[Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion

  • @d3adking said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:

    @mri1ama what i mean is:

    if i am the Pirate, i dont give a damned about my ship. you sink it? fine i will be back with a new one. now imagine what i do, if i dont have any chests to defend and i get attacked.
    i scuttle my ship and move on, because figthing someone that has no chest is wasted time!

    thats why pvp players need to lose something, or only allow pvp when you have at least one chest.

    So let me get this straight - what you are saying is people should only be allowed to PVP when there is a chest at stake - otherwise its a waste of time for both parties and one of them might use the tools available to him to keep the fight as short as possible? It seems then you do have a little bit of an understanding of what risks are at play then

  • @d3adking I know that's exactly what you meant, but here i'll give you a task. When the game comes out, go out there and only PvP for a day. Don't do voyages just PvP and tell me how much gold and rep you get from it. Then do a day where you only PvE and tell me how much gold and rep you get from it.
    I can promise you since i've done both, you get way less gold/rep per hour doing purely PvP than PvE, THIS IS THE COST OF DOING PvP.

  • @mri1ama said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:

    @d3adking I know that's exactly what you meant, but here i'll give you a task. When the game comes out, go out there and only PvP for a day. Don't do voyages just PvP and tell me how much gold and rep you get from it. Then do a day where you only PvE and tell me how much gold and rep you get from it.
    I can promise you since i've done both, you get way less gold/rep per hour doing purely PvP than PvE, THIS IS THE COST OF DOING PvP.

    I can vouch for this - the last 12 hours of the previous scale test was used by myself to hunt ships and try to loot them - I was succesful in my battles 3 time and of them 3 only 1 had any loot - 1 chest - the other 3 times I was successfully owned by the other team. The remaining hours was spent looking for and resupplying resources and of course looking for ships - 12 hours and all I got was 157 gold

  • @th3loveboat This thread has literally been people posting their worst possible moments and making it out to be a common occurrence and tagging people as griefers who attack them and steal "their gold". With people like me and a few others trying to convince them with logic why their opinions are flawed. To no avail for the most part.
    but it is nice to see your post I had very close to the same experience as you, I started a party galleon with another crew and ended up sailing the seas to find more crews to pile in one galleon, we got up to 16 pirates lol.
    Cheers mate.

  • Party-galleon! Hahaha brilliant. We didn’t get anywhere near that, but will try that release day!

    I’m still chuckling at some of my experiences now. We decided to see if we could sail our galleon as drunk as possible. After a few minutes necking the grog we climbed to top deck- one dude went towards the heel, one dude managed to make it to the anchor and I went to get the sails. In my drunken state however, I staggered straight over board haha the crew managed to drop the anchor and wait for me to drunkenly swim and climb the ladder back up. They were all waiting for me atop the ladder cheering and as I got to the top, I thanked them by chundering straight in their faces. Then my pirate just could not stop it - I literally covered the whole top deck in vomit as I staggered around hahahaha My only request for the final release is the ability to source more grog without having to buy new tankards. Turns out I have quite the grog problem whilst on the seas.

  • @lagunavii the low reward for pvp was in my list of "pvp vs pve" problems.

    and my fix was to create a risk for pvp players, but in return give them a target and a bounty that they get for sinking it. maybe they need to add multiple targets each, so that you still get a target if the crew leaves.

  • @th3loveboat Hello there Fellow Brit :D nice to have you pirating with us - i'll just chalk your experience up against the people are having a great time so your bad experience does not equate to everybodies board -

    Really glad you had a good time and I quite agree playing with 4 people is by far more rewarding than playing solo can ever be - get yourself a good crew with mics and you are in for a barrel of laughs

    But yeah as @MrI1ama has said - this thread in perticular has become a very toxic place that runs very high with low level toxicity -

    But hey I love coming back here - absolute gluten for punishment me - grab a cup of tea and enjoy the ride

  • @th3loveboat Yeah we need some mid voyage grog resupply like a floating grog barrel among the supplies floating in the ocean or on islands, I whole heartedly agree, also we need a tap in the captains quarters for quicker access to grog. #moregrog

  • @d3adking But thats the thing - neither ship in a battle get a reward, there isnt a low reward, because there isnt one at all - as I have said and @MrI1ama has said - you need to stop seeing the loot you may potentially loose as a prize/reward - it isnt, Rare have been pretty clear on it, Chests are never yours to own - they are only yours to protect and if you can do that you get the reward.

