars behind you slow down and continue again. You have no idea that the chain reaction causes a traffic jam a few miles down the road. As far as you are concerned, everything way fine and you carry on with your journey. It is the butterfly effect.

    It is the same with the game. You can test all you want with a limited number of people, however you may never encounter one of the millions of possible scenarios which will expose a bug and cause the server to crash and often with these things, it is something completely unrelated which does so. Such as one crew selling a skull at plunder while another crew on the server is digging up a chest on snake island.

    The best thing we can do, as frustrating as it can be, is to keep playing and hoping that when it does crash the server logs eventually reveals a pattern which can aid in tracing the problem.

    Thanks for helping to explain. But with the amount of issues since release, feels like this game was still a year away from complete at that point.

  • Im impressed. This patch was so game breaking that even after removing it the game is still broken. Not sure I've ever seen that before Game is still completely unplayable, Been kicked for the same DC rubbish even though the SoT twitter account says they've removed the patch. suggest doing a roll-back to before the patch was even implemented coz summin is still very wrong with the game.

    Day 2 of being unplayable which is a shame.

  • This Seat is Taken - Players now have two crew type options available to them, Open and Closed Crews.
    Open Crews: This option works in the same way you’re used to. For the Galleon, an open crew will match four players together while also replacing players who leave during a game. For the Sloop, two players will be matched together, with a leaving player being replaced when possible.
    Closed Crews: This option allows a single player to begin a game on either a Galleon or a Sloop, allowing friends to join in when they’re available. You can now play with any configuration of players up to the limit on each ship, which is 4 players on the Galleon and 2 players on the Sloop, as well as preventing non-friends from being able to join you. This option replaces the 3 player Galleon and Solo Sloop options in the Main Menu.
    Coming Soon: Additional functionality coming soon for Open and Closed Crews includes the ability to dynamically switch between Open and Closed while in the game, in addition to being able to make a session fully private by preventing friends joining.

  • so will these new features be re-activated in the future? Will THD be delayed? will we have a trailer or release date? next Tuesday will you put back 1.0.7? .....

  • @khaleesibot just to be clear and avoid any "miscomunication".

    About the DLC The Hungering Deep.

    When you said "May" you were talking about the month or the verb...?

    Because it could be a nice way to save your face again using this excuse about the word "May".

  • @bl4cksh4dow78 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    so will these new features be re-activated in the future? Will THD be delayed? will we have a trailer or release date? next Tuesday will you put back 1.0.7? .....

    @kenji-salk said in [Mega Thread] Open and Closed Crews:

    Due to a high volume of AlmondBeard errors, we have temporarily removed the Open/Closed Crews feature as well as the invisible underwater gamer tags, and give/take feature while we investigate the cause. We’ll be meeting first thing tomorrow to further assess the situation and work out a plan for reinstating these features. We understand the frustration this has caused, and will keep the community up to date with more information as we have it.
    Please use this thread to discuss the maintenance issues today, as well as the resulting temporary removal of the new features.

    As you participate in this thread -Keep to the Pirate Code

    As a reminder, the Pirate Code is more than just guidelines (though the reference really never gets old), but the rules of the community and game that we expect all members to abide by when participating on the forums. Any member who fails to abide by the code may find themselves put in the brig, or removed from the community.

    We also have Forum Rules, which we moderate to.

  • @mighty-ace123 ha detto in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @warmedxmints said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @mighty-ace123 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    Wasn't aware I was burning anything down.

    So can we get a couple of experienced devs comment on how the current state of SoT isn't ridiculous?

    People are coming to the forum with valid issues, you can't just say "anyone who is mad because of all the issues plaguing the game are wrong because they're not devs themselves". It's cheap and isn't constructive to the dialogue.

    As a programmer myself, I can assure you that the current situation is as frustrating for the devs as it is for us. It is not ridiculous as you cannot test everything especially when there are so many possible interactions which can happen.

    When working on net code, you can only every test with a limit pool of people before deploying to the public.

