Mermaids should only spawn when playing a tune in the water

  • This prevents mermaids from giving away tucking, and also rids the horrible mermaids spawning across the map from you. It would be more consistent and very handy

  • 27
  • @reekyu I like the idea as it would make tucking easier, but it'll never and should never be added.
    If someone is hiding on a ship / island, the ONLY way you know they're there is with a mermaid. Without the mermaid there is 0 counter play to someone hiding on your ship / island. As tuccers we have our tools to steal loot, you can't get rid of the defenders most important tool just to make it easier for you to hide.

    Again, I like the idea as it would make it easier to tuck, but it's not fair for the defenders that they have NO way to tell if someone is hiding or not.

  • @kaijoi I dont even tuck, its the players fault for not finding you or letting you get on the ship. Mermaids are way too obvious and way too inconsistent. The counterplay would just be finding them? or like not letting them sneak on your ship?

  • @reekyu said in Mermaids should only spawn when playing a tune in the water:

    This prevents mermaids from giving away tucking, and also rids the horrible mermaids spawning across the map from you. It would be more consistent and very handy

    mermaid counter tucking because it's fair

  • @reekyu

    its the players fault for not finding you or letting you get on the ship.

    Absolutely it is, but tuccers have the advantage because you don't know they're coming. Sure you can be wary and always have a guy guarding the boat, but if you're doing a fort as a duo sloop you shouldn't have to keep a guy on your boat the entire time that you're doing a fort just for the possibility that someone tries to tucc.

    Mermaids are way too obvious and way too inconsistent.

    Inconsistent yes, but you can hide the mermaids and make them spawn behind the island on the opposite side. Tuccers have most of the advantages because you don't know they're coming, there's no counterplay to preventing a tuccer from getting on the your ship / the island unless you happen to see them swimming up to you. The mermaid gives you a fighting chance to know that there's someone there and it prevents you from being abused because you had no idea that they were there.

    The counterplay would just be finding them? or like not letting them sneak on your ship?

    When I said, "There's no counterplay," I mostly meant in seeing them swim up. Yes, you can always swing your sword around your ship and find a tuccer, that's what I do every time I'm sailing around. But just because you have options for finding tuccers without the mermaid, doesn't mean that we should get rid of the mermaid. It's unfair to the defender that the only way for you to find a tuccer is to guess that they're on the ship and happen to find them hiding. You should give them tools to assist them in knowing there's someone there, you don't need to get rid of that tool.

    Obviously there are ways to counter a tuccer, but just because there's 1 way to prevent losing all your loot to someone hiding, (checking ship) doesn't mean that they should get rid of every other tool that allows you to know if someone is hiding. (mermaid) You don't need to turn the render distance down for ships on the horizon just because you can cannon them when they get closer. The reason why you can see ships from really far away is so that you know where they'd be coming from, to prevent yourself from being rolled up on by a galleon that you had no idea was coming.

  • Tucker upset because Mermaid gave them away. xD

    Nothing should be changed, Lore wise anyways.

  • @kaijoi There is a counter play...assume every island is hostile.and keep your head on a swivel. You don't need a mermaid to tip you off to players nearby. There are plenty subtle cues. But I get why people love mermaids for this.

    It's just a bit... Well, casual.

    I'd love a hardcore adventure mode where these mermaids didn't interfere.

  • @closinghare208 said in Mermaids should only spawn when playing a tune in the water:

    @reekyu said in Mermaids should only spawn when playing a tune in the water:

    This prevents mermaids from giving away tucking, and also rids the horrible mermaids spawning across the map from you. It would be more consistent and very handy

    mermaid counter tucking because it's fair

    I would say, leaving your ship to board a ship which you are outnumbered is relatively fair.

    The more that sneak over the less people to repair if their ship gets hit too.

    Tucking is only half the action, its what you do when you are on're still outnumbered.

    I understand mermaids are a somewhat protected and passionate topic of debate but I'm of the opinion people use these mermaids as a safety blanket.

    Id rather enjoy the tension of pulling up at an outpost not knowing whether I was to be ambushed or not.

  • @reekyu Use a rowboat next time.

  • @daringclarky I'm going to copy paste my second post I made, I assume you just saw my first one, I made a follow up clearing some stuff up:

    When I said, "There's no counterplay," I mostly meant in seeing them swim up. Yes, you can always swing your sword around your ship and find a tuccer, that's what I do every time I'm sailing around. But just because you have options for finding tuccers without the mermaid, doesn't mean that we should get rid of the mermaid. It's unfair to the defender that the only way for you to find a tuccer is to guess that they're on the ship and happen to find them hiding. You should give them tools to assist them in knowing there's someone there, you don't need to get rid of that tool.