    People need to stop trying to split the community into PvP and PvP players - this game isnt like that. It's PvPvE - yeah there might be those who prefer PvE over PvP and vice versa, but ultimately to get the most from the game you need to embrace both

    Punishing those who are good at the PvP, wont create a risk for them, it will create a hindrance and unbalance the game - you never know they might introduce a bounty system down the line - but it should not be used to send players after other players just because they are good at one aspect of the game

  • @mri1ama i agree with that. i wanted to add it to my list, but it's not a pvp and pve issue i will not add it.

  • @lagunavii what you say is, if you are good at pvp, dont add a risk for the pvp player, because they already get almost no reward. my goal is to balance the whole pve and pvp part, and i think pvp players need to lose somethig like the pve players.
    you are unable to protect your pirate flag? it's your fault.
    on the other hand, i want for pvp players to get an additional reward for sinking their targets (targets = random ship pve or pvp). maybe every ship will have a flag, and as a pirate you can return them, as normal players can return the pirate flag.
    and therefore the pirateflag has to cost like the voyages. but because of the possibility of abuse, the price and the return value of a flag has to be the same.

  • "I state my regret" - Michael Scott.

    I posted a proposed change and a theory that may help improve PVE experience. To be fair, I'm a devout PVP fan, but I wanted to post an idea to blur the lines a bit in a way that would be helpful, in my eyes.

    I totally love the game as it is and wouldn't change a thing because I thoroughly enjoy PVP on this game. I simply wanted to suggest something to add a little more depth and help the PVE audience as an idea to throw into the discussion :). There are a lot of people very charged for and against PVE aspects, so I just wanted to toss in one possible idea, but I'll leave it to the devs.

    I hope the beta weekend that comes up next helps put those who are uneasy at rest!

  • @nyxotoken said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:


    NO AND no
    and NO
    KEEP THE PVP The way it is!
    reduce the number of outpost to the bare minimum that doesn't provoke outpost camping

    The game play is only bad atm because people have nothing to lose in the beta...

    Don't Turn into World of Warcraft and reward people that cry in the forums!

    a SLOOP can easily out maneuver a galleon


    Its a PIRATE game

    NOT barbie unicorn hair dresser 2

    What are you on about? As far as im aware ive done nothing but support the current game, the only thing I can think of is changing spawning and that is a must! Enlighten me to what youre upset about because I am not scrolling through 1000+ messages.

    Also I am fully fully aware on how a sloop can outperform a galleon, I and others extensively tested it before everyone else...

  • In this post, rather than discussing whats "wrong" with the game or proposing ideas on how to "fix" it, I thought I'd simply share my thoughts on how I, as a solo PvE focused player, am planning to attempt to enjoy myself in the upcoming test period. The announcement for the most recent scale test mentioned another test "where players will get a taste of the wider Sea of Thieves experience," and I'm guessing this may mean access to more factions to get quests from. If so, it's likely that animals and other goodies will be randomly spawned on islands, in addition to the chests, gunpowder kegs and so forth we have already been finding. If so, my plan is to start each play session by hopping on my boat without doing anything else first, and immediately sail to the nearest mid- to large-sized island. There I will spend just a few minutes collecting whatever goodies I can set eyes on and sail directly back to sell them. I'm not certain, but it feels like the game tries to spawn you in to a new instance some distance away from other players, so you have a little time to yourself to do a couple quick preparatory tasks. It's this time I intend to use to try to get in one quick, mostly safe voyage, though I will still be keeping a wary eye out, especially when I get back to sell. After the first voyage, I may try some purchased quests, if only to get a little practice, or I may just continue running super short voyages to grab random loot and sell just a few pieces at a time... it will depend on the individual play session.

