Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment

  • Just for those that claim it is so obvious, the devs dropped into Xbox only servers while on PCs and NOBODY NOTICED during development, but yeah complaining ... ruined the unique selling point: A joint community.

  • @inboundbomb said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @bloodybil To be honest when I the trailer at E3 for SOT a year before it was launched it said at the beginning it was an XBOX exclusive so I took it as an XBOX platform only and not going to PlayStation. Somewhere in that year span it was called a cross platform and I missed that pivotal moment in history. So when I purchased the game at launch I thought it was an Xbox only game. When gamers on Xbox buy a game they don't always look to see if it is cross platform. Why should we..... the Xbox isn't a computer so we don't affiliate players being from another platform playing with us. We buy it because our friends on Xbox play it and we want to play with our friends on Xbox.

    I understand, although even by the time the 2016 e3 trailer dropped, they already were mentioning xbox/windows 10 exclusive.

    It's unfortunate you missed the detail, not everybody looks everything up in details when buying something and that's fine, I for one don't read all the ingredients when I buy food. If I eat something I'm allergic to though, it's still on me to make sure what I consume is adequate for my diet or allergy restrictions. Same for any product you buy really.

    When it comes to games I tend to be careful and make sure I will enjoy what I buy, many times in the past friends told me to buy something because we will have a blast, and turns out I regret not looking deeper in it because the game had flaws or elements I didn't like. Those times, it was on me to check thoroughly first, and I've learned my lesson.

    Maybe this current situation will be a valuable lessons to others as well? Microsoft game? Crossplay y/n? Buy/pass? Why penalize those who did their proper research before buying the game and knew exactly what they were getting into?

  • @nabberwar said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    This whole concept of losing prey/easy targets/bots is nonsense and a complete misrepresentation of most of our arguments. Its not as if I have every ship I come across fill out this short questionnaire before I go sink them. I don't target Xbox players, I target everyone. Enough with the "I'm being bullied complex!"

    Right? Are PC players mind readers as well for knowing which ship to attack because of their platform? Is it another superpower we possess? We attack whoever, whenever we feel like it. Doesn't matter what platform.

    It's ironic and quite hypocritical for people to claim PC players want easy targets, when those who claim this want in fact to ensure they face only weaker targets themselves.

    Who knows, maybe they will invite PC players to their crew like in arena to have the upper hand? I certainly wouldn't accept an invitation coming from someone playing opt-out, whether it's intended or not to be possible.

  • @bloodybil said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @inboundbomb said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @bloodybil To be honest when I the trailer at E3 for SOT a year before it was launched it said at the beginning it was an XBOX exclusive so I took it as an XBOX platform only and not going to PlayStation. Somewhere in that year span it was called a cross platform and I missed that pivotal moment in history. So when I purchased the game at launch I thought it was an Xbox only game. When gamers on Xbox buy a game they don't always look to see if it is cross platform. Why should we..... the Xbox isn't a computer so we don't affiliate players being from another platform playing with us. We buy it because our friends on Xbox play it and we want to play with our friends on Xbox.

    I understand, although even by the time the 2016 e3 trailer dropped, they already were mentioning xbox/windows 10 exclusive.

    It's unfortunate you missed the detail, not everybody looks everything up in details when buying something and that's fine, I for one don't read all the ingredients when I buy food. If I eat something I'm allergic to though, it's still on me to make sure what I consume is adequate for my diet or allergy restrictions. Same for any product you buy really.

    When it comes to games I tend to be careful and make sure I will enjoy what I buy, many times in the past friends told me to buy something because we will have a blast, and turns out I regret not looking deeper in it because the game had flaws or elements I didn't like. Those times, it was on me to check thoroughly first, and I've learned my lesson.

    Maybe this current situation will be a valuable lessons to others as well? Microsoft game? Crossplay y/n? Buy/pass? Why penalize those who did their proper research before buying the game and knew exactly what they were getting into?

    It's true I didn't keep up with it just as millions of other players. As for the cross platform playing I will continue sailing on the joint servers in Adventure but I wish there was a hard opt out on the Arena to be honest.

  • @inboundbomb said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    It's true I didn't keep up with it just as millions of other players.

