Need help with the Legendary Storyteller Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]

  • Ahoy maties!

    Are you stuck? In need of a helping hand? Or have some pearls of wisdom to share with others?

    Well, look no further...

    And remember, if you are offering help, I would also advise not to give the whole game away, and so, in the spirit of exploration and adventure... try by cryptic with your help and give to the point answers.

    Post below and collectively we may be able to guide each other through...

    The Legendary Storyteller Tall Tale!

    (Ps - If we have redirected you here, please don't be offended but we are trying to gather all the hints/clues and tips into one easy to read post)

  • 40
  • So i got the plank from the chest, it looks like a volcano and a palm tree of somessort but i dunno which it was.

  • @reapinglegion Maybe turning it around may help?

  • @musicmee Yea my crewmate just made me look stupid haha Q3 it was.

  • This one has to be the hardest to figure out. I got the first story of the Legendary storyteller but Im am completely confused with the second and third one.

    I cant figure out how to get up to the chest on Fishy Friends..

  • Anyone figure out the "smallest boat" not sure what island this chest is on.

  • Did anyone find out what island "smallest boat" is on?

  • @shortattorney19 Have you tried Lone Cove matey?

  • what are we supposed to do at marauders arch?

  • On "smallest boat" i got something that looks like smugglers bay but we cannot find anything. Help? -_- (Allthough we might think its crescent isle so we're going there)

  • @reapinglegion Have you tried turning the plank around? That might help.

  • @musicmee Haven't got any plank, maybe we should get the stuff on old salts atoll first huh?

    Maybe we were suppose to pick those stuff on crooked masts, i just figured as it wasent painted yellow it wasen't anything there but yea.....

  • Do you have to do this one in the same order as she has it in her book? Tried once and after opening the chest and getting the plank which disappeared so I had to cancel and restart but now I went to N13 but nothing is down there.

  • Help I'm stuck I can't find where bad man is could someone help me

  • I can’t figure out where “monster hunt” is supposed to lead

  • @musicmee I am on ''Naughty man'' and I don't know if I am suppose to follow the lines in the book or read as like a normal book (up, down).

  • @trollungen445 Ahoy matey!

    Follow the lines in the book until you reach the island they drop the chest off at....

  • @yourbabyshaker said in Need help with the Legendary Storyteller Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]:

    This one has to be the hardest to figure out. I got the first story of the Legendary storyteller but Im am completely confused with the second and third one.

    I cant figure out how to get up to the chest on Fishy Friends..

    @shortattorney19 said in Need help with the Legendary Storyteller Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]:

    Did anyone find out what island "smallest boat" is on?

    @reapinglegion said in Need help with the Legendary Storyteller Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]:

    On "smallest boat" i got something that looks like smugglers bay but we cannot find anything. Help? -_- (Allthough we might think its crescent isle so we're going there)

    There were a few posts earlier from a day or two ago that went unanswered and I hope this at least helps people understand how the child-drawn maps are to be deciphered. This video only contains 3 examples which may not be yours but it should still help some of you understand better. This mission certainly gave me trouble even though the video makes it look like that was not the case so don't feel bad if you are having a meltdown currently : )

  • Can someone please tell me why I can't find the quest item for fish friends. I have made it to the island. I've shot myself on about five or six pillars. Please help

  • @musicmee hey you help me a bit? We figured out the old sands atoll for "baddies attack" (key) and had figured out the lone cove one (chest) then tried finding the last key but it timed out saying the key was lost. Is N13/ magpie wreck the wrong place to go for "treasure adventures"?

  • @cheshiretora Ahoy matey!

    I believe you are looking for the uncharted island at K9...

  • @musicmee thank you we figured it out then x3
    Also noticed that briggsy's chest didn't despawn when the key got lost the first time, now we have two chests is that a glitch? I can't sell it to gold hoarders or give it to Tasha.
    Edit opened the old chest by accident and the carved plank vanished.... guess we are restarting it again

  • @cheshiretora Ahoy matey!

    The chest is just handy to have so you can hold 3 items in it, it has no other use or value unfortunately.

  • @cheshiretora Are you sure you still don't have the plank? That is an odd one!

  • @musicmee yeah it disappeared completely, even checked our wood barrel to double check xD i had no plank in my rb wheel and neither did my crewmate/husband like you do with other quest items you get on the tales (compass, spyglass, etc)

  • @musicmee what island is "monster hunter"? only place near ancient spire with a waterfall is devil's ridge but its not between the rocks

  • @cheshiretora Ahoy matey!

    I believe Crooked Masts is the island you are looking for...

  • @musicmee thank you ^^ sorry i kept asking xD so is there 5 different mini stories in total on this tale?
    Did you also get tired of trying to have people think for themselves? lol

  • @cheshiretora I believe there are six different stories for this Tale.

  • @musicmee i went to old Salts atoll but where do i need to go next i dont get the pictures

  • @easedmango94864 Once you are at Old Salts Atoll you should look to see where you need to dig up the treasure. The picture should show you. The treasure is yellowish/gold in the drawing.

  • @ionei-falcon oh cool, i know of "baddies attack", "smallest boat", "treasure adventures", "fish friends", and "monster hunting" what is the last mini tale name? :D

  • Worked on this tale tonight and got my first two items just fine (at Lone Cove and Crooked Masts). The last was the one on Mermaids Hideaway (I forget the name) where you have to get up on the pillar at the north end of the island. It was supposed to be the chest, but it wasn't there. I checked a few guides to make sure I was in the right place and I was. Is this a bug or could someone have taken it before I got there (thinking it was a storage chest)? Not sure why it was missing. Anybody else have this happen to them?

  • Does anyone know why randomly the key gets lost? I'll be on the way to the last island before the plank to open the chest and a message will randomly show up saying tall tale failed key was lost. Does another crew dig it up and steal it? Did I get too far away from something? Did I take too long to do the voyage?

    Also, personally I don't think tall tales should be stealable. For not getting any type of money from it, it's pointless and just time wasting on both ends. There I'd an arena for people who want to be that aggressive. I, hoping in the future they'll be able to make private servers or pve only style servers added as an option.

  • @xofroot-loop I am not sure why the items are stealable but the items are only stealable after you dig them up. As for no gold reward after you finish the tale once you get the item reward (in the first spot), finishing the tale the 2nd. 3rd, and 4th time reward gold and the 5th time gives the legendary item.
    As for the timed post I'm not sure you could have been at the wrong island because that is what happened to my crew, we were at the wrong uncharted island.

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