    Obviously there are ways to counter a tuccer, but just because there's 1 way to prevent losing all your loot to someone hiding, (checking ship) doesn't mean that they should get rid of every other tool that allows you to know if someone is hiding. (mermaid) You don't need to turn the render distance down for ships on the horizon just because you can cannon them when they get closer. The reason why you can see ships from really far away is so that you know where they'd be coming from, to prevent yourself from being rolled up on by a galleon that you had no idea was coming.

  • I do like this idea but the only thing I have against it is knowing someone is on an island because of mermaids wouldn’t be a thing

  • I agree with this idea less from a stealth perspective and more from a "I hate mermaid RNG" perspective.

    Even if playing music in the water would just make one spawn right where you are in addition to how they normally work, that would be a massive improvement. Instead of swimming away from the direction your ship is in, you just whip out your favorite instrument, and after 5 seconds or so, a mermaid comes directly to you.

  • Okay so
    1.) I dont tuck, its a waste of my time, ive only tucked once and it was ruined by a volcano (a year ago)
    2.) so everyone needs a free hint that someone is there? you shouldnt ever be 100% comfortable leaving your ship alone.

    THIS was hardly supposed to even be about tucking, it was about the rng of mermaids, however I still feel like if someone swims for 10 minutes over to a ship (risks dying to sharks) and sneaks onto a ship, they shouldnt be ratted out.

  • Only good tucker is a dead one your not pace / summit etc

  • @reekyu With you. I don't tuck. I've never had anyone tuck on my ship. BUT: I love that in the world of SoT, tucking is something I need to be on my guard for. I'd love to see stealth play get a boost overall. Right now, seems like few players actually try stealth. Fewer mermaid gens are a step in the right direction.

  • @daringclarky said in Mermaids should only spawn when playing a tune in the water:

    @closinghare208 said in Mermaids should only spawn when playing a tune in the water:

    @reekyu said in Mermaids should only spawn when playing a tune in the water:

    This prevents mermaids from giving away tucking, and also rids the horrible mermaids spawning across the map from you. It would be more consistent and very handy

    mermaid counter tucking because it's fair

    I would say, leaving your ship to board a ship which you are outnumbered is relatively fair.

    The more that sneak over the less people to repair if their ship gets hit too.

    Tucking is only half the action, its what you do when you are on're still outnumbered.

    I understand mermaids are a somewhat protected and passionate topic of debate but I'm of the opinion people use these mermaids as a safety blanket.

    Id rather enjoy the tension of pulling up at an outpost not knowing whether I was to be ambushed or not.

    true but it's still better the way it is now in my opinion

  • @kaijoi said in Mermaids should only spawn when playing a tune in the water:

    @daringclarky I'm going to copy paste my second post I made, I assume you just saw my first one, I made a follow up clearing some stuff up:

    When I said, "There's no counterplay," I mostly meant in seeing them swim up. Yes, you can always swing your sword around your ship and find a tuccer, that's what I do every time I'm sailing around. But just because you have options for finding tuccers without the mermaid, doesn't mean that we should get rid of the mermaid. It's unfair to the defender that the only way for you to find a tuccer is to guess that they're on the ship and happen to find them hiding. You should give them tools to assist them in knowing there's someone there, you don't need to get rid of that tool.

    Obviously there are ways to counter a tuccer, but just because there's 1 way to prevent losing all your loot to someone hiding, (checking ship) doesn't mean that they should get rid of every other tool that allows you to know if someone is hiding. (mermaid) You don't need to turn the render distance down for ships on the horizon just because you can cannon them when they get closer. The reason why you can see ships from really far away is so that you know where they'd be coming from, to prevent yourself from being rolled up on by a galleon that you had no idea was coming.

    Let me clarify, you aren't wrong in what you say. It's just I feel for me personally it would be more fun and a little more hardcore.

    I'm the type of person who opts for Permadeath modes on games and stuff though and love a punishing experience.

    I would rather sail a brutal sea than an occasional difficult one.

    So although I totally understand why it's there, for my own preference I would prefer no mermaids. However I know this will never happen. But I'd love a 'hard mode' of sorts where its more brutal and unforgiving.

    Of course understandably, it's not for everybody and that's the main has to be.

    Based in that, its also why PVE servers will never be a thing too (thank god).

    So with me being the minority on the mermaid topic I do accept it won't happen.

  • @reekyu once they are on the ship, the mermaid goes away anyways.

    Furthermore, using rowboats to hide eliminates mermaids from showing up as well.