    I hope this helps at least a few other PvE style players find at least one way to have some fun in the next test, and perhaps the full game beyond. Thanks for taking the time to read!

  • @aprovoked-mango You hit it right on the nail man.

  • @deusnecrotis it doesn't always spawn you away from people unfortunately, as i also had this thought of 'if engagement time is supposed to be 15-30 minutes then maybe when you first spawn in it waits to instance you with others = problem solved.' sometimes you spawn in and there's already a ship on the horizon.

  • @saladbrains yeah, that's true, I have already spawned in with a ship nearby once or twice. Still, if the game at least tries, I should be able to get an occasional hassle-free voyage, if nothing else. Also, depending on how much new content is available this time, there may not be a lot of other options yet. Still, though, you make a good point.

  • This time I'm going for the Longest Post Ever trophy. Please bear with me, I would very much appreciate it if you (whoever you are, whichever "side" of this discussion you're on) would take the time to read (or at least skim) all of this and tell me what you think. It is a good idea? A bad one? All opinions [at least any that won't get your post deleted ;)] are welcome. In an earlier post I talked about an idea for adding exploration quests with no stealable rewards so that PvE players could have something to do without always risking PvP losses, since PvP player are never required to engage in PvE content in order to start or continue PvPing. I've given the idea some more thought, and a few problems occurred to me. First, adding a whole new faction, and probably having to expand the map significantly in order to include uncharted islands, all sounds like a lot of extra work for the developers. Second, the idea of some kind of "Explorer's Guild" that for some odd reason hires pirates instead of actual explorers doesn't fit especially well into the established lore of the game. So I set about trying to refine the idea. Here's what I've come up with.

    Instead of a new faction giving out pure PvE quests, each existing faction will have their own type of "Side Quest" that players can buy. Side quests are not the factions' main interests, they want you doing "Main Quests", so they should probably provide limited Reputation progression, cost more to buy than Main Quests, provide smaller gold payoffs, and maybe even be designed to take longer to complete. A couple ideas for progression limitation could be: players can only ever get to rank 2 via side quests, after that only main quests provide Reputation, or; players can only ever earn a certain percentage of the reputation required for their next rank up (say, 20%?) and the remaining (80%?) must be acquired through Main Quests, but after ranking up they get a new 20% to play with. As for limiting money rewards, perhaps Main Quest rewards could be though of in terms of how much of your profit is required to purchase a new quest from the same tier, and make sure that Side Quests always require a significantly larger percentage of your profit to buy a new one. These limitations should, hopefully, serve to encourage PvE players to take bigger risks by purchasing Main Quests and collecting extra loot on their Side Quest voyages, rather than always sticking to the safest option.

    Regarding the quests themselves, each faction could have it's own unique kind of "extra" work for players to do. For example, the Order of Souls wishes to expand their magical influence, and so will pay small amounts of money for players to sail to specific islands and use their sword to carve magical Order symbols into rocks and trees. What do these symbols do? The Order is not saying... Meanwhile, the Merchants could send players on quick messenger quests, giving them one or more short messages (which the player might be required to write down and type back in, or just select from a list of similar messages) along with one or more destinations for delivery. The messages could be in the Merchants' own cryptic code, something like "The King of England has lost all his truffles," the true meaning of which players can only guess at. Finally, it seems like shipwrecks are randomly spawned. If so, they could be the target for Golden Hoarder Side Quests, as they send players out looking for ship salvage to bolster the fleet of Hoarder ships that carry gold and goods back to the banks and wealthy customers of Europe. Players could sail around until they spot a wreck, then sail right up close and mark it on their ship's map table. When they have found the requested number of wrecks, they sail back and deliver their findings.