    Intriguing numbers, but yeah it's always good to check up what you buy. I'm sure people on this forum will think twice in the future should a microsoft xbox game mention crossplay and if it's a genre that they believe doesn't work well with it.

    Or will they? Will they simply buy it regardless and then campaign in that new community to have things changed since it worked for SoT? If a developer is clearly saying "Guys, remember, this game is crossplay!" why wouldn't people say "Understood!... ... ... but what if it wasn't?". At what point does customers have a right to dictate the vision of a product and not their creators?

    As for the cross platform playing I will continue sailing on the joint servers in Adventure but I wish there was a hard opt out on the Arena to be honest.

    I agree that if there is a place where opt-out has it's place, it's arena more than anywhere else. A mirrored competitive match where players are expected to fight and be on equal ground in every respect? Makes sense. As long as enough people use that preference and remain honest in whom they invite in their crew, why wouldn't a soft split works out if enough people use it?

    Like I've said in the past, adventure is a mode with so many factors that totally changes the odds, it will never be balanced. Different amounts of supplies, sizes of ships, number of crewmates, kegs, cursed canonballs, random PVE threats that can pop left and right, even under the same platform things will never be on equal ground. That and the facts some sessions you might not even meet anyone, you only have odds of meeting people of a different platform if you do, and they might not even be hostile. I just don't understand people claiming they would magically see a bigger difference amongst all those variables than in arena.

  • @inboundbomb said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @bloodybil To be honest when I the trailer at E3 for SOT a year before it was launched it said at the beginning it was an XBOX exclusive so I took it as an XBOX platform only and not going to PlayStation. Somewhere in that year span it was called a cross platform and I missed that pivotal moment in history. So when I purchased the game at launch I thought it was an Xbox only game. When gamers on Xbox buy a game they don't always look to see if it is cross platform. Why should we..... the Xbox isn't a computer so we don't affiliate players being from another platform playing with us. We buy it because our friends on Xbox play it and we want to play with our friends on Xbox.

    Look at the end of the trailer. This is the very first E3 trailer like you said and if you pay attention to the actual end of the trailer. It says Xbox exclusive - Xbox One AND windows 10

    It was always going to be both. Players need to stop trying to say it was either one at first, they were developing it with both in mind from the beginning.

  • @d-jaguar said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @spartanmatt0x just record them and report them for unsportsmanlike behavior. Taking resources I don't have an issue with, but continuing to spawn camp after everything is depleted is a large problem.

    This is not a pc vs xbox problem. I do not think your suggested solution will fix the spawn camping plague.

    No, it's not a large problem, you're supposed to scuttle your ship if you are unable to reclaim your ship. There is already a solution to this problem, therefore it's not a problem.

  • @xultanis-dragon To be honest that it came out for the windows 10 still doesn't mean that it is cross platform. I've seen that tons of times in my life but it meant that it came out for 2 different platforms with separate servers. This one was diagnosed differently and I missed it.

  • @bloodybil said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    The same matchmaking preference added to arena will come to adventure in time. It will most likely be the same preference option, not a hard split. A preference option is the fairest way to implement this soft separation.

    All good things comes to those who wait, hang in there! In the meantime, join crews, meet people, find strength in numbers.

    i doubt that, because the only reason it works for arena is because Arena has a lobby.

    Adventure mode does not, so the only way to implement optional crossplay is by having dedicated Xbox only servers, and this isn't a preference, this is a hard split of the playerbase.

    Therefore, optional crossplay will not come to adventure mode. : /

    Unless Rare backtracks and goes back on their promise to try to keep the entire playerbase together, obviously.

  • @cotu42 said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @spartanmatt0x said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @schwammlgott but it needs to be in adventure!

    And I try to keep my distance, but they still get on. I'm a solo sloop, and somehow people can just sneak up on me and ram my ship and jump on then just start spawn killing me. I understand I'm generally a bad player at this game, but PC players still have a severe advantage in on foot combat which happens often.

    Being against xbox only isn't going to save you from spawn camping if you are oblivious about your surroundings. Somehow they sneak up on you? You mean they sailed over / shot over and you didn't bother checking frequently enough and were to focused on your task to notice. If you believe that there are no PvP xbox players camping and sinking others you are naive, optional crossplay will not change your predicament.