    Personally, I think this isnt a bad idea as long as you have to play the entire song to get the mermaid or make it so that it isnt immediate. I think it is too easy to fall off a ship and get back on board right now and increasing the time (not distance) it takes to make a mermaid pop up would be a good thing to discourage players from so casually abandoning their ship

  • @daringclarky

    You can’t actually play the game that way. Dig up a chest? Should have been watching your ship. Shoot a cannon? Should have been looking behind you. You are being ridiculous.

  • I have seen this complaint a lot and it baffles me. Why complain about the mermaid when the real complaint should be that you can tuck or hide into the environment. You can make your pirate completely disappear into the ship depending on where you are. You can completely disappear within coups, boxes, chests and other items without displacing them.

    Sorry, while I would not be that upset to change the way the mermaid works, I would also want a change to how and where you can hide while making it impossible to hide into the environment at all. It would only be fair.

  • I can certainly see the appeal, but I think it makes hiding way too easy. With the emotes, you make yourself rather small, which makes hiding on islands almost impossible to find you. Bushes and even visibility in some zones makes spotting people next to impossible. Think of FOTD, the visibility sucks and combine that with the bushes and you will never find people.

    So, I really don't know about this. While mermaids make things obvious, simply removing them makes hiding stupendously easy. All this does is go from one extreme to another.

  • @reekyu The Merfolk has a lore background that doesnt fit with this idea.
    and yes the lore is very much important to many players!

    also tucking is a way to play but only for a a little fraction of players.
    Why change lore or the game to only please a small amount of players and give them such a huge advantage.

    you also suggested pet's beeing more usefull, what about pets allways can find tuckers and call alarm? :D

  • @puggins7318 said in Mermaids should only spawn when playing a tune in the water:


    You can’t actually play the game that way. Dig up a chest? Should have been watching your ship. Shoot a cannon? Should have been looking behind you. You are being ridiculous.

    Actually you can because the seas are quite quiet actually.

    It's only noobs not using their spyglass that think it's like as dangerous as travelling down the Gaza strip.

    The seas are safe if you are observant. I'm speaking as a solo too.

    So an observant crew should have no problem unless it's a crew of 10 year olds.

    So you aren't correct there pal.
    But I appreciate your feedback.

  • We've seen this argument before.

    Mermaids work like they do because it gives observant crews the ability to know when someone is in their vicinity, even in absence of another player ship.

    OP just wants the mechanic taken away so that the strat he uses can work flawlessly every time.

  • @reekyu I could go either way! I have had the same exact thought on playing a tune to spawn your mermaid.

    I spend most of my time looking for opportunities to tuck on other players. 95% of the time, those players never see my mermaid. I know a lot of people have said that part of the reason not to have a mermaid is the suspense of not knowing when you might be ambushed.

    However, from the TUCKERS perspective, I think part of the fun for me is knowing how to manipulate the mermaid spawn point (there are ways to have your mermaid spawn on the opposite side of the island, or not spawn at all if you use a rowboat) OR working with a bad mermaid spawn and still coming out on top.

    With that being said, I would love an update to the mermaid RNG and wouldn't complain. But until then, I will keep enjoying the challenge of stealing loot while a mermaid clearly sits at the front of their boat. When that happens, then I feel no shame in stealing their loot. It's their own fault for not paying attention to the mermaid 5 feet from their ship.

    You might want to look into creative ways to manipulate your mermaid's spawn point (or eliminate it from spawning at all) if you didn't know about them already (rowboat straight into a tower or straight up to their ship to drop a player off without touching the water. Come from opposite side of island, etc).

  • @reekyu sagte in Mermaids should only spawn when playing a tune in the water:

    This prevents mermaids from giving away tucking, and also rids the horrible mermaids spawning across the map from you. It would be more consistent and very handy

    So we make it even easier for people to troll others? While there also exist invisibility glitches that are often performed alongside tucking?

    So do I need to blunderbomb/set ablaze/shoot/cutlass strike every possible location of my ship upon every return because of the chance that I got tUcKeD in the meantime?
    Also yes, the mermaid appearance really is inconsistent, means that even with the current state it often won't just appear like that, even if a 4 man crew is hiding on your ship when spawning at an outpost and you did like 10 minutes something else before entering your ship.

    So when mermaids are too casual, what is tUcKinG then? Exploiting all cheesy mechanic aspects the games offers you?

  • Had the same idea but with an equipped item like a horn or something which has been given to pirates from the mermaids and only works in water it would add more lore and background as to why they go out of there way to help and seem to have a gps on you as soon as your butt hits the water it would also add a bit of counter play if you could hear it from above water it would give away the fact that someone is calling a mermaid and they are within ear-shot

14 out of 27