    Of course, these are all very preliminary ideas, but the key features they share are pretty simple. They offer a poorer balance of investment to reward than Main Quests, they don't tie too directly in to, or provide much progress for, the faction or Pirate Legend progressions, and they don't require the player to carry a stealable item. They do, however, still leave the player vulnerable to attack, as well as any incidental goodies the player may have picked up in the course of the quest.

    Again, I would very much like to hear what PvE and PvP and PvPvE players alike think about this. Thanks very much for taking all the time to read my postzilla here.

  • LEAVE THE GAME ALONE!!!!!! Being a pirate ain't easy. Suck it up and strap on yer boots.

  • @urbantumbleweed said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:

    LEAVE THE GAME ALONE!!!!!! Being a pirate ain't easy. Suck it up and strap on yer boots.

    Was this directed at me? It seems like it was, since it came right after my post and had no tag or quotes to direct it elsewhere. If it's not at me, please ignore the rest of this.

    First, thanks for your reply, and for taking the time to read any of that giant thing. Although, the be honest, it sounds like all you're really saying is that this discussion should not even be taking place. That is of course a perfectly valid opinion, it just doesn't add much to the conversation.

    For reference, I would like to direct your attention (and that of others) to this YouTube video posted by the developers. Pay particular attention to the first 40 or so seconds, where they say in no uncertain terms that one of their most basic design concepts for this game was to create an open, friendly, shared world free of some of the barriers to entry many other shared world games have. There have been a fair number of posts here which voice the opinion "suck it up" or "it's a pirate game, deal with it" or some variation thereof, but that seems to fly directly in the face of what is, after all, a core design principle for this game.

    Still, though, these are just my opinions. I'm am not saying that you are wrong, or that I am right. Just to be clear. Thanks again for reading.

  • Oh man I've stumbled upon the, 'everyone panic before the game's out' section. popcorn intensifies

  • @d3adking said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:

    @lagunavii what you say is, if you are good at pvp, dont add a risk for the pvp player, because they already get almost no reward. my goal is to balance the whole pve and pvp part, and i think pvp players need to lose somethig like the pve players.
    you are unable to protect your pirate flag? it's your fault.
    on the other hand, i want for pvp players to get an additional reward for sinking their targets (targets = random ship pve or pvp). maybe every ship will have a flag, and as a pirate you can return them, as normal players can return the pirate flag.
    and therefore the pirateflag has to cost like the voyages. but because of the possibility of abuse, the price and the return value of a flag has to be the same.

    Again - you are looking at this wrong - the PvE'ers do not loose anything. The loot they lost never belonged to them. All that has happened is they have failed to protect the loot - which primarily one of the tasks you need to do to then go on and get the reward.

    The PvE and PvP is pretty balanced the way it is - its just people can not see past the "oh I have lost my chest after so many hours work" argument -

    I have told you once and I will tell you again - you do NOT own the chest - it is not yours to loose... you dont get a reward when you dig that chest up on the beach just like you dont get a reward when you destroy a ship and loot it. All you get is the Right to try and protect it!!!

    PvP is just a means to an end just like PvE is - you can either get the chance to return a chest through voyages or you can get a chest through sinking ships... and everyone has the ability to get the chests either way - that is to say everybody can sink a ship, everyone can be sunk and everybody can take part in voyages - seems pretty balanced to me...

    what you are doing in not looking for balance - you are trying to ensure reward for sinking ships when there is no need, you are trying to ensure loss when there is no need

    Again STOP seeing that chest as the ultimate goal in all this its not! people who engage you in combat are risking Time, Resource and Effort - it will either play out and they get a chance to protect the chest... or it wont and they get nothing - the same way that a PvE risks the exact same thing going on a voyage they use Time, Resource and Effort for a chance to protect a chest... it either works or doesnt

    There you go BALANCE

  • @lagunavii great words

  • My personal opinion is that the target audience of the game is a little too narrow. It seems like the target audience is hardcore PvPers. I am genuinely curious to see if it will appeal to enough PvP focused people to support the game if PvE focused people decide to pass.

