Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best Haunted Shores Screenshot!

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    Fought Flameheart in a 4 Pirate Sloop

  • FlameHeart!!

  • (

  • The shores just got a little spookier...

  • Ghostly treasures

  • I do it Alone . :-( no Friends . There is a Screenshot :

  • Little bit of Piracy and a little bit of PvE! Oh the Gold to be shared!

  • @lizalaroo
    Me and a friend saw a gallion and went to sink it, but before we could start our attack it came under attack from THE KRAKEN. So me and my friend shot ourselves over and help THE KRAKEN sink them. After they had sunk we used rowboat to get thir loot and that when we realised that they had damed loot, so we fight THE KRAKEN while we stole the damed loot from a fully crewed gallion (witch had sunk).

    (sorry for broken/bad english)

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    spooky shores screen shot by GoodMuninn!

    Anyone else constantly blown away by how absolutely gorgeous this game is?

  • @lizalaroo
    The Skull in The Storm

  • Flameheart and the Haunted Shores!

  • @lizalaroo

    This skelly's the one we've been looking for, he seems to match the description.

  • Will flameheart let me join him now?

  • Showing Flameheart a party trick!

  • @lizalaroo

  • I am flameheart!

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  •  #theghostanchor

  • ![alt text](WE DID IT .png)

  • @wudadnoiz why did you take this image from gamesradar?

  • After doing the event the ship looked like this, and we still got hit less than the previous time.

  • @zbloopers said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best Haunted Shores Screenshot!:

    @wudadnoiz why did you take this image from gamesradar?

    I did not, chillon

  • @wudadnoiz You didn't take the picture yourself. It's been used by PCInsider and a few other news sites. It's not an actual gameplay screenshot.

  • (Used gyazo for the hosting website)

    Just a normal day with a skeleton ship (typed this three times, each accidentally putting ghost ship) being attacked by a megladon and the ghost fleet! That's exactly why we weren't getting attacked. 😂

  • A battle between two formidable armies. The skeleton militia and Flameheart's ghastly marines. The battle takes place at a skeleton encampment at a familiar place with stolen ghost cargo and gems. Flameheart has come to take it back. Who will win?

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