    Terrible analogy time! Think of it this way, you are driving along a motorway (freeway I think for people in the US) and an animal runs out in front of you. You brake hard, the animal passes without being hit and all you see is a few cars behind you slow down and continue again. You have no idea that the chain reaction causes a traffic jam a few miles down the road. As far as you are concerned, everything way fine and you carry on with your journey. It is the butterfly effect.

    It is the same with the game. You can test all you want with a limited number of people, however you may never encounter one of the millions of possible scenarios which will expose a bug and cause the server to crash and often with these things, it is something completely unrelated which does so. Such as one crew selling a skull at plunder while another crew on the server is digging up a chest on snake island.

    The best thing we can do, as frustrating as it can be, is to keep playing and hoping that when it does crash the server logs eventually reveals a pattern which can aid in tracing the problem.

    Thanks for helping to explain. But with the amount of issues since release, feels like this game was still a year away from complete at that point.

    As i said before. We are playing a beta.

  • @aarghmaargho you have to acknowldge that there are ways to test for a lot of this though, none of the failures are latency issues from mass use so frankly yes they can test for these failures before releasing it.
    Not having a test server is frankly rediculous, they have a poor track history for patches thus far and whilst I dont doubt they are working on it really hard it would be nice if more of the hard work came before the release not after they break their game.

    I love this game and its potential but at the moment its all potential and real world results just dont stack up right now.

  • @varneth said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @mighty-ace123 ha detto in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @warmedxmints said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @mighty-ace123 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    Wasn't aware I was burning anything down.

    So can we get a couple of experienced devs comment on how the current state of SoT isn't ridiculous?

    People are coming to the forum with valid issues, you can't just say "anyone who is mad because of all the issues plaguing the game are wrong because they're not devs themselves". It's cheap and isn't constructive to the dialogue.

    As a programmer myself, I can assure you that the current situation is as frustrating for the devs as it is for us. It is not ridiculous as you cannot test everything especially when there are so many possible interactions which can happen.

    When working on net code, you can only every test with a limit pool of people before deploying to the public.

    Terrible analogy time! Think of it this way, you are driving along a motorway (freeway I think for people in the US) and an animal runs out in front of you. You brake hard, the animal passes without being hit and all you see is a few cars behind you slow down and continue again. You have no idea that the chain reaction causes a traffic jam a few miles down the road. As far as you are concerned, everything way fine and you carry on with your journey. It is the butterfly effect.

    It is the same with the game. You can test all you want with a limited number of people, however you may never encounter one of the millions of possible scenarios which will expose a bug and cause the server to crash and often with these things, it is something completely unrelated which does so. Such as one crew selling a skull at plunder while another crew on the server is digging up a chest on snake island.

    The best thing we can do, as frustrating as it can be, is to keep playing and hoping that when it does crash the server logs eventually reveals a pattern which can aid in tracing the problem.

    Thanks for helping to explain. But with the amount of issues since release, feels like this game was still a year away from complete at that point.

    As i said before. We are playing a beta.

    No we're not. We are waiting for the beta to become playable atm.

  • @aarghmaargho ha detto in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @Varneth @Mighty-Ace123

    Rare is on top on fixing the issue.
    You can't test how a patch will behave once it is released on the server.
    Obiously something in the patch is causing servers to crash.
    Every company that creates games have these issues, example:
    Every Overwatch patch has server issues, the moment a patch releases. The servers are crashing or become unstablethere.
    There is nothing you can do against it but be clear and act when it happens, exactly what Rare is doing.

    If you don't understand how developing works, maybe don't judge on it.
    Also it's just haters that will hate on everything that happens.

    I understand a lot how developing works. For real. But developing a game is different from developing a software first of all.

    Second. Most of the videogame company don't make errors like this one. I challenge you to find out a videogame, priced 70 € with AAA rating, with all these bugs and lack of content and with absence of maintenance and when they patch they have to make a rollback.

    As i said before, i was waiting this game soo much and i invited a lot of friends to play this game. I made the preorder too.