  • @lagunavii said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:

    @d3adking said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:

    @lagunavii what you say is, if you are good at pvp, dont add a risk for the pvp player, because they already get almost no reward. my goal is to balance the whole pve and pvp part, and i think pvp players need to lose somethig like the pve players.
    you are unable to protect your pirate flag? it's your fault.
    on the other hand, i want for pvp players to get an additional reward for sinking their targets (targets = random ship pve or pvp). maybe every ship will have a flag, and as a pirate you can return them, as normal players can return the pirate flag.
    and therefore the pirateflag has to cost like the voyages. but because of the possibility of abuse, the price and the return value of a flag has to be the same.

    Again - you are looking at this wrong - the PvE'ers do not loose anything. The loot they lost never belonged to them. All that has happened is they have failed to protect the loot - which primarily one of the tasks you need to do to then go on and get the reward.

    The PvE and PvP is pretty balanced the way it is - its just people can not see past the "oh I have lost my chest after so many hours work" argument -

    I have told you once and I will tell you again - you do NOT own the chest - it is not yours to loose... you dont get a reward when you dig that chest up on the beach just like you dont get a reward when you destroy a ship and loot it. All you get is the Right to try and protect it!!!

    PvP is just a means to an end just like PvE is - you can either get the chance to return a chest through voyages or you can get a chest through sinking ships... and everyone has the ability to get the chests either way - that is to say everybody can sink a ship, everyone can be sunk and everybody can take part in voyages - seems pretty balanced to me...

    what you are doing in not looking for balance - you are trying to ensure reward for sinking ships when there is no need, you are trying to ensure loss when there is no need

    Again STOP seeing that chest as the ultimate goal in all this its not! people who engage you in combat are risking Time, Resource and Effort - it will either play out and they get a chance to protect the chest... or it wont and they get nothing - the same way that a PvE risks the exact same thing going on a voyage they use Time, Resource and Effort for a chance to protect a chest... it either works or doesnt

    There you go BALANCE

    @lagunavii said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:

    @d3adking said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:

    @lagunavii what you say is, if you are good at pvp, dont add a risk for the pvp player, because they already get almost no reward. my goal is to balance the whole pve and pvp part, and i think pvp players need to lose somethig like the pve players.
    you are unable to protect your pirate flag? it's your fault.
    on the other hand, i want for pvp players to get an additional reward for sinking their targets (targets = random ship pve or pvp). maybe every ship will have a flag, and as a pirate you can return them, as normal players can return the pirate flag.
    and therefore the pirateflag has to cost like the voyages. but because of the possibility of abuse, the price and the return value of a flag has to be the same.

    Again - you are looking at this wrong - the PvE'ers do not loose anything. The loot they lost never belonged to them. All that has happened is they have failed to protect the loot - which primarily one of the tasks you need to do to then go on and get the reward.

    The PvE and PvP is pretty balanced the way it is - its just people can not see past the "oh I have lost my chest after so many hours work" argument -

    I have told you once and I will tell you again - you do NOT own the chest - it is not yours to loose... you dont get a reward when you dig that chest up on the beach just like you dont get a reward when you destroy a ship and loot it. All you get is the Right to try and protect it!!!

    PvP is just a means to an end just like PvE is - you can either get the chance to return a chest through voyages or you can get a chest through sinking ships... and everyone has the ability to get the chests either way - that is to say everybody can sink a ship, everyone can be sunk and everybody can take part in voyages - seems pretty balanced to me...

    what you are doing in not looking for balance - you are trying to ensure reward for sinking ships when there is no need, you are trying to ensure loss when there is no need

    Again STOP seeing that chest as the ultimate goal in all this its not! people who engage you in combat are risking Time, Resource and Effort - it will either play out and they get a chance to protect the chest... or it wont and they get nothing - the same way that a PvE risks the exact same thing going on a voyage they use Time, Resource and Effort for a chance to protect a chest... it either works or doesnt

    There you go BALANCE

    Nah. There should be pve servers. Enough of the pvers want it so just let them have it. Segregation needs to happen. It does on a lot of games and the games do just fine.

