Becalmed - Lyrics

  • Becalmed

    It’s time again
    To sail far away
    To shores where no man has dared

    With tears, and fears, we leave our homes
    And hope the seas’ be calmed
    We will sail then, together
    Each, side by side.

    And if, the wind,
    Be in our sails
    Our journey will carry on.

    But if the tides turn against us,
    And all hope is shattered
    What then, will become of us?

    If we will lose our faith
    Then everything we care
    Will slowly fade away
    And we’ll never see our dearest

    Unless we will find a way

  • 27
  • @eredhar Brought a tear to me eye, mate! Great work :)

  • @katttruewalker Aww, thank you!

  • @eredhar Aaargh the feels! Cheers!

    alt text
    alt text

  • @deashkiin Ahoy there!

  • @eredhar That is lovely! Super clever bloke you!

  • @lizalaroo aww, thank you.

  • @eredhar did this song really gonna sound like that with the text? or is it someone who made it up

  • @freddy-floats It goes with the melody.

  • The actual lyrics are in a book on the east most island of snake island. It’s next to three barrels in the center.

  • These lyrics capture the song in sea of thieves so well thank you for rightinv thos matie id sail the seas wit yo any day to skull islands bay X

  • @king1cobra Cheers mate

  • @eredhar Are these the actual lyrics from the game? I screen shorted them today in the book but didn't get to read them.

  • @daveyjay1984 I doubt it haha. I wrote them a long time ago.

  • @eredhar I'll track them down and post them here when I get back to the PC.
    Love your work though.

  • @daveyjay1984 Thank you :)

  • @eredhar
    So these are the images I found. Believe there was a title to the book but I was rushing and forgot to screenshot that. May have been Becalmed or Becalmed 2.
    Hope you enjoy.

  • @daveyjay1984 That's a nice find

  • @daveyjay1984 the lyrics you posted with these screenshots can also be found in the actual book you can find in the SoT store. Tales from the Sea of Thieves. Great read actually.


  • @glenn345 Nice

  • I found these lyrics in a Journal while rummaging around Sunken Grove, and when my friend noticed it was labeled "Becalmed" I instantly recognized the song and pulled out my Hurdy Gurdy to play it.

    And lord, would you believe the tear inducing, pure revelry and awe I felt playing, and singing these lyrics not having known they'd existed for a song I'd already learned to love.

    Easily one of the most awe-inspiring moments in my entirety of the Sea of Thieves experience; stumbling upon lost lyrics to a song many recognize but don't really know. I truly believe I'd found treasure, bravo dude!

    I'd really love to make a cover of this, my crew begs me to sing it all the time!

  • @notesofneon Haha, that's sweet

  • @eredhar
    I love this shanty!

  • @diehardtwb
    On of Rare's best music in the game.

  • @eredhar arr the feels cheers drinks rum

  • @eredhar captain flameheart invented this song mate

10 out of 27