Are you guys joking?

  • 3 times you guys had to take the servers down for a 800 megabyte patch? And at prime time no less? Get it together.

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  • @howdoishoot926 I turned in all mij booty before shut down so.. no complaints here.

  • @howdoishoot926 said in Are you guys joking?:

    3 times you guys had to take the servers down for a 800 megabyte patch? And at prime time no less? Get it together.

    Hear ye! Hear ye! Come gather around this empty field where I sow my F's and observe there are none to give. IDGF

  • @howdoishoot926

    I just lost my legendary chest because of it, not enough time to turn it in. I'm most likely going to uninstall this game and come back a year or two. Waited long enough for them to get their act together. No trailer today, and now this bull c**p.

  • @halvar-the-pale Ahoy matey!

    Unfortunately the server has had a rough time today, soo much that the team decided enough was enough and needed to be rolled back... 30 minutes was the warning given to give you a small window to cash in...

    The promo trailer will be coming later this week (Thursday is usually video day)

    For now, rest easy in the knowledge Rare is on the case!

  • @hcps-kingchiefa but you give enough f's to give a reply. Your logic is flawed.

  • @howdoishoot926 Touche'

  • @musicmee i get that. But 3 times in less than a day? Lol

  • @musicmee 1 week delayed patch, and this is the result.


  • @howdoishoot926 They have tried to keep the server UP as much as possible but it looks like this hasn't been the best way... they should have just rolled it back first thing this morning but tried to give players some new content. It didn't work... but they tried.

  • @halvar-the-pale yeah, i usually play with my girl when she gets home and now we cant play. Luckily i got some time in earlier, but still.

  • @musicmee said in Are you guys joking?:

    @halvar-the-pale Ahoy matey!

    Unfortunately the server has had a rough time today, soo much that the team decided enough was enough and needed to be rolled back... 30 minutes was the warning given to give you a small window to cash in...

    The promo trailer will be coming later this week (Thursday is usually video day)

    For now, rest easy in the knowledge Rare is on the case!

    True, however my game crashed the first time before the updates and I lost lots of chests. Wish I could get that time back thats all.

  • @musicmee that isnt good enough at this point. We've waited nearly 2 months and the entirety of those 2 months have been empty promises.

  • @purpill I with ya man... lost so many villainous skulls man!

    But to anyone stressing there are tonnes of other stuff going on in the world right now... logging out of Sea of Thieves for a few hours is low on the big issues list for me.

  • @personalc0ffee its been 2 months. The only meaningful patch they created had to get rolled back, because the developers are apparently super terrible at their jobs. This was literally the only redeeming patch theyve created. But hey, as long as the skeletons have different colored bandanas.

  • @personalc0ffee lol. No.

  • @personalc0ffee like?

  • @halvar-the-pale agreed.

  • @personalc0ffee lol. Game stability and bug fixes, i understand. Allow me to rephrase, since you lack the mental capacity to grasp this. The only meaningful content patch. All this means is we now have to wait even longer the hungering deep. Cause the patch that was meant for this week, im sure is getting pushed to next week.

  • @howdoishoot926 said in Are you guys joking?:

    @musicmee that isnt good enough at this point. We've waited nearly 2 months and the entirety of those 2 months have been empty promises.

    Like you have been able to keep all the promises you ever made. Stop bashing RARE and the Devs, atleast they are trying. That's more than can be said of other games these days.

  • @hcps-kingchiefa sure. Nobody is arguing that. And i certainly agree that there is a lot more transparency with rare than other companies, but this is just getting absurd.

  • @personalc0ffee are you mad? You seem mad.

  • @howdoishoot926 Can you do what they are doing?

  • @musicmee Thirty minutes? Thirty minutes is not enough warning time to do quests that take 1 - 2 hours to do. By the time you get the warning, you've already put in about an hour's work towards it. It is the absolute most infuriating thing when you've done a legendary quest solo just to have the timer take the legends chest away. I did the quest for, and only for, the athena reputation. It means basically no progress was made, all of your time wasted, unless you sold that chest. I didn't.

  • Prime Time where? It's always going to be "prime time" someplace on the planet.

  • @hamytheturtle Unfortunately matey in this circumstance the team needed to reboot ASAP before the whole thing went down... 30 minutes was all you got... it was an emergency, any future downtime will normally be planned and have a lot more warning.

    I was in a similar boat (ignore the pun - its late) level 49 OoS and got nowhere tonight!

  • So since the servers are working now did you remove the open and closed team options and the handing of supplies only.....and everything else is still there or is the whole patch gone...bc my Xbox sees it updates but I'm not showing the open or closed options

  • Or maybe you would prefer no patches at all? To the boo box with you!

    alt text

  • @wizensquire1113 first of all mine was just an inquiry not a complaint... I have no issue with what has happened as it is a great game that I will play with or without the patch....second trolls like you are what cause people to get mad because you turn everything negative. And finally if you don't have an answer please don't reply as I don't have time to deal with your stupidity or rudeness

  • @hamytheturtle yeah well at least you got a 30 min notice, in dont know if you have been playing more today but the servers kept on crashing, sometimes after 20 mins sometimes after a couple of hours, and because if it being a crash there was no notice whatsoever.

    The notices are meant to be seen as “head to an Outpost near you NOW without delay”

    @BLACKOUT1482 they removed the following:

    Open/closed crews
    Handing over items
    Hidden name underwater

    As far as what was communicated the bugfixes and increased loot levels for higher level players were all kept in

  • @hcps-kingchiefa lol. I love this cop out. No, i cant. But i also didnt spend money to go to school and receive training specifically for what they do. Im just a consumer who feels conned out of his $60.

  • @howdoishoot926 @HcPs-KingChiefa As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. Failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • @callmebackdraft thank you

  • @blackout1482 im not sure. Just doing my first voyage, so we'll see.

  • @blackout1482 There was meant to be a reply to the one who made this topic. Complaining about server maintenance regardless of how many times it needed to be taken down is pointless,

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