    I still think you just want to grieve people. If not you would let them have their servers and go on about your way. It’s all about you want to control them and nothing else and if it is not, I’ll say it again, let them have their servers

  • @sillycolt302271 Clearly you haven't been reading the posts in this thread. Or you are just ignorant to them.
    This is a thread for the balance of PvE and PvP TOGETHER.

    @deusnecrotis Alright so i read through your post there and don't worry I've posted longer ones in here a few times lol. I honestly thought it was gonna be a post where you are invulnerable doing a voyage or something I've seen so much of that, good thing I read it and didn't skim. But just in case let me clarify.
    You want side missions where it's just go to point A do something small and you get rewarded for it upfront without having to cash anything in correct? Let me put some thoughts out there on this.

    • I don't mind this idea per say. As long as it was executed correctly. Like rewards that are reasonable for the lack of risk. Ie the same amount you get from a castaway chest.
    • I wouldn't even go as far to say it should be a separate side mission that you have to buy. Even if they added it to regular voyages like a bonus objective to the voyage itself. And lore wise it could be the vendor saying hey while your out there do you think you could do this for me.

    But yeah then all those people who complain about not getting anything for doing the voyage might be appeased with little impact to the game itself. (I believe you get rep already for completing voyages and parts of voyages. Hard to tell during scale tests because the rep was a bit buggy)

  • @sillycolt302271
    Woooh hang on there - we are at the point in the argument that if you want PvP you just want to grieve people? That is stretching!

    But segregation DOES NOT need to happen at all, there may be enough people asking for it, doesnt mean that its right - by that logic... once enough people ask for PvE servers on PUBG we should let them have it.

    This isnt about wanting a place to Grieve people - as many people have pointed out, if you dont want to be grieved... there are ways and means about it - this is trying to put across that the game is fine the way it is - and segregation will only be bad in the long run.

  • @deusnecrotis That comment was directed to the devs reading the forums not a personal note of any kind. Since this is a discussion I wanted to put in my thoughts. Chief among those, leave the game alone. I have had nothing but fun playing in the closed beta and stress tests. I have had friendly and "not so friendly" interactions with other players all the while. I think a line from the Web Comic "Penny Arcade" sums up my thoughts on the game succinctly, "It's called Sea of THIEVES, not Sea of Friends".

  • @ragemonsteruk Nice. Way to go.

  • @urbantumbleweed Cool, thanks for setting me straight. For the record, I too have enjoyed most of my time in the Sea of Thieves, I just think there might be some simple, unobtrusive ways to allow me (and others) even more enjoyment, without having to detract in any meaningful way from anyone else's enjoyment. Thanks again!

  • @mri1ama said in [Mega Thread] - Balancing PvE and PvP to ensure a great experience for everyone - Discussion:

    @sillycolt302271 Clearly you haven't been reading the posts in this thread. Or you are just ignorant to them.
    This is a thread for the balance of PvE and PvP TOGETHER.

    First, a quick reply to this. 100% agree. The most common phrase I've heard RARE use to describe their intentions for this game is "shared world" and any kind of separate PvE environment is exactly not that. Also, as @Scheefinator recently pointed out, the discussion on safes zones is now officially closed, by RARE, and so that too is fully off the table.

    @deusnecrotis Alright so i read through your post there and don't worry I've posted longer ones in here a few times lol. I honestly thought it was gonna be a post where you are invulnerable doing a voyage or something I've seen so much of that, good thing I read it and didn't skim.

    Thanks again for taking the time.