    On top of that you play solo? This is the most difficult crew size to PvP with. If by your own accord you are bad at the game, maybe look for a crew or accept the fact that you have to put in the effort to get better if you don't want to be ambushed.

    You are just trying to point blame on a part of the community and perpetuate a misconception that this isn't on you, but on them. #BeMorePirate the seas are a treaterious, dangerous place especially alone. Never let your guard down and do not allow strangers on your ship, else you will be camped... regardless of the equipment you use, especially as a solo.

    You severely underestimate your fellow pirates on xbox if you believe that the only thing keeping you from being the victor is the machine that the other crew is using. Learn, improve and master before you start making claims about the inability of xbox players to stand their ground against the PC "elite", which you are severely overestimating on average.

    Yes, YES!

    So much truth, i'm losing my mind!

  • @bloodybil

    They've convinced themselves they will see a bigger difference, and they'll see something where there is nothing. It's a common thing for the mind to see patterns where there are none, and it's especially common if they believe they will see something. Placebo, nothing more, and for Arena as well: Sure, you can see that it isn't a PC player, but they still beat you just as well.

  • @bloodybil The off the wall number I gave was from the 7.5 million players that purchased or tried out SOT at launch. I'm guessing that was the stat on the poster that Rare displaysed. Out of that amount there should have been at least 3 million of those players were Xbox.

  • @sweltering-nick spawn camping is unsportsmanlike behavior. Call it what it is. If there is nothing left to take, why not just sink the ship? Instead they kill players as they spawn in for nothing. New players should report them and move on.

    If they stay on my ship, I like to view it the opposite way, they are allowing me to waste their time. I like to waste as much of their time as possible.

  • @d-jaguar said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @sweltering-nick spawn camping is unsportsmanlike behavior. Call it what it is. If there is nothing left to take, why not just sink the ship? Instead they kill players as they spawn in for nothing. New players should report them and move on.

    If they stay on my ship, I like to view it the opposite way, they are allowing me to waste their time. I like to waste as much of their time as possible.

    It's not unsportsmanlike behaviour, they're outplaying you... And instead of scuttling, like you are supposed to, you keep trying to win and failing, and then complain on the forums about it? Matey, the only one with unsportsmanlike behaviour here is you, and your refusal to admit a loss.

    Here's my counter-ask, why not just scuttle your ship and move on with your life?

    Why do you feel a vindictive need to "waste their time"? You're only wasting your own time, you're wasting time being angry, for losing.

    Sea of Thieves Community Code of Conduct:

    • "Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss."

    They are battling, it's not against this rule about sportsmanship, so the only one breaking the rule here, is you. : /
    It is not your business to judge pirates on their methods, yes they could probably sink you, but they, for whatever reason, aren't doing that... This is simply something you have to accept, end of story.

    Though, i will give you an idea of why making people scuttle is tactically sound... It keeps you from using resources to sink people, saves cannonballs for when they are absolutely necessary. This is a perfectly valid reason to spawn camp people until they scuttle, regardless of how YOU feel about it.

  • I've done everything there is to do in this game except max out arena and hunters. on xbox, sail solo, and I do just fine. You're supposed to be on edge. That's what makes it exciting. And if you are getting wrecked that much, it sounds like you need to get better, to me.

  • I totally agree with OP.

    So here’s the deal. When I have a crew with 2 PC guys and 2 Xbox guys. No problem.

    When I have even 1 “Good” PC guy and 3 XBOX no problem.

    When I have 4 XBOX guys? We’re F’ed.

    I’ve (we’ve) been decimated by solo Sloop PC guys numerous times.

    My kids used to play with me and I would just launch one of them over and they would literally kill an entire Galleon crew. Spawn camp them and drive the ship into an island.

    My kids are spoiled little baztardz that play on 3k pc’s.

    I don’t want to play in PC. I want to chill on my couch with my 70
    Inch TV but that shouldn’t make me a victim!

    Yes, my kids are also really good in their XBOXes but they are playing on their OC monitors.