    And i'm regreting all the things i did now.

    This game is not worth his price and, for now, it's not worth waste time on it.

  • @varneth said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    I understand a lot how developing works. For real. But developing a game is different from developing a software first of all.

    A game is software....

    Second. Most of the videogame company don't make errors like this one. I challenge you to find out a videogame, priced 70 € with AAA rating, with all these bugs and lack of content and with absence of maintenance and when they patch they have to make a rollback.

    No, most videogame companies either wait months to fix bugs or don't even bother to fix it.
    Also lack of content isn't true, you knew damn well what you bought. It was clear what was in the game and what is coming.

    As i said before, i was waiting this game soo much and i invited a lot of friends to play this game. I made the preorder too.

    And i'm regreting all the things i did now.

    This game is not worth his price and, for now, it's not worth waste time on it.

    Alright so leave then, makes it easier for you, Rare and other people on the forums

  • @katttruewalker I do not think I went against the rules, I just asked what will happen in the future to patch 1.0.7 and dlc THD ... for how I see your answer is equivalent to a ... WE ARE IN THE PANIC AND WE DO NOT KNOW WHERE TO PUT THE HANDS...

  • @bl4cksh4dow78 I was just quoting the entirety of the post made in the mega thread... it wasn't meant to suggest you'd broken any rules, it's just a blanket statement to everyone in that thread.... it does say in the bold text that the situation will be continually monitored and assessed and the features will be reinstated as soon as feasible.

  • @sarni88 they didnt fully undid the patch, the better loot is still in place and so are the other bugfixes, for all we know some of that is actually causing the current allmondbeard issues.

    As a software engineer myself I wouldnt directly suspect the still implemented stuff would cause the issues, however so wouldnt be the handing over of items in the specific case of being in water instead of on solid ground.

    Furthermore, yes they stated the reverting of these features is temporary and they will bring them back asap.

    I just think they tried to do too much in a single update with such short lead time:

    • Open/Closed crews
    • Handing over suplies
    • Hiding Gamertag underwater
    • upping the loot level for higher level players
    • several other bugfixes

    They flew too close to the sun and got burned, in my oppinion they should keep the weekly patches at mainly bugfixing. It gives a lot less overhead and a lot less issues whilst testing.

    As stated by others before, as a dev you simply cannot test for every single scenario a user might come up with to use a certain feature especially in a large scale game like SoT, even if you have a public test crowd, however i do see the value in having such a thing for SoT.

  • @sarni88
    I agree that the test server with pioneers should come back, but even then there will be stuff that goes under the radar. In the end you will only see what your program does when it is released.

    Seeing how THD team is a different team than the patch team, I don't see how this will have an effect on THD.
    Patch 1.0.7 i don't know but as they stated they have a meeting about it today.

  • Well this has been a frustrating night. Lost a bunch of stuff twice now. Who is smoke testing these builds? They need to be played and tested much more than this before launching to public. I still crashed after you reverted the changes which was probably just commented some code out. Whoever did the merge the the live branch probably messed this one up or you forgot to fully take out the bad item sharing code after it was put in. Should really be tested out more guys. Kinda disappointed. Hopefully you get this fixed in the next day or two or people are really going to get upset and stop playing. Its crucial to keep people at this point or the release!

  • @gamepr0grammer finally someone who says the exact things ... just hypocrisy ... just defend them ... the game we have paid and MUST work properly, or tested correctly before releasing

  • @varneth gta online at the beginning 4 years ago, it was also pretty buggy after the heist update gta online was for 1 week unplayable,n to launch there was not much to do in gta online,tell me one open world online game where u can do more,except gta.

  • @weedstar-deluxe a dit dans Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7 :

    @varneth gta online at the beginning 4 years ago, it was also pretty buggy after the heist update gta online was for 1 week unplayable,n to launch there was niot much to do in gta online,tell me one open world online game where u can do more,except gta

    At least you could still play the Solo mode which is already huge and full of contents.

330 out of 456