    But just in case let me clarify. You want side missions where it's just go to point A do something small and you get rewarded for it upfront without having to cash anything in correct?

    Essentially yes. It's meant to be a simple little thing, deliberately light on both content and rewards, in direct recognition of the fact it's also deliberately light on risk.

    Let me put some thoughts out there on this.

    • I don't mind this idea per say. As long as it was executed correctly. Like rewards that are reasonable for the lack of risk. Ie the same amount you get from a castaway chest.
    • I wouldn't even go as far to say it should be a separate side mission that you have to buy. Even if they added it to regular voyages like a bonus objective to the voyage itself. And lore wise it could be the vendor saying hey while your out there do you think you could do this for me.

    All of this sound fine to me. The second point might even be an improvement, since it would sort of streamline the integration into existing game content.

    But yeah then all those people who complain about not getting anything for doing the voyage might be appeased with little impact to the game itself. (I believe you get rep already for completing voyages and parts of voyages. Hard to tell during scale tests because the rep was a bit buggy)

    Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I was going for, a minor appeasement for people with similar complaints to mine, which hopefully does not impact other player's enjoyment in any really significant way. Also, I've come up with another idea that leans even more heavily towards not disrupting the current state of the game, while also not having to deliberately water itself down (any possible pun fully intended) to do so. I'll be posting it in a while. Thanks again for reading, and for being a genuine participant in this conversation.

  • @ray-threepwood Always reduced to pvp? Did you try posting a man in the crows nest and simply avoiding other ships?

  • I'd like once again to try and take another approach to helping resolve the imbalance myself and others perceive in PvP and PvE. First, a bit about why I seen an imbalance. If someone wants to be a pure PvP player, they can. It seems like, at the very least, all players will always have access to the most basic sword, pistol, and ships, so there is never a moment when you are flat out required to do quests, progress towards Pirate Legend, or even sell booty seized as spoils of victory, in order to enjoy your PvP game play. On the flip side, if someone wants to be a pure PvE player, they really can't, since they are perpetually required to engage to avoidance strategies if they wish to have any reliable chance of getting their potential reward (emphasis on "potential") all the way back to port to cash it in. Avoidance strategies they may be, but they are still PvP centered activities imposed upon all PvE game play. PvP players experience no such imposition.

    That being said, personally I really don't need much to feel satisfied that my wants are being represented. With that in mind, I'd like to propose the following very simple (and hopefully not too difficult to program) addition. Each outpost could have a single new NPC added, who instead of giving quests or anything of the sort, has a list of Sailing Challenges for players to progress through. Instead of offering gold rewards, Pirate Legend progression, or faction reputation, completing challenges would simply unlock a set of special cosmetic items the player can wear and or display on their ship to show off their accomplishments. Challenges could be things like time trials, where the player sails straight to a particular island, circles it, and sails straight back as fast as possible, and there could be challenges where the player is required to sail a figure 8 around a certain set of big rocks out between islands. There could even be non sailing challenges, such as find and kill a certain number of skeletons, and even PvP challenges, like kill a gun wielding player with your sword while eating no bananas.

    This seems to me like it's very little to ask, all things considered, especially since everyone could potentially enjoy this content, not just PvE players like me looking for a "safe" activity. And just to be clear, players engaged in a challenge should definitely still be vulnerable to attack... it is the Sea of Thieves, and for all the other crew knows you're sailing so fast back to port because you're loaded down with loot. The point to this idea is simply that such "voyages" would be too short to offer much opportunity for other players to interfere, and they don't oblige the player to carry anything that can be stolen. Thanks for taking the time to read!

  • @deusnecrotis i kinda like a part of the idea, but more like an unexplored part of the map, that you can only see on the seamap if you completed quests where you had to sail to the corresponding island, and "map" the island (you walk around while having the map open, maybe you even discover more, if you are standing on a high point). but i dont think this will add anything to balancing PVE and PVP.

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