  • Good news is with this Online new thingy where people can play SOT’s and Gears at least us XBOXErs will be able to beat them up!

  • @glannigan

    I don’t want to play in PC. I want to chill on my couch with my 70

    Inch TV but that shouldn’t make me a victim!

    Well, it DOES make you a casual... Which by extension makes you a victim... When you're up against players who are better than you.

    Seeing as PC players spend more money on better gaming rigs, it makes sense that they are less casual than you, given their dedication to gaming. :P

    Which is why your kids are absolute beasts, from the sound of it. xD

    You see, PC players usually don't chill... at all... PC chairs, even gaming chairs, are designed to be comfortable, but they don't allow your body to enter couch-potato mode, you are always focused, and always stressed, which is why i would encourage you to tell your kids to take regular breaks.

    Kudos if they already do take regular breaks! :)

  • @sweltering-nick said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:


    I don’t want to play in PC. I want to chill on my couch with my 70

    Inch TV but that shouldn’t make me a victim!

    Well, it DOES make you a casual... Which by extension makes you a victim... When you're up against players who are better than you.

    Seeing as PC players spend more money on better gaming rigs, it makes sense that they are less casual than you, given their dedication to gaming. :P

    Which is why your kids are absolute beasts, from the sound of it. xD

    You see, PC players usually don't chill... at all... PC chairs, even gaming chairs, are designed to be comfortable, but they don't allow your body to enter couch-potato mode, you are always focused, and always stressed, which is why i would encourage you to tell your kids to take regular breaks.

    Kudos if they already do take regular breaks! :)

    Totally agree but that’s the op’s point. We’re not “even”. Look I get the future man. All gaming in 3 years will be like Netflix.

    Any device - any controller - and well subscribe to “XBOX” - “Stadia” - or “PSN” I don’t even know why these guys are talking about launching Hardware in the next year that shipped sailed.

    But what were dealing with (Xbox Players) is equivalent to you on a custom built pc with 3k in parts and us on Commodore 64’s getting cyber bullied 😭 !!!

    I love the game but I have no intention of getting scoliosis and sweaty just so I win.

    (Personally I don’t mind dying and losing as long as I’m having fun).

    But most people? They’re out man!

  • @glannigan

    But what were dealing with (Xbox Players) is equivalent to you on a custom built pc with 3k in parts and us on Commodore 64’s getting cyber bullied 😭 !!!

    I actually own one of those, and i will say a commodore 64 is legit awesome, moreso than modern PC's. :D

    The racing games on a commodore 64, is harder than any game on any modern PC, by LEAPS AND BOUNDS, they are freaking brutal dude! xD

    Commodore players are absolutely the more skilled players in that analogy, lol. :P

    I love the game but I have no intention of getting scoliosis and sweaty just so I win.

    Unless you have ehler's danlos syndrome, weak body tissue (of varying forms), PC gaming is not going to give you scholeosis, bro... And if you do, you're gonna get scholeosis anyway, from age. :P

    Total myth. :P

    And you ain't gonna sweat, that would imply PC gaming is exercise, lol. xD

  • @sweltering-nick

    Fighting like that gets people excited, and their body works harder to keep their mind going faster. Due to how the body works in that regard, it overcharges their physical abilities too, and as such they can actually sweat a lot from it. It isn't good for you to do that though, and it isn't exercise.

  • @ultmateragnarok I've been a hardcore PC gamer since i was 11 years old and up to around the age of 25, since then i've become more casual.

    The only reason i have ever started to sweat while gaming, is because of improper ventilation in my room, which then i swiftly open windows at the nearest opportunity, and then sweating ceases. :P

  • @sweltering-nick

    It doesn't happen to everyone. And heat definitely is one way to sweat while playing games, that is very much for sure.

  • @sweltering-nick
    Honestly though, I don't think us Xbox players really have much of a disadvantage. Pc players can be more accurate with guns and have more hot keys, but thats it. Also, its balanced out by Xbox being better for cannons(or so I heard). And chilling on your couch doesn't mean you don't want to improve. That's how I play most games XD.

