As a new player as of this week. Quests seem pointless.

  • Everytime my friends and I try a quest, someone always comes and kills our ship why we are doing it. We try leaving someone behind but the ship is always dead by the time we get there. The only time we have fun is when we are straight up only fighting people. When we try quests its just garbage having to get picked off over and over. Is there even a point to these?

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  • stick to the far west side of the map

    it's more open space and less gloomy so you can see any threats easier and you're against the red sea which means less places for pirates to attack from

    park on the west sides of the islands for better cover

    Something I always recommend to a lot of pvers is stick to skelly ships and megs if you just want loot and gold

    until you get the hang of things you don't have to be parked you can just cash in on profitable megs and skelly ships which keeps you moving so you won't get tucked on or ambushed as easily

    You can work on voyage related commendations later you will make way more sticking to the above than you will running around doing riddles and dig maps for low end loot

    Assume everyone is hostile and trust no one when you're new.

    If you are on a server with too much pvp for your liking just start a new game.

    Voyages help you learn the islands, their riddle clues and land markings for digging but it's not necessary. Chase down pre-spawned skelly sloops while you wait for megs and skelly ships to trigger on you and you'll make lots of gold and it's fun

    Unless you have a decent crew don't worry about events right now. The loot isn't worth your trouble at your experience level. As you get better you can work in events and work on those commendations but for now it'll take you a long time with a new crew and you're likely to lose the loot.

  • I have never done a quest. I just get some supplies and let things happen organically.

  • @bbearchell2644 said in As a new player as of this week. Quests seem pointless.:

    Everytime my friends and I try a quest, someone always comes and kills our ship why we are doing it. We try leaving someone behind but the ship is always dead by the time we get there. The only time we have fun is when we are straight up only fighting people. When we try quests its just garbage having to get picked off over and over. Is there even a point to these?

    It's not the quests; you're either having rotten luck or you're really, really bad at spotting potential threats. If you climb up into the Crow's Nest of your ship and use the telescope/spyglass to take a look around, you can see player ships render from very far away.

    One of the cardinal rules of Sea of Thieves is to always keep a weather eye on the horizon; danger can come from any direction, and if you spot another player ship on the horizon, you'll be that much more prepared. If you see them sailing towards you, chances are you should probably pack it up and sail away.

    Other than that, the point of voyages is just to get out out and sailing if you don't already have an idea for what you want to do during your session. The game is a sandbox; you don't even need to do voyages if you don't want to.

  • @blam320 So trying to do Tall Tales is pointless? Some other players join your alliance, then sink your ship and kill you multiple times. Leave the alliance and sell ONE skull you got that is such ........ that is what leaves the bad taste in players mouth.
    There is NO code!!!! Just pointless players.
    Not ALL are like that others are there to help you have a good time!! A GOOD time for is had when you meet those players!!

  • @bbearchell2644 said in As a new player as of this week. Quests seem pointless.:

    Everytime my friends and I try a quest, someone always comes and kills our ship why we are doing it. We try leaving someone behind but the ship is always dead by the time we get there. The only time we have fun is when we are straight up only fighting people. When we try quests its just garbage having to get picked off over and over. Is there even a point to these?

    1. Stop putting on blinders when going to an island to do a voyage. Ships don't come out of nowhere and you should see them coming before they reach your ship every time. It is important in this game to learn to watch the horizon, every so often even if you are doing something. This will allow you to engage in a straight up fight when needed.
    2. Keep your sails up and raise that anchor when parking, this will allow you to make a quick escape when needed and getting moving. Even if only one of you manages to get there in time, they can just sail off, keep the ship safe and you mermaid back before turning around for battle.
    3. Park the ship near to where you are, even have one of you reposition the ship if you head out to the other side of the island. Being able to reach the ship in time is about awareness and positioning. Sword dashing into the water can get you to your ship quicker, land cannons can shoot you over. It is all part of the strategy.
    4. Practice makes perfect, the more often you do voyages the quicker and easier they will become and will lower the time it takes on islands to complete them, by which the time frame you are not at your ship.

    There a ton of aspects that come into successfully doing the PvE tasks, but it is mainly being prepared and aware for when others show up, so you can deal with those sails as you deem fit. Usually you have a couple of mins to respond, worse case scenario just drop everything you are doing and go defend the ship. Those skeletons, X marks the spots, animals and even treasure won't be going anywhere.

    Good luck and happy sailing.

  • I'm sorry, but this seems a topic the devs are not gonna address never.

  • @asphaltscrpr1 said in As a new player as of this week. Quests seem pointless.:

    @blam320 So trying to do Tall Tales is pointless? Some other players join your alliance, then sink your ship and kill you multiple times. Leave the alliance and sell ONE skull you got that is such ........ that is what leaves the bad taste in players mouth.
    There is NO code!!!! Just pointless players.
    Not ALL are like that others are there to help you have a good time!! A GOOD time for is had when you meet those players!!

    You're saying a lot without saying much. What exactly are you trying to get at?

    I get it; being ganked by other players isn't fun, but it's on you if you're getting ambushed, or if you're putting too much trust into another crew of Pirates.

    And yes, in a sense doing Tall Tales is also pointless; in fact every game in existence is pointless if you think about it. Why do we play games? Can we derive entertainment from sources other than games?

  • @blam320 ok, west side of the map, trust no one. Hunt skellies and mega.
    I was mistaken when joining a alliance everyone profits for a good time for all, but isn't that the point?
    Trying have fun and stay safe in these times of uncertainty, employment, finances, and health.
    I'm a lifetime gamer, and do have other interests and hobbies, that are somewhat expensive to me.
    I have enjoyed meeting some of the players on the seas who share my same interests.
    Getting side tracked, gotta get ready for work.

  • @asphaltscrpr1 said in As a new player as of this week. Quests seem pointless.:

    @blam320 ok, west side of the map, trust no one. Hunt skellies and mega.
    I was mistaken when joining a alliance everyone profits for a good time for all, but isn't that the point?
    Trying have fun and stay safe in these times of uncertainty, employment, finances, and health.
    I'm a lifetime gamer, and do have other interests and hobbies, that are somewhat expensive to me.
    I have enjoyed meeting some of the players on the seas who share my same interests.
    Getting side tracked, gotta get ready for work.

    That's not the point of alliances at all; they're intended to be tenuous, and prone to betrayal, but there's a small subset of people who would rather exploit the extra gold and reputation that you get while in an alliance to grind out Pirate Legend, commendations, or gold without any sort of real threat. Those are the people that create "Alliance Severs" where nobody fights each other.

    I highly recommend you use the game's official Discord server to find crews that will help you get acquainted with the risks involved in Adventure mode. Or you can go into Arena mode to hone your PvP skills.

  • Those are the people that create "Alliance Severs" where nobody fights each other.

    How does one get one these allance servers? They sound lovely and relaxing.

  • @cotu42 can’t agree more with what you are saying, especially about the ships not appearing out of nowhere. Scanning the horizon is so important

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