  • If they split it they should do it per controls and not Platforms.
    I can play the game on PC, connected to a TV with a controler and if they split it i want to be in the controler pool.
    Another thing is, why not buy a ssd and KBM?
    Choose your weapons if you want to compete.
    My PC had no ssd and also came not with a KB and mouse included, i had to buy them extra too.

    So the advantage is some buy a PC, KBM and ssd maybe and others dont.
    But what about this.
    Player one plays on xbox one x with ssd and KBM and player two play on an 5 year old rig with poor graficscard, old keyboard what has issues with proper wasd recognition and maybe even an old mouse what doubleclicks when it shouldnt or recognizes no clicks at all.
    What about a PC player with ssd and one without ssd playing with Controler on the Couch.

    It's not cross Platform issue it's an issue about modern Equipment or old Equipment and control Methods.

    What about xbox with ssd and pro Controler versus xbox without ssd and Standard Controler?

    Choose your weapon and dont blame the others if you come with a bycycle to a motorcycle race.
    Simple as that.

    My setup is not the best, average at best and other PC players load in faster and have no KB issues.
    I cannot change my keyboard as i play on a Laptop.
    Should i blame them for using a modern PC and a full functional keyboard.
    At least i have buyed a new mouse to have no doubleclicks anymore ;-)

  • @glannigan hardware isn't going anywhere as long as we are limited by the speed of light. I will NEVER deal with that latency.

  • @bugaboo-bill They should also add in a monitorless PC lobby, that way it is fair for everyone :P

  • PC players always put the same argument forward about different hardware and different Xbox’s.
    I bought an Xbox so I know I’m fighting a fair fight ( as in no cheaters ) . The difference between an old Xbox and new one is barely anything. The main difference would only be SSD or no SSD.
    Notice how PC players are complaining about not enough people to match make in arena now? Why is that I wonder? Because they want to fight Xbox players who are an easier target. It’s not rocket science.
    I’ve encountered way more PC crews in adventure lately. The fight isn’t fair. If you want to play on PC then go ahead, if your PC isn’t as quick or as good as the next guys then suck it up. It’s pretty much what we have to do anyway.

  • @pabio-escobar Thats cute but we complain about the arena only because we have to wait in many cases 15 minutes just to start a match not because we want easy wins we are happy to get rid of all the babies who cry day & night that "pc players were mean to them" the pc advantages are tiny nothing that you can really feel everytime someone have defeated you it was because he was better thats it.
    And if you dont find any of this makes sense PLEASE tell me i would be glad to pound some sense into this case.

  • Sure go ahead “ pound “ away.

  • @spartanmatt0x

    The problem with this is that it creates a hard divide in matchmaking and can result in some people having an unintended experience due to the way servers would fill (or not fill)

    Let's say they did add an actual hard divide for crossplay opt out... Generally there are 6 ships per server. Let's say for example 8 crews have chosen to opt out of cross play. One server fills with the proper amount of ships and the next server only has the two remaining ships that chose to opt out.

    (I'm not saying these are actual numbers, but this is just for the sake of the explanation)

    Rare wants ship sightings for players to maintain a certain frequency which is why they carefully chose how many players it takes to fill a server. It's a major ingredient to the experience they've intended us to have. The best way to maintain that is to make crossplay opt out into a matchmaking preference.

    Rare have a dish that they want their players to consume, every ingredient they added has to be there so that the dish tastes a certain way for everyone who takes a bite. They can't risk presenting an unintended experience to their players for the sake of crossplay opt-out...

    The matchmaking preference is the ideal compromise to make sure that this dish tastes the same to players who are opting out, which are likely a minority.

    P.S. PC players don't have perfect aim.

  • PC players have a better frame rate meaning in sword play they are almost unknowingly always behind you rendering the block useless. Xbox has limited frame rate that can not be changed, meaning my dish tastes more salty than yours haha

  • Frame rate has nothing to do with your ability to turn around, and stop acting like 30fps is a slideshow - I played with 30-40fps for the first year and a half of this game on my PC and it was perfectly fine.

  • I’m not talking about turning around, but thanks for your input.

  • @spartanmatt0x My advice is to get a keyboard and mouse, then when you get destroyed blame it on 30FPS. Then go buy a PC, then when you further get destroyed blame it on hackers.

    That's what I did.

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